ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

I'm just soaking this in right, now, I can't even express how I feel. To ALL minorities in this country, especially blacks this is a great day:
. I love NT. I just wonder how it would be if it were REVERSE, McCainup 174-69. lots of
... but oh well..
OBAMA '08!

I cannot believe this.... I voted for Obama

But damn it feels great to be part of history. Like damn a Black man in the White House!!!

Think of all tyhe possibilities now. It's all game now. Hispanics, Blacks, Asians etc,. etc

U.S is trully turning into the place it has claimed to be for many years.

Here in Cali we got these props which make Cali the greates state evar!!!! LOLz
CNN finally does it......LET'S GEEEEET IT!!!

To all minorities, especially us blacks:
Originally Posted by Lazy B

It's not worth it arguing with NT. Most of you are idiots when it comes to this. You are blinded by pure hate for the Republican party to see what is going on. There are only a few peoples opinions I respect when it comes to politics and they make up less than 5% of this thread.

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