Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

Yes raising your kids right is a huge part of this

But... There are kids that are born crazy. And always have been.

Those columbine kids, I don't think we're crazy. Just Whiny entitled losers who were too cowardly to fight bullies with their hands.

This kid clearly had mental problems. Just looking at his pic he looks "off".

From what we have heard she was a nutso who was preparing for a crazy collapse. I'm sure that didn't help matters

And you can't whoop your kids easily. If they call social services that's it for you
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the latest attack in China is part of a string of copy cat attacks. two dozen school kids were stabbed to death over a two year period.

and people are ignoring the worst two terrorist attacks in recent memory which were carried out without firearms
What is going to be incredibly interesting will be what he was both posting, and then looking at while online.

It's going to be very telling.
It'll be interesting to see how many politicians that will inevitably vote against the assault weapons ban have "pro-life" voting histories.
at da fools here comparing a communist country that BLATANTLY oppresses its people and disarms em to continue to have control

over them with da tragedy that happened at CT. i take it you guys would LOVE to trades your human rights records in china with that of da United States.

we already had a assualt weapons ban, and guess what happened? columbine happened anyways...da point is YOU HAVE TO RAISE YOUR CHILDREN RIGHT.

and da media has to STOP GLORIFYING  this on TV and keep playing it over and over and over again.

you know what happens when you talk about gun control? people buy MORE GUNS.

its like sneakers, da MORE limited you make em, da MORE demand you create, and you create a black market where people are STILL going to get what they want.

we ALREADY TRIED banning gun ownership in places like chicago, its done NOTHING to stem violence, da president KNOWS THIS, where were da TEARS when

chicago was on FIRE last year and they were slaughtering black youths WHOLESALE.

if you dont ARM da public, criminals will ALWAYS make sure they prey on da innocent, this coward went to a place where he KNEW it was gonna be sitting duck status

and got his egotistical megalomaniac rocks off on poor children.

you have to EMBED to these clowns that if you go outside attempting to HURT someone, a random LEGALLY armed citizen WILL CLAP YOU ON SITE.

im tired of these ultra liberals telling people what to do, when history has shown that MORE gun restriction DOESN'T WORK. you HAVE TO CHANGE DA CULTURE.
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its not the guns laws people
its raising your kids the right way!!!!
kids are not born crazy, kids are not born murders, kids are not born evil AT ALL!!!!
yes there are some kids who are born with brain problems or medical problems but even those kids in the ESE and special classes are not murders or crazy or evil! They are some of the most loving and out going kids you will come in contact with
this boils down to how you raise your kids bottom line!!!! no if ands or buts
these kids who the media calls crazy and have problems dont have no REAL mental problems at all
he knew how to wake up shoot mom go get a AR15 and bullet proof vest go get in the car drive to the school (meaning he had to follow simple traffic rules and laws) get to the school walk in certain place and shoot kids and teachers
a person who is truly crazy wouldnt be able to operate these things let alone drive a car without crashing
these kids are NOT crazy!!! THEY ARE THE SPOILED ONES!!!!
his mom probably gave him everything and let him have his way! She probably paid for any video game he wanted to keep him happy! Paid for his Xbox live fees, paid for the high speed internet, let him use her car, he probably demanded pizza while he sits at home and she probably ordered it then he probably got use to it then one day she said NO to something he flipped and got mad and she probably was out working late that day at the school comes home and he is going off and thats when she cuts off his xbox live and everything next thing you know he is heated like a 3 year old who couldnt have its way so he is like ima show her grabs a gun while shes sleep kills her by shooting her MULTIPLE times then says "YOU WANNA STAY AT WORK ALL NIGHT AND NOT COME HOME WITH WHAT I WANT" then thats when he heads to the school and kills them out of anger with his mom not letting him have his way and showing more attention to her job
these mass shootings with these so called computer nerds be the same case over and over and over and over
spank your kids! whoop them! if you dont believe in that punish them take away the TV, Games, nice clothes, computers, cell phone....im not talking about telling o you cant use this.....no take the TV out the room, cut the phone off
if they throw a fit which some kids will spank them then leave them in the room let em cry come back and tell them why you whooped em and why you spanked and talk to them calmly and show them why you love em. Then treat them with a nice meal right after talking to them......yes I said treat them.....my dad use to whoop me then talk to me about love and family and being successful then ask "what you want to eat ima go cook it" it put a smile on my face then after I got thru eating I would go to my room and as a kid I started to learn he is not whooping me to be a bad parent he loves me he spends time with me and actually lets me decided what dinner and dessert I want after I just got a whooping
Somewhat agree with this. For the most part people aren't born crazy. Been saying this for a while now. I'm not saying these people who commit these mass murders are geniuses, but you can't pull off some of these killings if you're mentally "Off" or whatever. In order for the event to be carried out dude has to be able to carry out a plan. The way you're raised does have a lot to do with it. 
its not the guns laws people
its raising your kids the right way!!!!
kids are not born crazy, kids are not born murders, kids are not born evil AT ALL!!!!
yes there are some kids who are born with brain problems or medical problems but even those kids in the ESE and special classes are not murders or crazy or evil! They are some of the most loving and out going kids you will come in contact with
this boils down to how you raise your kids bottom line!!!! no if ands or buts
these kids who the media calls crazy and have problems dont have no REAL mental problems at all
he knew how to wake up shoot mom go get a AR15 and bullet proof vest go get in the car drive to the school (meaning he had to follow simple traffic rules and laws) get to the school walk in certain place and shoot kids and teachers
a person who is truly crazy wouldnt be able to operate these things let alone drive a car without crashing
these kids are NOT crazy!!! THEY ARE THE SPOILED ONES!!!!
his mom probably gave him everything and let him have his way! She probably paid for any video game he wanted to keep him happy! Paid for his Xbox live fees, paid for the high speed internet, let him use her car, he probably demanded pizza while he sits at home and she probably ordered it then he probably got use to it then one day she said NO to something he flipped and got mad and she probably was out working late that day at the school comes home and he is going off and thats when she cuts off his xbox live and everything next thing you know he is heated like a 3 year old who couldnt have its way so he is like ima show her grabs a gun while shes sleep kills her by shooting her MULTIPLE times then says "YOU WANNA STAY AT WORK ALL NIGHT AND NOT COME HOME WITH WHAT I WANT" then thats when he heads to the school and kills them out of anger with his mom not letting him have his way and showing more attention to her job
these mass shootings with these so called computer nerds be the same case over and over and over and over
spank your kids! whoop them! if you dont believe in that punish them take away the TV, Games, nice clothes, computers, cell phone....im not talking about telling o you cant use this.....no take the TV out the room, cut the phone off
if they throw a fit which some kids will spank them then leave them in the room let em cry come back and tell them why you whooped em and why you spanked and talk to them calmly and show them why you love em. Then treat them with a nice meal right after talking to them......yes I said treat them.....my dad use to whoop me then talk to me about love and family and being successful then ask "what you want to eat ima go cook it" it put a smile on my face then after I got thru eating I would go to my room and as a kid I started to learn he is not whooping me to be a bad parent he loves me he spends time with me and actually lets me decided what dinner and dessert I want after I just got a whooping
Somewhat agree with this. For the most part people aren't born crazy. Been saying this for a while now. I'm not saying these people who commit these mass murders are geniuses, but you can't pull off some of these killings if you're mentally "Off" or whatever. In order for the event to be carried out dude has to be able to carry out a plan. The way you're raised does have a lot to do with it. 
[h1]Adam Lanza, Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre gunman, took college courses at the age 16[/h1][h2]Lanza was enrolled in Western Connecticut State University from 2008 to 2009 and received A's in computer science and American history classes, school spokesman said.[/h2]Comments (21)[h3]By Chelsia Marcius AND Bill Hutchinson / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS[/h3][h5]Monday, December 17, 2012, 6:24 AM[/h5]

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[h4]ABC News Exclusive[/h4][h4] [/h4]
Adam Lanza, seen here in 2005, earned a 3.26 GPA at Western Connecticut State University while enrolled at age 16.

The gunman in the Connecticut elementary school slaughter was a college student at the age 16, earning A's in computer science and American history classes.

Adam Lanza, 20, was enrolled in Western Connecticut State University from 2008 to 2009, officials at the Danbury school confirmed Sunday.

"He started in summer of 2008 when he was 16," college spokesman Paul Steinmetz told the Daily News.



Steinmetz said Lanza received an A-minus in website production and an A in a computer programming course, but could only muster a C in ethical theory.

[h4]ABC News[/h4][h4]Adam Lanza's mother Nancy Lanza was the first of his victims when he used one of her own guns to shoot her.[/h4]

He also received an A-minus in American history since 1877. But he withdrew from German language and data-modeling computer science courses because he didn't want his poor performance to drag down his grade point average.

"His overall GPA for the six classes that he completed was 3.26," said Steinmetz, adding that Lanza also took courses in philosophy and macroeconomics.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...ge-classes-16-article-1.1221831#ixzz2FKXUCTuw

you guys have to understand, that there's NO LAW that can legislate AGAINST evil.

this dude was a sadistic evil genius.
Explain to me how gun laws in Chicago can work when you can easily legally purchase guns in Virginia and bring them back

its not the guns laws people
its raising your kids the right way!!!!
kids are not born crazy, kids are not born murders, kids are not born evil AT ALL!!!!
yes there are some kids who are born with brain problems or medical problems but even those kids in the ESE and special classes are not murders or crazy or evil! They are some of the most loving and out going kids you will come in contact with
this boils down to how you raise your kids bottom line!!!! no if ands or buts
these kids who the media calls crazy and have problems dont have no REAL mental problems at all
he knew how to wake up shoot mom go get a AR15 and bullet proof vest go get in the car drive to the school (meaning he had to follow simple traffic rules and laws) get to the school walk in certain place and shoot kids and teachers
a person who is truly crazy wouldnt be able to operate these things let alone drive a car without crashing
these kids are NOT crazy!!! THEY ARE THE SPOILED ONES!!!!
his mom probably gave him everything and let him have his way! She probably paid for any video game he wanted to keep him happy! Paid for his Xbox live fees, paid for the high speed internet, let him use her car, he probably demanded pizza while he sits at home and she probably ordered it then he probably got use to it then one day she said NO to something he flipped and got mad and she probably was out working late that day at the school comes home and he is going off and thats when she cuts off his xbox live and everything next thing you know he is heated like a 3 year old who couldnt have its way so he is like ima show her grabs a gun while shes sleep kills her by shooting her MULTIPLE times then says "YOU WANNA STAY AT WORK ALL NIGHT AND NOT COME HOME WITH WHAT I WANT" then thats when he heads to the school and kills them out of anger with his mom not letting him have his way and showing more attention to her job
these mass shootings with these so called computer nerds be the same case over and over and over and over
spank your kids! whoop them! if you dont believe in that punish them take away the TV, Games, nice clothes, computers, cell phone....im not talking about telling o you cant use this.....no take the TV out the room, cut the phone off
if they throw a fit which some kids will spank them then leave them in the room let em cry come back and tell them why you whooped em and why you spanked and talk to them calmly and show them why you love em. Then treat them with a nice meal right after talking to them......yes I said treat them.....my dad use to whoop me then talk to me about love and family and being successful then ask "what you want to eat ima go cook it" it put a smile on my face then after I got thru eating I would go to my room and as a kid I started to learn he is not whooping me to be a bad parent he loves me he spends time with me and actually lets me decided what dinner and dessert I want after I just got a whooping
Somewhat agree with this. For the most part people aren't born crazy. Been saying this for a while now. I'm not saying these people who commit these mass murders are geniuses, but you can't pull off some of these killings if you're mentally "Off" or whatever. In order for the event to be carried out dude has to be able to carry out a plan. The way you're raised does have a lot to do with it. 
[h1]Adam Lanza, Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre gunman, took college courses at the age 16[/h1][h2]Lanza was enrolled in Western Connecticut State University from 2008 to 2009 and received A's in computer science and American history classes, school spokesman said.[/h2]Comments (21)[h3]By Chelsia Marcius AND Bill Hutchinson / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS[/h3][h5]Monday, December 17, 2012, 6:24 AM[/h5]

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[h4]ABC News Exclusive[/h4][h4] [/h4]
Adam Lanza, seen here in 2005, earned a 3.26 GPA at Western Connecticut State University while enrolled at age 16.

The gunman in the Connecticut elementary school slaughter was a college student at the age 16, earning A's in computer science and American history classes.

Adam Lanza, 20, was enrolled in Western Connecticut State University from 2008 to 2009, officials at the Danbury school confirmed Sunday.

"He started in summer of 2008 when he was 16," college spokesman Paul Steinmetz told the Daily News.



Steinmetz said Lanza received an A-minus in website production and an A in a computer programming course, but could only muster a C in ethical theory.

you guys have to understand, that there's NO LAW that can legislate AGAINST evil.

this dude was a sadistic evil genius.
The fact that he took ethical theory tells me that he was questioning himself at some point. Atleast on some level, he was questioning what's right and wrong and was probably unsure. I doubt dude was just some 2 dimensional evil guy like you're making him out to be. He had layers to him like any other human being, and I believe it could have been prevented if he grew up differently. He might have had mental problems but that doesn't necessarily have to lead to violence. Maybe being around guns, since his mother had so many, played a factor.
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you have to EMBED to these clowns that if you go outside attempting to HURT someone, a random LEGALLY armed citizen WILL CLAP YOU ON SITE.
Please tell me who in an ELEMENTARY SCHOOL where little young kids are roaming the hallways and classrooms is going to reach inside of their desk and start firing back at somebody??  The janitor................lunch lady Doris perhaps??
 It takes something as extreme as this, in order for people to wake up and then realize that this is a problem. Nobody wanted to do anything about drugs until it began to effect the White community. Now, some beautiful young lives are taken away thru senseless violence, now people are willing to do something, or at least begin to talk about doing something.

This could have been avoided, but it seems that the pro gun crowd, just like the right wing, simply wish to be on the wrong side of history.
you have to EMBED to these clowns that if you go outside attempting to HURT someone, a random LEGALLY armed citizen WILL CLAP YOU ON SITE.
Please tell me who in an ELEMENTARY SCHOOL where little young kids are roaming the hallways and classrooms is going to reach inside of their desk and start firing back at somebody??  The janitor................lunch lady Doris perhaps??
so your answer is what happens all da time then...one guman in a shooting gallery of unarmed targets. thats been working great,
you have to EMBED to these clowns that if you go outside attempting to HURT someone, a random LEGALLY armed citizen WILL CLAP YOU ON SITE.

When's the last time a random legally armed citizen has clapped a criminal on site (who warranted being "clapped")? There are only a few instances where an ordinary citizen is even legally allowed to use deadly force to kill someone for whatever crime they are alleged to be committing. Every state has a different penal code and a litany of common law to consider in addition, and you expect ordinary citizens to understand this, but moreover, be rational in the heat of the moment?

This is obviously conjecture, but I mostly encounter stories of people getting clapped by ordinary citizens who have illegally done so, but based on the deceased's background and the circumstances, are gifted a self-defense claim.
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Explain to me how gun laws in Chicago can work when you can easily legally purchase guns in Virginia and bring them back

explain how violence in chicago isn't DUPLICATED in places with lax gun laws on a grand scale.

da perps know their targets. they're cowards. look at da arizona senator shooting, as soon as someone wit some steel pressed da shooter, son basically turned

gave up.
you have to EMBED to these clowns that if you go outside attempting to HURT someone, a random LEGALLY armed citizen WILL CLAP YOU ON SITE.
Please tell me who in an ELEMENTARY SCHOOL where little young kids are roaming the hallways and classrooms is going to reach inside of their desk and start firing back at somebody??  The janitor................lunch lady Doris perhaps??
so your answer is what happens all da time then...one guman in a shooting gallery of unarmed targets. thats been working great,
I ask you to go talk to any SWAT team personnel or crisis expert that is asked to deal with fast response situations when a random person is firing at random into a crowd.  In order to even be able to deal with a situation like this you have to and more importantly SHOULD be trained to be able to do so.  Every SWAT team member will tell you that they wouldn't be able to do with they currently do as their profession if they weren't trained. 

This aint Call of Duty champ,  some regular Joe Schmoe, janitor or lunch lady Doris is not going to have the whereabouts to respond properly in a situation like that if they had a firearm on them.  Your pretty much hoping and guessing that non-SWAT team members will act as SWAT team members in a situation like this, good luck with that.
you have to EMBED to these clowns that if you go outside attempting to HURT someone, a random LEGALLY armed citizen WILL CLAP YOU ON SITE.
When's the last time a random legally armed citizen has clapped a criminal on site (who warranted being "clapped")? There are only a few instances where an ordinary citizen is even legally allowed to use deadly force to kill someone for whatever crime they are alleged to be committing. Every state has different laws, and you expect ordinary citizens to understand all of these laws, but moreover, be rational in the heat of the moment?

This is obviously conjecture, but I mostly encounter stories of people getting clapped by ordinary citizens who have illegally done so, but based on the deceased's background and the circumstances, are gifted a self-defense claim.
there was a robbery where a dude who was across da street PUMPING gas popped da perp's melon who was fleeing away, his accomplice had surrendered, but as soon

and he saw his homie get split he dipped.

and you can google PLENTY of cases where citizen who are armed, take justice into their own hands and are then labeled heroes.
just the thought of these kids Christmases ruined or forever tainted :smh:

these are kids man
you know what happens when you talk about gun control? people buy MORE GUNS.

if you dont ARM da public, criminals will ALWAYS make sure they prey on da innocent, this coward went to a place where he KNEW it was gonna be sitting duck status

and got his egotistical megalomaniac rocks off on poor children.

you have to EMBED to these clowns that if you go outside attempting to HURT someone, a random LEGALLY armed citizen WILL CLAP YOU ON SITE.

im tired of these ultra liberals telling people what to do, when history has shown that MORE gun restriction DOESN'T WORK. you HAVE TO CHANGE DA CULTURE.

I'll post what I posted a few pages back...

"In 1996, Australia banned semi-automatics. In the 18 years before, there were 13 mass shootings. Since then, none."
— Jeffrey D. Sachs (@JeffDSachs) December 15, 2012
Culturally, we are probably more like the Aussies than anyone else.

So it does work. These are facts, Ninjahood. I agree with you on a few things though. We need to quit showing the faces of these gunmen. CNN has done a great job of not doing that so far. When you have someone who doesn't have a reason to live (in their minds), an everlasting impression on the minds of the population is as lofty of a goal as can be set. I also agree that people buy more guns when you talk about gun control. Look at how gun sales boomed when Obama was elected. You had every moron stockpiling because they were afraid the dark scary man was going to take away their guns. Banning assault weapons would keep them from buying those though. The grandfathering needs to end also. The ability to buy guns at gun shows and circumvent background checks needs to stop also. 40% of guns sold are sold without background checks. That is insane. Also, our laws shouldn't be so vague. When an ATF members was asked if the weapons used at Sandy Hook would have been banned under the previous assault weapons laws he simply said 'I don't know, it depends on a lot of things.' Why does the language have to be so unclear? Who does that benefit?

What needs to happen? Those who cling to their guns and their rights need to understand that their 'freedoms' aren't worth one more dead child. Their 'freedoms' mean very little when stuff like this happens. I'm not saying guns should be banned all together, I'm saying there are weapons that are available that serve absolutely no purpose other than killing efficiently. Each of the children in Sandy Hook were hit between three to 11 times! The NRA needs to loosen their grip and change their approach. They come off as nothing but insensitive and crass (post-Columbine conventions miles from the scene of the shootings) . If gun owners, lobbies and those who oppose guns could come to the table with common ground in mind, a lot could be accomplished. Sadly, those who cling to their guns show very little desire to want to do this. The NRA's idea to curb these types of things is MORE GUNS. Dirty! Their rights to their weaponry is way more important than saving any lives. There are a few common denominators with these shootings, how do you turn a blind eye to the fact that guns are one of them? Also, why is it easy to buy bulletproof vests? Why would anyone that had no intentions of being in gunfire need those? I don't understand how background checks on those purchasing bulletproof vests aren't a requirement also. No one wears a bulletproof vest to protect their home.

Also, the pro-gun people need to quit thinking that the 2nd Amendment trumps the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Sadly, those who are for gun control show little interest in anything incremental. Changing society is always incremental, that's the way it works. Too many times those for strict gun control policy scoff at any plan doesn't take us from point A to Z. That's fairly insulting. Adversely, those who say 'nothing needs to be done (when it comes to gun laws) because it wouldn't have prevented this tragedy' are very myopic. 'Because it wouldn't have prevented this tragedy' isn't a very good reason to be against stricter regulation.

I'd love to see the NRA surprise us and show some compassion here. I'd love for them to actually come to the table, admit there are problems, and show class in working together to help, if not solve the problem, but work towards making these less frequent occurrences. I doubt it happens, but I would love to be wrong here.

A friend of mine who owns many guns, some indistinguishable from those used Friday, put it nicely. He said "If turning my firearms into paperweights would prevent one more tragic slaughter, I would melt them down tonight. Unfortunately, it won't, but if more gun owners had that attitude then maybe we could find some common ground, common sense solutions, and save some lives."
What is going to be incredibly interesting will be what he was both posting, and then looking at while online.

It's going to be very telling.

It'll be very telling. In fact, I think we'll possibly understand more about his mental condition at the time of the slaughter. I know how I am when it comes to mental issues. I could see me actually being sympathetic towards his condition, not what he did, when we discover this guy needed more help than he was getting.
you have to EMBED to these clowns that if you go outside attempting to HURT someone, a random LEGALLY armed citizen WILL CLAP YOU ON SITE.
Please tell me who in an ELEMENTARY SCHOOL where little young kids are roaming the hallways and classrooms is going to reach inside of their desk and start firing back at somebody??  The janitor................lunch lady Doris perhaps??
so your answer is what happens all da time then...one guman in a shooting gallery of unarmed targets. thats been working great,
I ask you to go talk to any SWAT team personnel or crisis expert that is asked to deal with fast response situations when a random person is firing at random into a crowd.  In order to even be able to deal with a situation like this you have to and more importantly SHOULD be trained to be able to do so.  Every SWAT team member will tell you that they wouldn't be able to do with they currently do as their profession if they weren't trained. 

This aint Call of Duty champ,  some regular Joe Schmoe, janitor or lunch lady Doris is not going to have the whereabouts to respond properly in a situation like that if they had a firearm on them.  Your pretty much hoping and guessing that non-SWAT team members will act as SWAT team members in a situation like this, good luck with that.
people who own guns go through TRAINING and have to re-certify annually in many states. a strained gun owner can in a situation where he can help is a scenerio I WOULD TAKE

ANY DAY OF DA WEEK, then to have just da villian armed.

it boggles my mind talking about ya would keep da public unarmed...we've done it over and over again..IT DOESNT WORK. da only thing gun control does is make it harder

for LAW BIDING consumers to get weapons.

im in NYC, one of da most strictest cities for gun ownership, homie if i wanted a gun TODAY illegally , i would have a gun. you have to address culture.

NYC is a nicer place because da youth aint worried about hammers, they worried about camping out for yeezys and dressing in skinny jeans.


you know how many folks across da country got hammers? you know what kinda of weaponry is all over da USA, only da delusional think MORE control is da answer.
man **** sympathy. there are probably millions of people like him in this world. they all dont go shooting 6 year olds multiple times man... no excuse...
:lol: at da fools here comparing a communist country that BLATANTLY oppresses its people and disarms em to continue to have control

over them with da tragedy that happened at CT. i take it you guys would LOVE to trades your human rights records in china with that of da United States.

we already had a assualt weapons ban, and guess what happened? columbine happened anyways...da point is YOU HAVE TO RAISE YOUR CHILDREN RIGHT.

and da media has to STOP GLORIFYING  this on TV and keep playing it over and over and over again.

you know what happens when you talk about gun control? people buy MORE GUNS.

its like sneakers, da MORE limited you make em, da MORE demand you create, and you create a black market where people are STILL going to get what they want.

we ALREADY TRIED banning gun ownership in places like chicago, its done NOTHING to stem violence, da president KNOWS THIS, [B]where were da TEARS when[/B]

chicago was on FIRE last year and they were slaughtering black youths WHOLESALE.

if you dont ARM da public, criminals will ALWAYS make sure they prey on da innocent, this coward went to a place where he KNEW it was gonna be sitting duck status

and got his egotistical megalomaniac rocks off on poor children.

you have to EMBED to these clowns that if you go outside attempting to HURT someone, a random LEGALLY armed citizen WILL CLAP YOU ON SITE.

im tired of these ultra liberals telling people what to do, when history has shown that MORE gun restriction DOESN'T WORK. you HAVE TO CHANGE DA CULTURE.

Chill Ninja, they gonna claim you trying to turn this into a race debate
people who own guns go through TRAINING and have to re-certify annually in many states.
Have to go through training and re-certify in many states huh, without me even looking I'm guessing it's not even half of all the states.  Probably not even double digits.   
a strained gun owner can in a situation where he can help is a scenerio I WOULD TAKE
One more time champ, who in an elementary school is packing a gun on them.  Janitor Willy, Lunch Lady Doris, or perhaps the substitute teacher that just happens to be at a random school for the day??
im in NYC, one of da most strictest cities for gun ownership, homie if i wanted a gun TODAY illegally , i would have a gun. you have to address culture
Just like with anything champ, before even can address or take care of the black market which is what you provided for your example, we must first take care and address the regular market.  From there, that is where change will occur.
Now how many parents are or aren't doing that??
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