Elon Musk trying to buy Twitter (edit: deal has been finalized)

This is all so weird man. Even if Elon torpedoes twitter and loses all of the 44b he bought it for he still got 150b left. Its literally a toy for him
This is all so weird man. Even if Elon torpedoes twitter and loses all of the 44b he bought it for he still got 150b left. Its literally a toy for him

Which is kind of ****** up when you think about it. Myself and millions of others use Twitter as a legitimate news resource and this dude just revamped the platform and tanked it in the process. It is ignorant and negligent as hell tbh.
There's this running narrative on Twitter from tech bros (really they are sales reps / Musk apologists) that 10% of people do 90% of the work, hence why he is firing a bunch of the Twitter staff. It's a terrible premise. The NBA equivalent would be "10% of your staff score 90% of your points, so fire everybody on the bench and all the coaches and trainers".

It also assumes that all coding is high level stuff that requires a once-in-a-lifetime genius when the reality is that a lot of coding is more just tedious, drawn out work. If anything, you don't want your 10 percenter geniuses wasting his or her time debugging for errors.

Twitter is incredibly complicated under the hood to be able to handle the massive amount of information and users with almost no lag. That must've taken a lot of smart coders a lot of time to build. If anything, the place to improve Twitter is from the top in terms of choosing what features to add and how to improve moderation and how to prioritize content. The site runs remarkably well. But Musk has decided code/server efficiency is where he wants to focus his energy, but with half the staff or less. Good luck.
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