Ever feel kinda sad when the cashier doesn't greet you or say goodbye?

I don't really say anything to people either unless it's a regular and they seem nice enough.

Other than that....I could care less. I'm sure I've gotten a few "nasty complaints" from people...in my eyes; if it bothers you thatmuch...then your priorities must be in disarray.
What makes me feel bad is when I say "hello" and the customer doesnt say nothing. I usually think they didnt hear me or are just a-holes.
Then I say "thanks" and still nothing, then I know they are a-holes. Then the next time they come, I dont greet them.
That's the norm here in NYC. Especially with the Hispanic females.
I went through the Taco Bell drive-thru today and the lady said "What do you want?". Me and my boy were like
the hell wrong with her?
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