Eminem : Revival

This isn't very good and to make matters worse, I know Em is gonna drop a deluxe version which will have at least 3 good songs on it.

This man stays putting out mediocre/trash albums and then dropping gems as bonus tracks, I don't really understand it.

I'm pretty sure Don't Front, Groundhog Day and Baby were all MMLP2 bonus tracks that all should've just been on the album to begin with.
I've warmed up to it.

Had different expectations going in which put me off to it at first.

Definitely in the bottom 2 of his discography, though.
This isn't very good and to make matters worse, I know Em is gonna drop a deluxe version which will have at least 3 good songs on it.

This man stays putting out mediocre/trash albums and then dropping gems as bonus tracks, I don't really understand it.

I'm pretty sure Don't Front, Groundhog Day and Baby were all MMLP2 bonus tracks that all should've just been on the album to begin with.

when you're as good as Eminem, you feel in your heart when you do things people "want/like" you're selling yourself short because "you're not challenging your talent"

this is why dope MC's usually rap on awful Beats...
wish he'd do an album or tape with Lloyd banks. they always went off on the same songs and their music has matured kinda similarly over the years. plus it would make him use normal beats and the wordplay would be off the charts
Finally got around to listening to this album. Super mediocre to me.

Out of 16 songs there are maybe 4-5 songs I enjoyed & I'll go back and listen to. (Off the top of my head; Believe, Castle, Arose)

I don't think the album is trash by any means but it's EMINEM. This is the album I was expecting but not the album I was hoping for.

The feature choices are disappointing. They all did their job well but why couldn't he have a few features with actual rappers?

Overall, I was hoping for more but it still wasn't terrible at all.
I wish he released the acapellas and other people remixed the album w their own beats (Jay Z - Black Album)

Ever since Travis Barker remixed Forever, he's kinda stayed with that sound:

Which ones are you thinking of?
EncoreThe 2004 album Encore doesn’t carry any of Eminem’s career highlights, but it still managed to sell over 1.5 million units in its first week. It’s his only major-label album to date that didn’t win a Grammy for Best Rap Album. Tracks like the virulently anti–George W. Bush “Mosh,” though, presaged the political content on Revival. was mediocre, and with RelapseThe 2009 album Relapse ended a five-year recording hiatus and reintroduced the Slim Shady alter ego, along with a host of other voices. The album is generally thought of as, at least in part, a tribute to horrorcore rap, which accounts for its often violent, gory tone. — it was the best I could do at that point in time. [Relapse] was a funny album for me because I was just starting back rapping after coming out of addiction. I was so scatterbrained that the people around me thought that I might have given myself brain damage. I was in this weird fog for months. Like, literally I wasn’t making sense; it had been so long since I’d done vocals without a ton of Valium and VicodinAround 2002, Eminem began using Ambien, Valium, and extra-strength Vicodin. After the death of his friend the rapper Proof in a club shooting in 2006, he was consuming “40 to 60 Valium” and “maybe 20, 30” Vicodin a day. In December of 2007, after introducing methadone to the habit, he overdosed and missed Christmas with his children, prompting his path toward sobriety.. I almost had to relearn how to rap.

Is that where all the weird accents on that album came from?
I recorded at least 50 to 60 songs for that album and on each one I would get a little more drastic with the accents, trying to bend the words and make them rhyme in ways they wouldn’t if you just said them regular. It was this gradual thing and I didn’t even realize how accent-heavy the album got. PaulPaul Rosenberg has managed Eminem since the recording of The Marshall Mathers LP, and co-founded Shady Records with the rapper in 1999. He’s also a recurring character on Eminem’s inter-song skits, playing the straitlaced lawyer asking him to “tone it down a little bit.” Rosenberg was recently named CEO of the iconic hip-hop record label Def Jam, a position he’s expected to assume in early 2018. [Rosenberg] didn’t realize it either until he went and played the music for somebody at Interscope and they were like, “Why is he doing all those accents?” So yeah, I don’t know how much replay value that album has.

What was the issue with Encore?
I’m cool with probably half that album. I recorded that towards the height of my addiction. I remember four songs leaked and I had to go to L.A. and get DreSince first hearing Eminem’s ’97 Slim Shady EP, NWA member, producer, Aftermath founder, and Beats Electronics CEO Dr. Dre has had an influential hand in Eminem’s career, co-producing all of his albums. and record new ones. I was in a room by myself writing songs in 25, 30 minutes because we had to get it done, and what came out was so goofy. That’s how I ended up making songs like “Rain Man” and “Big Weenie.” They’re pretty out there. If those other songs hadn’t leaked, Encore would’ve been a different album.

How are you feeling about Revival?
I don’t know. I feel good enough to put it out. I guess we’ll have to see what the reaction is.
Not feeling this. I don't really mind pop-influenced records but this **** sounds hella contrived. Not feeling the rap-rock production either.
Every artist/actor goes through this at some point in their career if they've been around long enough (see Will Smith now).
Em's done more than enough for the game for me to bash him for trying new things. He's 45 years old, we can't expect to see the same Em from 10 years ago. His music has made a pretty significant influence on my life, even if he put out 10 more trash albums I'll always f with Em.
Been rocking with Em since the beginning.

Had very low expectations for Revival and yet I'm still underwhelmed.

Only song I'm feeling off of it is Castle.

This is unbelievably bad.
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