ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

its funny how republicans are now claiming that charlie gibson messed up by only citing one of the four meanings of the bush doctrine.

As if sarah palin knew that there were 4 interpretations.... or as if dude didnt know and was actually going to recite all of them.

the simple truth is, she didnt know. And as for calling it a harsh interview.... it really wasn't that harsh. She's about to become the VICE PRESIDENTOF THE UNITED STATES. POSSIBLY THE PRESIDENT.

I accept that she may be smart, she may be a pitbull or whatever they say, but she's just not fit to help run the country. No way around it.


Sadly, it really looks like McBush will win this election. I've read somewhere that the polls in mid-september are a very strong indication of how theelection will look like, and that the polls change very little after mid-september. McBush leads by 2.5 points and that's a somewhat solid lead. The onlyhope for Obama are the young voters who don't participate in polls that much. Someone needs to motivate the hell out of them to go out and vote, butthat's far from certain.
Originally Posted by back1ntheday

I am typing in extra-large font in the off chance that TBONE95860, may actually read a post that calls into question his fervent support of the McCain/Palin ticket and his denial of all relevant issues in this election. Now, this might seem crazy to some but I have concluded that said NT member may actually be a closet Obama supporter for the following reasons-

1.First and foremost, he himself has said that he hopes Obama wins the election because of the change and direction our country needs.
2.His refusal of answering fellow NT'ers questions about his views on issues relevant to this election, and uncanny ability to pop in and out of threads when youtube videos demand republican defending.
3.His blatant declaration that yes, he is in fact a McCain/Palin supporter by way of his avy (further concealing his support for Obama).
4.He is using his own election thread to reach NT legend status by sparking furious political debate by continually updating us with various polls and empty commentary, thus increasing page count, and more obviously, keeping his thread alive and not allowing another election thread to take over.

If this is infact the case, I commend you, TBONE95860, for playing devil's advocate this entire time, and for making it apparent to more NT'ers (who may have been undecided before) that yes, in fact, Obama should be president. If this is not the case, however, I expect you and your henchmen; tylerdub, lilstar, and more recently mr delorean (and any others i may have missed) to at some point entertain us by indulging in the issues that this election is actually about. If by chance, you don't know what these issues are and/or do not know your party's stances on them - you will be given a grace period of 15 days (thanks for the update on that as well) when the first presidential debate has convened.

**ai voice** we talkin bout issues???ISSUES?!?!?no,not the polls,not the polls - we talkin bout issues??psshhh **ai voice**

he won't respond. for some reason, in his twisted mind, he probably treats your post as a personal attack towards himself, his well-being, family, andother republicans. Unless you mention in your post that McCain is leading all percentages in all votes. Heck even God wants McCain to win right TBone? Canadaand Mexico is probably leaning towards John as well.

Or you can misspell his name like them "Republicans" on those pics. Awful.
the y said this bout kerry and the polls last election.

if mccain wins, it will be an unforrtunate testament of what we fear this country has been for years
Originally Posted by curt2121

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

I just watched The View off my DVR. I was so surprised by how they asked him some pretty tough questions.


"Should I worry about being a slave?"

Al in all, good interview. Although I don't agree with McCain on 98% of the issues, I know he has good intentions. I think both candidates have good intentions. During an election, I think we get all wrapped up in what the media gives us, and we don't take a step back and see it for what it is: two people looking to gain the position of President of the United States, in an attempt to better the country the way they see fit.

Come on man, you know that sensibility and maturity like that have no place in this thread
Originally Posted by knightlovesqueen

the y said this bout kerry and the polls last election.

if mccain wins, it will be an unforrtunate testament of what we fear this country has been for years
but Obama has spoken to the youth of this country like no other politican can or has. So although its not going to have a big effect likeindependents in this election I say it is number 2 effect.
[table][tr][th=""]Poll[/th] [th=""]Date[/th] [th=""]Sample[/th] [th=""]McCain (R)[/th] [th=""]Obama (D)[/th] [th=""]Spread[/th] [/tr][tr][td]RCP Average[/td] [td]09/05 - 09/14[/td] [td]--[/td] [td]46.3[/td] [td]44.7[/td] [td]McCain +1.6[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Gallup Tracking[/td] [td]09/12 - 09/14[/td] [td]2805 RV[/td] [td]47[/td] [td]45[/td] [td]McCain +2[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Rasmussen Tracking[/td] [td]09/12 - 09/14[/td] [td]3000 LV[/td] [td]49[/td] [td]47[/td] [td]McCain +2[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Hotline/FD Tracking[/td] [td]09/12 - 09/14[/td] [td]906 RV[/td] [td]43[/td] [td]44[/td] [td]Obama +1[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Newsweek[/td] [td]09/10 - 09/11[/td] [td]1038 RV[/td] [td]46[/td] [td]46[/td] [td]Tie[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Associated Press/GfK[/td] [td]09/05 - 09/10[/td] [td]812 LV[/td] [td]48[/td] [td]44[/td] [td]McCain +4[/td] [/tr][tr][td]FOX News[/td] [td]09/08 - 09/09[/td] [td]900 RV[/td] [td]45[/td] [td]42[/td] [td]McCain +3[/td] [/tr][/table]
if mccain wins after all these economic problems, we can officially claim karl rove is the smartest politician ever.
"I still believe the fundamentals of economy are strong"
-John McCain September 15. 2008

What economy is he referring to?

Of all days to utter such nonsense.
this goes out to the war hero John McCain....
All this talk about McCain being a war hero is overly exaggerated.

"Demands for military information were accompanied by threats to terminate my medical treatment if I [McCain] did not cooperate. Eventually, I gave them my ship's name and squadron number, and confirmed that my target had been the power plant." Pages 193-194, Faith of My Fathers, by John McCain.

III. If I am captured I will continue to resist by all means available. I will make every effort to escape and to aid others to escape. I will accept neither parole [early release] nor special favors from the enemy.

IV. If I become a prisoner of war, I will keep faith with my fellow prisoners. I will give no information or take part in any action which might be harmful to my comrades. If I am senior, I will take command. If not, I will obey the lawful orders of those appointed over me and will back them up in every way.

V. [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am bound to only give name, rank, service number, and date of birth. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their cause.[/color]

I gotta say McCain was nothing more than a weak minded member of the US military to give up information like that to the enemy... torture or notorture. McCain even did a propaganda film for the Vietcongs.

Where are the swift boat type of attacks at? If the Republicans can discredit Kerry's military record, I certainly hope Obama's campaign can do thesame to McCain!
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

I feel so sorry for Palin come debate time...

Biden is a beast!

Sorry to break it down to you, but if Biden happens to own her in a debate, the republicans will still be saying "she did fine", no matter how muchshe gets owned. If they were able to say "she did fine" about that interview where she didn't know a thing about the Bush doctrine, these debateswill do nothing..
[h3]538's Battlegrounds asof Mid-September[/h3]
Due to McCain's bounce in the polls post-convention, our new list of battleground states has changed. According to our current projections, John McCain would win 274-264.

This is different from the pie chart you see in the top left of the site, which averages the electoral vote based on simulation runs. This mid-month update simply gives each state's EVs in full to our projected winner, and we add the totals. It's essentially the same split as the Bush-Kerry race, with Iowa flipped from the Republican column to the penumbra zone for Obama, and a narrow win for Obama in New Mexico.

With Colorado sitting at McCain by 0.3%, any tiny movement and a 9-EV flip would change the winner of the 2008 presidential race. As we leave Las Vegas today for Gallup, New Mexico, we're going from the frying pan into the fire of the ground game battle.


One of the notable aspects of our Penumbra tables below is that the national tracking polls are having a large undue influence on states that aren't getting polled as much. Notice that California, Illinois and Massachusetts have entered our Obama Penumbra chart, but also notice on the righthand column of our individual state polling that it's not because Obama's getting poor polling in these states. For example, our projection model shows Obama winning California by 6.9% but that no individual poll has ever been that low, and that nearly all CA polls show double digits.


For McCain's Penumbra states, you'll notice a lot of "former" battleground states in this column, some of which we believe could still be battlegrounds and will re-tighten after McCain's post-convention bounce fades and the debates begin.


Overall, the national tracking polls have had a more distorted effect on states that don't get polled as often. Colorado, by contrast, has barely moved because it does. In fact, Colorado and Ohio were the states which flipped since our last update in Mid-August. Each moved fewer than three points, but that changes our winner-take-all projection.
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