Ethically how can we continue to watch football?

Sep 14, 2012
If we know the effect that the sport has had on certain individuals. And how certain individuals have stated that they would trade the $, the Super Bowl rings, the fame, everything if they could just have their health back. 

Are we not supporting a "gladiator sport"??

I'm starting to feel incredibly guilty about supporting this violent game. 
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Politics in football is what sucks. Football aspect of teamwork, unity, smashmouth raw aggresion is what keeps me interested. Go Support soccer instead
These players choose to play the game and know the health risks.
But they're like 22 years old, most people would be attracted to that type of fame and $ no matter what happens to their body.

but when you see the effects that it has on some players years down the road, you realize that it's a problem that needs to be addressed. 

As the public, we are only instigating these young players to go and put their lives at risk for $, fame, entertainment. 

As the public, shouldn't we be more responsible?

Shouldn't we at the very least be advocating hard core for the NFL/NCAA to reduce the health risks of the game? 
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Politics in football is what sucks. Football aspect of teamwork, unity, smashmouth raw aggresion is what keeps me interested. Go Support soccer instead

What does that have to do with politics? Some people call everything they don't like "politics" or "political correctness"
Because certain NFL'ers like Roddy White know and accept the risk. Freedom of choice. Football players are also well-compensated financially, although their remains a need for better advisers and awareness for future, long-term savings.
See I would dispute the fact they do know the risks. I don't think the league even fully knows
They should give them health care after their career is over:

Unlimited full healthcare coverage if were are in the league over 15 yrs
10 years full healthcare coverage if were are in the league over 10 yrs
5 years full healthcare coverage if were are in the league over 5 yrs
5 years partial healthcare coverage if you were in the league under 5 yrs

but the league too cheap for that
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See I would dispute the fact they do know the risks. I don't think the league even fully knows
I take issue with the league for minimal transparency, and lack of urgency to research and uncover medical proof to support or refute potential brain damage in particular. NFL can't claim ignorance, their moral responsibility is to know or discover the facts in protection of the players which they profit from.
Not sure how football players don't know the risk, you have to know getting hit repeatedly in the head will negative effects on you
Not sure how football players don't know the risk, you have to know getting hit repeatedly in the head will negative effects on you
But to what extent is pretty drastic when measuring the spectrum of physical, emotional, and psychological damage.

i'd trade 20 years off the end of my life, die by 70 for 10 years in the NFL, make a couple million, and live that lifestyle.
"Better to live well than long."
i'd trade 20 years off the end of my life, die by 70 for 10 years in the NFL, make a couple million, and live that lifestyle.
"Better to live well than long."

DWS...taking 20 years off your life does not equate to dying at 70, bro :lol:

even if you figure the average life span is 80 (which is definitely high), you're looking at 60 tops :lol:
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DWS...taking 20 years off your life does not equate to dying at 70, bro :lol:

even if you figure the average life span is 80 (which is definitely high), you're looking at 60 tops :lol:
I'm ready to retire soon, DSA. Just wanna watch sports with the homies over endless Sammy, and continue sleeping with beautiful women across the globe.
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