Ever feel kinda sad when the cashier doesn't greet you or say goodbye?

Originally Posted by wanksta23

mad awkward when they dont say anything and your waiting for them to scan all the items

- That's tthhheee WORST!

- That's why I started using the self-checkout exclusively (grocery shopping), a long time ago.
it's pretty funny the other way around though. every so often I try to greet clients and all I get is a stink-eye like ##%?
Originally Posted by Sir Rob A Lot

Originally Posted by King Beef

Wow I thought I was the only one. What's worse is when you hold the door for someone and they don't say a word.

I be like

i make sure they hear a "hey, you're welcome!" uttered in bitter sarcasm.
What's worse is when you're the cashier/employee and you try and greet them but get denied.

"Hello ma'am, how're you today?"
"Oh, no thanks. "
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Too ad to the list, when you let somebody go when driving and they don't have the decency to waveback...pisses me off[/color]
if my self-esteem is that bad that i don't get a good-bye or Hello when im buying something a 7-11 then i'd seek counseling
it doesn't make me sad but it does annoy me...

part of your damn job is to greet the customers...
Originally Posted by Elpablo21

not sad but it be mad shady when they greet the customer prior to me extra cheerful...see me and dont say *%%%

Word I hate that. I can't lie though I never greet customers, don't really enjoy pointless conversation. I just force a smile sometimes just so Idon't come off as a *+%+ and if they happen to say something to me I'll respond.
really u get sad?
do u wear skinny jeans and have ur hair covering half of ur face?

Originally Posted by ERASCISM

Damn, that makes me feel like crap. You walk up to the register expecting a greeting..... and nothing. You think about breaking the ice but too many seconds have passed and it would just be awkward. So then you think, "Oh, they're saving it til after the transaction." You finish up your transaction anticipating a friendly sendoff....... and nothing. I'll remember this forever, dogg.

The real kick to the stomach is when you try to be the bigger person and say "thank you, goodbye." and they STILL say nothing. This happened to me at the coffee shop today. And they had the nerve to put a sign on the register that read "NO CELL PHONES AT REGISTER". Why? You ain't talking to me, dogg. I cannot endure this again.


As if you're going to go off and hatch a revenge plot to make the cashier's life a living hell,

word to Old Boy.

Julius F. Wrek
When I was a cashier, my employers emphasized greeting a customer, asking a question, and saying bye.....

So even before then I always said something, but afterwards, I always watched cashiers and their service....

it irks me when they dont say nothing.
what the heck? i'm surprised how many of yall are agreeing with this dude. Seriously yall need thicker skin- actin like you're gonna cry cuz someonedidn't say hi to you. I'm not tryin to tick yall off but come on now? If someone doesn't say anything to you don't say anything to him/her andget on with your life. jeezum crow
Recomended reading: How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

this is a good read if you been a victim or been victimized by unfriendly people in certain social situations.
Originally Posted by badboyf0life420

let me guess ? you just came back from TARGET? i swear their employees are the rudest people ever..

na...these fat heffers at the BK around the corner are...

i can't stand people in customer service jobs w/bad customer service...

i've worked retail since i've started working and its really not that hard to say 'how are you' and 'have a nice day'

yeah i'm mad
What's good with some of those Mexicans bumping Santana the Great stories? You seem mad emotional over here.
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