ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by memphisboi55

Damn, white people at work gone be mad tomorrow

i wonder if they still gone have them Mccain bumper stickers on....
Did 40% of white people not vote Obama in?


Without white folks Obama (nor any other candidate) would never have even made it anywhere in this election. Whites are still the majority in this country.

This race baiting garbage is beyond stupid.

I can't speak for memphisboi, but where I'm at, I can ASSURE you 95% of white people voted for McCain. I work at a prison with redneck correctional officers--trust me, they hate Barack. Matter of fact, when I was leaving work today, some CO was walking in and shouting to a lady that was smoking that he went to vote but he didn't know who to vote for because he couldn't find "Hussein" on the ballot. SMH.

So in some parts of the country, race baiting has not a damn thing to do with it. It is what it is.
whites don't = where you're from.

whites that you work with = where you're from.

Does that "pastor" in NYC that hates Obama = Blacks hate Obama ?
@ 95% of white people voted for McCain

Youre a complete idiot if you truly believe that.
for real McCain would have it wrapped up then
Good to see people trying to "rub it in" on people that didn't vote for him. Way to get the country united! C'mon now, that is not what Dems wanted to hear in 2000 and 2004, now doing it back? I hate this freakin' party system. And now it gets worse because it is Dem vs. Repubs, and now Black vs. White?!

pretty much how i feel

politics are so screwed up.
Sure is a lot of juvenile activity in this thread. So the guy you wanted to win won. Now go out and make him look like he deserved your vote.
blacks only make up 12-15% of U.S pop..so to say 95% of whites voted for mccain is a bit uhh uninformed
Originally Posted by wanksta23

Originally Posted by blondsoccerplyr

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Black people acting like they won the National Championship.
You're the biggest loser out of the 20k post crowd, in case you didn't know.
hop off ebw he's fine.
word..even though hes a republican, he good in my book
no hate towards him
*@#* that, I don't get bothered if you're a republican or not...that's none of my concern. This EBW dude is a herb, how you have 20kposts of trolling? Son doesn't bring anything to the table, he's so upset that he wants to change his avy because she's black and a black dude isgonna be President

I'm just waiting for someone to say something slick...
Obama just left the crib and is on his way to the Rally now...I couldn't even leave my crib until he left...no street traffic within 6 city blocks in theneighborhood
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by memphisboi55

Damn, white people at work gone be mad tomorrow

i wonder if they still gone have them Mccain bumper stickers on....
Did 40% of white people not vote Obama in?


Without white folks Obama (nor any other candidate) would never have even made it anywhere in this election. Whites are still the majority in this country.

This race baiting garbage is beyond stupid.

I can't speak for memphisboi, but where I'm at, I can ASSURE you 95% of white people voted for McCain. I work at a prison with redneck correctional officers--trust me, they hate Barack. Matter of fact, when I was leaving work today, some CO was walking in and shouting to a lady that was smoking that he went to vote but he didn't know who to vote for because he couldn't find "Hussein" on the ballot. SMH.

So in some parts of the country, race baiting has not a damn thing to do with it. It is what it is.
whites don't = where you're from.

whites that you work with = where you're from.

Does that "pastor" in NYC that hates Obama = Blacks hate Obama ?
@ 95% of white people voted for McCain

Youre a complete idiot if you truly believe that.

Do people read anymore? I never said white people everywhere. NTers never cease to amaze me with their reading comprehension.
Originally Posted by PhilBalla09

Picking Palin was the worst thing he could've done.
But...but it excited the base.

Anyway, I'm not calling it yet, but I'm just glad we can go back to good old Niketalk where I don't dislike guys like TBONE and nnarum.

Lets all be friends again.
Originally Posted by yungchamp

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

This country=FAIL.

I've never felt so much racism in my blood in my ENTIRE life.

I need to change my icon. SMH.

dude dont wanna see an african amercian in charge
u mad?

Originally Posted by blondsoccerplyr

White people from Indiana support Obama too...



yo you from indiana....where you from?

Fort Wayne!

And here's the flipped image.
Photo Booth does a mirror image.

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