Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

I think people already forgot or something, but ninjahood was held up with a musket. The type of joint they used back during the civil war. Ninjahood left that day unscathed and had a relic from American history after that altercation.
It seems like the author is assuming the entire white community thinks the way he describes. Like our fears of victimization only lie "on the other side of the tracks."
In generally white and affluent areas for example (at least in some of my surrounding areas):
1) Schools have lockdown drills for reasons such as is the topic of this thread
2) College campuses have 911 emergency call boxes on damn near every lamp post
3) Rehabs/detoxes/etc lie well within the bounds of the suburbs
4) Hit lists, bomb threats, etc. are not a rare occurrence in white schools (my sister is a teacher at one of these schools and has had 2 in the past month. All taken seriously: Investigations, ATF, K-9 units, the whole nine)
5) There's an epidemic of prescription pill/heroin use among whites in their late teens and twentysomethings around my parts
The author of this article makes it seems like officials and law enforcement ignores these issues in white dominated communities. Not so.
Doesn't take a brain surgeon to acknowledge there are substance abuse issues and violent individuals in areas other than the inner city. And this is before the recent mass shootings.
in response..

1. this wasnt a big issue again like the author suggested wasnt a national concern, a great deal of worry until it starting affecting so called small quaint white towns. See wayne williams incident

2. same as number 1.

3. that is true

4. also true

5. Again where was the big concern public outcry to demand change etc when the "crack epidemic" occurred

Also as i said the message the author, while not completely true still resonates even in this thread... based on responses...ala making tighter gun laws will reduce gun violence as a whole... when less than a % of firearms occur by legall registered firearms by the actual owner. Coupled with solutions that essentially will only make a difference/curb gun activities in said towns like a newton (which is what kinda town again?)

I mean i agree the author kinda went to far on the left side... but i mean barely. Even so many/most will ignore the truth in his passage. And no the police dont ignore them, what i think he is saying is they kinda dont have a sense of urgency, nor see it as a top priority until these things happen in areas like a colombine/newton. And they sure heck dont make a emphasis of importance when it occurs in minority areas
I have to disagree with your 2nd notion. For several reason: The violence that occured are the same. It's just the Newton shooting is more inconcievable, much more malice involved. But, it doesn't detract from the one common denominator which is the gun. Also, what about the children/elders who are getting caught up in driveby's? They don't know why, or who is shooting them. A life is a life, innocent or not.
And, yes, race and class plays a huge part when it comes to reforming laws.
Funny, how nobody mention that on the same day of the shooting, there was a stabbing spree of little children in China. 22 children were stabbed. At the end of the day, violence is violence. Reforming the gun laws/gun ban will not change anything, just change the weapon of choice.

The 2nd part of my post was a explanation was from the perspective of the general public. How they see it.

That wasn't my personal views, just to be clear.
Funny, how nobody mention that on the same day of the shooting, there was a stabbing spree of little children in China. 22 children were stabbed. At the end of the day, violence is violence. Reforming the gun laws/gun ban will not change anything, just change the weapon of choice.

You can't be serious.

You do know that those 22 kids that were stabbed all lived, yes? Pretty ******g hard to mass stab 22 people to death. So while tragic, and horrible in its own way, they will survive, and overcome.

Any of those kids survive the 3 to11 bullets that ripped thru that at blink of an eye speed?

You think all those same kids die if that piece of **** comes in there with just a knife? Someone would have tackled his *** before getting thru everybody.

Takes 15 seconds to kill 25 people with a freaking machine gun.

Take half an hour to kill 25 people with a knife.

But it's as simple as change up the weapon of choice? >D
You can't be serious.
You do know that those 22 kids that were stabbed all lived, yes? Pretty ******g hard to mass stab 22 people to death. So while tragic, and horrible in its own way, they will survive, and overcome.
Any of those kids survive the 3 to11 bullets that ripped thru that at blink of an eye speed?
You think all those same kids die if that piece of **** comes in there with just a knife? Someone would have tackled his *** before getting thru everybody.
Takes 15 seconds to kill 25 people with a freaking machine gun.
Take half an hour to kill 25 people with a knife.
But it's as simple as change up the weapon of choice?
but whose to say he would even come in with a knife? alot of whatifs.... they have discovered the guy had plans to do this all along. couple that with his high degree of intelligence, basically an evil genius in a sense. he might have as an alternative built a homemade bomb. Its not like under further investigation he wasnt smart enough to do so, nor didnt have the knowledge to do so. Seems as if based on his level of intellect, and knowledge of such said things... and add to the fact he had plans to do said event. A schooled armed etc.... wouldnt have made a difference in terms of a bomb. it actually would have made things worse.

It seems as he used a firearm as it was the easiest means to accomplish set goal. I and this is only my opinion, had he not had access to said firearms, would have used and alternative such as a bomb, given his knowledge, fascination with so called terrorist attacks etc. and his web browsing,interest in acts such as bombings etc.

I mean i get what you are saying, and can see it in a general sense. But in this case in particular> A above average intelligent man, who has a knowledge of things such as weaponary/explosives. Who conspired and methodically plan the events, probably would have chosen an alternative way to pull this off. Sad but possibly truth.
This is like the 3rd time. :smh:

Every time this song comes up on shuffle, I think of what happened Friday.

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Motive behind Newtown killings remains a mystery as latest theory about Sandy Hook gunman Adam Lanza is disputed

The son of a Connecticut pastor said mom Nancy Lanza may have wanted to have her son committed, causing him to snap. But the pastor called the claim 'hearsay.' Meanwhile, other details about the enigmatic killer emerged, including that his mother always did the talking at the barber shop.

Just really taken aback by this, there are a lot of issues that encompass the whole situation and I'm not even sure where to begin discussing them or if this is even the place. RIP to the victims though.
its actually not that hard, you just can't be pussycat.
Ok tough guy.
I talk it cuz ive done it, whats ur story?
You've done it ONCE.  
  If it was more than once, believe me, you would've let NT know.  

That doesn't equate to being successful every time, in every situation.  That's similar to me saying that the one time I nailed a full court shot in a hoops game was easy. No--all it consisted of was my physical effort coupled with a scenario that doesn't render that result very often.  You can't really say it isn't hard until you've done it multiple times.  There are too many variables in that situation to have the end result rest solely on your efforts.

Go almost get jacked again and let us know if you have the same results.  I'm genuinely curious.   
You can't be serious.
You do know that those 22 kids that were stabbed all lived, yes? Pretty ******g hard to mass stab 22 people to death. So while tragic, and horrible in its own way, they will survive, and overcome.
Any of those kids survive the 3 to11 bullets that ripped thru that at blink of an eye speed?
You think all those same kids die if that piece of **** comes in there with just a knife? Someone would have tackled his *** before getting thru everybody.
Takes 15 seconds to kill 25 people with a freaking machine gun.
Take half an hour to kill 25 people with a knife.
But it's as simple as change up the weapon of choice? >D

a "machine gun" wasn't used.
any semi auto would have achieved similar results.
how do you know that it takes half an hour to kill 25 ppl with a knife?

"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it" - Thomas Jefferson
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5. Again where was the big concern public outcry to demand change etc when the "crack epidemic" occurred

That has nothing to do with the content of article you posted though. The article is essentially telling white people to stop acting like violence and drug abuse is confined to the "hood" and to take a look around their own communities.

The crack epidemic and the white man's "out of sight out of mind" mentality is irrelevant in regards to the article, although I do know what you are saying on that point. It's saying that white people are ignorant of their surroundings basically and need to stop scapegoating.
its actually not that hard, you just can't be pussycat.
You can only do it to an utter moron carrying that weapon. Plenty of these in NYC. 

If you even try to do it to anyone who knows what they're doing you'd get pistol whipped at best.

Telling someone the solution to having a gun pointed at your head is to try to grab it is even worse than bringing a knife to a gunfight. 

The solution to someone pulling a gun on you is to pull yours. Most people want to live and be healthy.

It's Mutually Assured Destruction on a personal level. 
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:lol: At it being "easy" to take a handgun from somebody. If it was that "easy" you'd hear about police getting disarmed by criminals on a daily basis

The only way it's "easy" is if that person really doesn't want to shoot you in the first place.
:lol: At it being "easy" to take a handgun from somebody. If it was that "easy" you'd hear about police getting disarmed by criminals on a daily basis
The only way it's "easy" is if that person really doesn't want to shoot you in the first place.

Which is a 50/50 chance, this dude Ninja has no regards for his life so allegedly he succeeded at disarming someone with a weapon...instead of considering himself very lucky, my son thinks he's da dominican Jason Bourne
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