ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Originally Posted by JD617

Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

Republicans are pretty much are those individuals life can do without
What's with you? You're taking this a little too seriously.
Waaaaay too seriously. And I'm talking about people who "belong" to both parties....
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Sneak peak of one of there rallies when news broke of Ohio going blue,
All right ya'll... I'm out for the night.

Senator McCain, you're an amazing American and a true hero. I respect everything you've done for this country and I wish you nothing but the best.

thie dude Crazy EBW was never considered an OG to me. I never looked at this kid's post count. dude just joked about being a racist on Niketalk. Thatsenough to render this EBW dude lame
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

This country=FAIL.

I've never felt so much racism in my blood in my ENTIRE life.

I need to change my icon. SMH.
Closet racists taking the L tonight i see....

like I said earlier, people are NOT holding back at all tonight
Originally Posted by wanksta23

Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

CNN just gave Iowa to Obama

thought you were a republican

Not at all...

I'm just not an Obama stan like those ones in this thread, regardless of who wins tonight

this country is still in very bad shape

And it continues. This country is so jacked up with how some act.

Can conservatives elaborate on the negatives on Obama being in the White House?
For me (and I am NOT a conservative), my biggest negative was his regulated economic policies which seemed to go against the free market in a fewways. If it wasn't for that, it wouldn't have taken me till literally today to figure out who I was going to vote for.
Obama is gonna win....dude is leading in florida......all we need is cali............OBAMA FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this reminds me of the chappelle show where black people get paid from the government to make up for slaverey
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by memphisboi55

Damn, white people at work gone be mad tomorrow

i wonder if they still gone have them Mccain bumper stickers on....
Did 40% of white people not vote Obama in?


Without white folks Obama (nor any other candidate) would never have even made it anywhere in this election. Whites are still the majority in this country.

This race baiting garbage is beyond stupid.

I can't speak for memphisboi, but where I'm at, I can ASSURE you 95% of white people voted for McCain. I work at a prison with redneck correctional officers--trust me, they hate Barack. Matter of fact, when I was leaving work today, some CO was walking in and shouting to a lady that was smoking that he went to vote but he didn't know who to vote for because he couldn't find "Hussein" on the ballot. SMH.

So in some parts of the country, race baiting has not a damn thing to do with it. It is what it is.
whites don't = where you're from.

whites that you work with = where you're from.

Does that "pastor" in NYC that hates Obama = Blacks hate Obama ?

Whites that I work with = whites where I live. It's that simple.

You'll find a way to argue anything, eh? Race baiting has nothing to do with it. I live in the South. Trust me when I say the McCain support is HEAVYhere. And Obama hate is HEAVIER here. Did all white people here vote for McCain? Of course not. Hence the 95% estimate.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

This country=FAIL.

I've never felt so much racism in my blood in my ENTIRE life.

I need to change my icon. SMH.

dude dont wanna see an african amercian in charge
u mad?

Originally Posted by blondsoccerplyr

White people from Indiana support Obama too...



yo you from indiana....where you from?
Originally Posted by Marv Machamp

Can conservatives elaborate on the negatives on Obama being in the White House?

All I keep hearing is hearing is saltyness with no explanation.
I'm not really conservative, but I do lean right. My problem is that there's a lot of "rah-rah" with Obama but in the end,people are going to expect unrealistic returns during his term in office. It's up to the people to be responsible citizens and step up to the plate, takinghis message and implementing it in their lives. Use Obama as inspiration, not as a crutch. Unfortunately, people put way too much stock in presidents, whenlocal issues and their own personal decisions have a much greater effect.

And I didn't vote, by the way, for this reason. It doesn't matter who is in the house.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by memphisboi55

Damn, white people at work gone be mad tomorrow

i wonder if they still gone have them Mccain bumper stickers on....
Did 40% of white people not vote Obama in?


Without white folks Obama (nor any other candidate) would never have even made it anywhere in this election. Whites are still the majority in this country.

This race baiting garbage is beyond stupid.

I can't speak for memphisboi, but where I'm at, I can ASSURE you 95% of white people voted for McCain. I work at a prison with redneck correctional officers--trust me, they hate Barack. Matter of fact, when I was leaving work today, some CO was walking in and shouting to a lady that was smoking that he went to vote but he didn't know who to vote for because he couldn't find "Hussein" on the ballot. SMH.

So in some parts of the country, race baiting has not a damn thing to do with it. It is what it is.
whites don't = where you're from.

whites that you work with = where you're from.

Does that "pastor" in NYC that hates Obama = Blacks hate Obama ?
@ 95% of white people voted for McCain

Youre a complete idiot if you truly believe that.
if mccain wins VA, IN, FL, CO, hew will still lose cuz he's not winning the west coast. it;s over, gonna watch basketball now.....
Obama is gonna win....dude is leading in florida......all we need is cali............OBAMA %!%$*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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