ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Originally Posted by BwooDFolkGD74

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

Originally Posted by MyTsharp

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Now you know how it feels to have people put words in your mouth.

And my opinion is obviously valued by some, I wish I could say the same about yours.

You wish you could say people valued MY opinion?
you're not even making sense...why would you wish that?
You're making my head hurt b. Just go to lunch.

Word. Some of these closet racists got me wanting to smash my keyboard.
Oh you're one of myt's supporters... NOW i think I know who his "crowd" is that he speaks of. Must be nice to have such educated, well-spoke followers MyT... this guy here is a winner, calling me a racist now several times with zero proof other than the fact that i voted for Obama.

honestly , you were looking for an argument....you could have just let MyT's EMOTIONAL response rock, because you didn't really fully comprehend it.

I didn't comprehend it... yep, again.. i'm stupid, i'm racist... you guys don't agree, so i'm a stupid closet racist.

It's amazing how simple it must be to live in your worlds, where everything is either right or wrong depending on your own point of view.
Originally Posted by WinstonDon

From: Dirtylicious
Sent:November 5, 2008, 10:01 am

Warning - use of N word substitute
really dirty? come on now....first you warned me because i accidentally used a curse word and it was edited and now this......
....like seriously take a trip to the S&T.....

dry snitching

Originally Posted by WinstonDon

From: Dirtylicious
Sent:November 5, 2008, 10:01 am

Warning - use of N word substitute
really dirty? come on now....first you warned me because i accidentally used a curse word and it was edited and now this......
....like seriously take a trip to the S&T.....if you're going to knit pick like this....


yes really..
N-word substitutions... reminder on therules...
NikeTalk Rules Reminder - Ignore atyour own risk!

and it's funny both of my warnings came in an Obama thread....and you're a conservative.....
correction...fiscal conservative.....

It's amusing how you're assuming you know who I voted for... as if that has anything to do with why I warned you
Originally Posted by BasirWaahid

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by therealjondoe

im not convinced.
Well. That's your opinion.

If i thought he was a racist 'd call him a racist.
Everythign that I've heard and seen from him the last year doesn't indicate that.
He's not a big PR machine guy so if he was in fact a racist he would've slipped up by now, IMO.

@ wawaweewa defending Ron Paul. Like he'll ever get a chance to run our country.
He won't.
never thought he did. I'm not that crazy.

Idk, I just hate it when people are labeled racist when , imo, they're far from it.
I hope some of you guys come around and just support the man and see what he CAN do.. and if doesn't you have the same choice you had this election. Tovote for someone else.
No, they're ignorant because when asked why they supported Obama, they're only reasoning is "because he is black". They weren't able to back it up with any information based on his political beliefs.

Jesus H. Christ...it goes both %$!*%$@ ways. Everyone is not capable of forming an argument and making a choice with reason differentiating the issues from theother.

No @%!!...many people voted for Obama solely because he is Black...or of color...or bi-racial...or whatever people feel like claiming him as today.
No @%!!...many people voted for McCain solely because he is White...or because his opponent is of color.

How many videos did we see of McCain supporters calling Obama a ___ or an "A-rab"? I'm quite sure race was their primary or only reason forvoting against him...AND vice versa.

That's the America that we live in today but with results like this, {gasp}...there is hope that barriers will continue to be broken.

I truly feel like MANY people voted FOR something rather than AGAINST something yesterday. Think about it...
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by BwooDFolkGD74

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

Originally Posted by MyTsharp

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Now you know how it feels to have people put words in your mouth.

And my opinion is obviously valued by some, I wish I could say the same about yours.

You wish you could say people valued MY opinion?
you're not even making sense...why would you wish that?
You're making my head hurt b. Just go to lunch.

Word. Some of these closet racists got me wanting to smash my keyboard.
Oh you're one of myt's supporters... NOW i think I know who his "crowd" is that he speaks of. Must be nice to have such educated, well-spoke followers MyT... this guy here is a winner, calling me a racist now several times with zero proof other than the fact that i voted for Obama.

honestly , you were looking for an argument....you could have just let MyT's EMOTIONAL response rock, because you didn't really fully comprehend it.

I didn't comprehend it... yep, again.. i'm stupid, i'm racist... you guys don't agree, so i'm a stupid closet racist.

It's amazing how simple it must be to live in your worlds, where everything is either right or wrong depending on your own point of view.

i never said you were racist...and i agreed with your responses mostly, but they had little to do with MyT's view of this situation.

you're just assuming a whole lot in your responses.

thats all.
Originally Posted by RockDeep

I hope some of you guys come around and just support the man and see what he CAN do.. and if doesn't you have the same choice you had this election. To vote for someone else.
I don't support him nor do I oppose him.
I'm skeptical.

I am anxious to see what he can and will do. Hopefully he won't be status quo.
Originally Posted by WinstonDon

From: Dirtylicious
Sent:November 5, 2008, 10:01 am

Warning - use of N word substitute
really dirty? come on now....first you warned me because i accidentally used a curse word and it was edited and now this......
....like seriously take a trip to the S&T.....if you're going to knit pick like this....and it's funny both of my warnings came in an Obama thread....and you're a conservative.....

If he sent you the warning through the yuku mail, you should at least have replied back instead of airing it our like this. And you know the rules...it evensays it on the top of the forum pages.
And pointing out that he's a conservative? 70%+ of NT are liberal-minded.
Originally Posted by gko2408

Originally Posted by WinstonDon

From: Dirtylicious
Sent:November 5, 2008, 10:01 am

Warning - use of N word substitute
really dirty? come on now....first you warned me because i accidentally used a curse word and it was edited and now this......
....like seriously take a trip to the S&T.....if you're going to knit pick like this....and it's funny both of my warnings came in an Obama thread....and you're a conservative.....

If he sent you the warning through the yuku mail, you should at least have replied back instead of airing it our like this. And you know the rules...it even says it on the top of the forum pages.
And pointing out that he's a conservative? 70%+ of NT are liberal-minded.

dirty never answers pm's...

but i didnt know the word "negro" was forbidden though

naa....he had to get his e-props for standing up to the staff


e props? lmao.....nah buddy....why the hell would i want props for standing up to a 30 yr old forum mod?

Originally Posted by gko2408

Originally Posted by WinstonDon

From: Dirtylicious
Sent:November 5, 2008, 10:01 am

Warning - use of N word substitute
really dirty? come on now....first you warned me because i accidentally used a curse word and it was edited and now this......
....like seriously take a trip to the S&T.....if you're going to knit pick like this....and it's funny both of my warnings came in an Obama thread....and you're a conservative.....

If he sent you the warning through the yuku mail, you should at least have replied back instead of airing it our like this.

naa....he had to get his e-props for standing up to the staff
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by RockDeep

I hope some of you guys come around and just support the man and see what he CAN do.. and if doesn't you have the same choice you had this election. To vote for someone else.
I don't support him nor do I oppose him.
I'm skeptical.

I am anxious to see what he can and will do. Hopefully he won't be status quo.
Bingo. Nobody should be rooting against the man - that's childish, we're all on the same team. But I'm not applauding the man untilhe does something he's talked about, here in a few months when he's sworn in.
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

No, they're ignorant because when asked why they supported Obama, they're only reasoning is "because he is black". They weren't able to back it up with any information based on his political beliefs.

Jesus H. Christ...it goes both %$!*%$@ ways. Everyone is not capable of forming an argument and making a choice with reason differentiating the issues from the other.

No @%!!...many people voted for Obama solely because he is Black...or of color...or bi-racial...or whatever people feel like claiming him as today.
No @%!!...many people voted for McCain solely because he is White...or because his opponent is of color.

How many videos did we see of McCain supporters calling Obama a ___ or an "A-rab"? I'm quite sure race was their primary or only reason for voting against him...AND vice versa.

That's the America that we live in today but with results like this, {gasp}...there is hope that barriers will continue to be broken.

I truly feel like MANY people voted FOR something rather than AGAINST something yesterday. Think about it...


this happens every presidential election and now people are making a big deal out of it just cause Obama is black

4 years ago did most people vote for Bush for his policies or did they vote for him cause he seemed like "the average american" and people couldrelate to him

This mess is getting out of hand
I R Andre:
Nice to see a black dude become president....though it would be better if he was 100% black instead of 50%.

Too bad he's a socialist. It makes me sick to know he is going to take my money and give it to someone else.

I can't believe that in these horrible times when people are losing their jobs all over the city this bastard is going to raise our taxes. Pathetic.

Republicans are truly scum, this dude got like a 400K house and hes like "he's gonna tax me the same way like under clinton so poor people can maybe prosper

i wouldn't call him scum...

just really selfish with a false sense of entitlement...
dirty never answers pm's...
I answer them. Just not in the time frame or fashion you'd want.
ahh yes, there is it...I knew it was coming..... the good ol' forum mod jab....the last wobbly leg of an argument when they've got nothing else to fallback on.

you violated the rules... you got warned. what is there to discuss?
next rule violation and you're automatically suspended for 30 days.
e props? lmao.....nah buddy....why the hell would i want props for standing up to a 30 yr old forum mod?
making fun of somebody being a mod on a message board? wow... you've really hit bottom when you're spending time on a message board,making fun of somebody else for spending time on a message board... that's the ultimate irony.

Just out of curiosity, who'd you vote for Winston?
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

e props? lmao.....nah buddy....why the hell would i want props for standing up to a 30 yr old forum mod?
making fun of somebody being a mod on a message board? wow... you've really hit bottom when you're spending time on a message board, making fun of somebody else for spending time on a message board... that's the ultimate irony.

Just out of curiosity, who'd you vote for Winston?

he took a jab at me n i threw one back
who cares....yalltaking it all serious...this is entertainment to me...i mean seriously you could ban me right now and there's nothing i can do....so basically continueknit picking my posts

i voted for Obama by the way....i'm just happy NC turned blue....and we turned our seat in the senate blue too.....because that seat has been red since the70's....

oh yea who said i was trying to make fun of dirty? i was just saying what the hell do i get out of that lol...you just assumed i was trying to rat on him
Originally Posted by UrbenYouth

Originally Posted by Baller23217

Originally Posted by UrbenYouth

Originally Posted by GoVols234

Originally Posted by UrbenYouth

Originally Posted by GoVols234

Originally Posted by UrbenYouth


Because people are ignorant. Because people follow the hype and vote for a person based on the color of his skin. Because people are happy to follow the hype by listening to ignorant idiots like Young Jeezy who are nothing but street thugs that couldn't even name the parts of the American government system....

^^^ There are not a lot of people voted for Obama because he is black. I can't stress that enough.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhbH9IYirD0http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhbH9IYirD0http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhbH9IYirD0http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhbH9IYirD0http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhbH9IYirD0http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhbH9IYirD0 Coincidence or not?

I've seen that video and I still stick by my statement. Those people are simply misinformed or just not interested in politics. They are supporting Obama because he is a democrat not because he is black. I guarantee you that if Obama was white, you would have got the exact same answers from those people. Just because they are stupid and don't know Obama's policies doesn't mean they support Obama because he is black. They are voting for the party, and not the party's values.

And that is the exact point I am trying to make! I cannot stand people that vote for a person and don't even know the issues! I guarantee you that plenty of voters around here voted for McCain because they thought Obama was muslim because of his middle name and all that. It is complete ignornace and I cannot stand that. It just seems like the majority of this board voted for Obama because he is black, which is ignorant and a sad state for this nation...

Oh I'm not trying to justify it at all. I think that these people should be voting on the policies and not the "name". That video is a sad representation of how uninformed and uneducated some American people are during such an important election. I just hate when people say that "blacks are voting for Obama because he is black" because in reality it's more for the reason that he is a democrat. I will admit that there are a number of blacks who did vote for him for the reason that he is black (the wrong reason) but definitely not as significant of a number as people would assume.

The majority of this board is young and there are a lot of African Americans here too and young people and African Americans have historically tended to vote for the democratic candidate. However, It has been clear that a LOT of people on this board DO know the issues and that is how they based their decision. There are plenty of blacks during the election who voted for Mccain as well.

I think that it's important that we focus on the issues and the values of the candidate because the other non-important factors like race and gender shouldn't shape a decision. It should definitely be a reason to be proud but not the primary reason to vote a certain way.

how do you know? i don't think many people would admit that's how they voted. we can't put numbers on it. i'd feel better if obama won without those votes.

I'm speaking from personal experience. I've heard that a few times here and there. I definitely don't approve of that and I think the number of "those" voters is so small that it's not even close to important. We definitely cannot put numbers on it. I'd feel better if Obama won without those votes too and I do feel better because he did. Like I said, the number of those votes is so small it wouldn't even make a difference.

And once again, how do you know how significant the number was?
Originally Posted by WinstonDon

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

e props? lmao.....nah buddy....why the hell would i want props for standing up to a 30 yr old forum mod?
making fun of somebody being a mod on a message board? wow... you've really hit bottom when you're spending time on a message board, making fun of somebody else for spending time on a message board... that's the ultimate irony.

Just out of curiosity, who'd you vote for Winston?
he took a jab at me n i threw one back
who cares....yall taking it all serious...this is entertainment to me...i mean seriously you could ban me right now and there's nothing i can do....so basically continue knit picking my posts

i voted for Obama by the way....i'm just happy NC turned blue....and we turned our seat in the senate blue too.....because that seat has been red since the 70's....

Do it, Dirty!

Originally Posted by WinstonDon

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

e props? lmao.....nah buddy....why the hell would i want props for standing up to a 30 yr old forum mod?
making fun of somebody being a mod on a message board? wow... you've really hit bottom when you're spending time on a message board, making fun of somebody else for spending time on a message board... that's the ultimate irony.

Just out of curiosity, who'd you vote for Winston?
he took a jab at me n i threw one back
who cares....yall taking it all serious...this is entertainment to me...i mean seriously you could ban me right now and there's nothing i can do....so basically continue knit picking my posts

i voted for Obama by the way....i'm just happy NC turned blue....and we turned our seat in the senate blue too.....because that seat has been red since the 70's....

oh yea who said i was trying to make fun of dirty? i was just saying what the hell do i get out of that lol...you just assumed i was trying to rat on him

you put any money on Obama? i know a lot of places were taking bets on it, but he was probably a huge favorite.
that's the thing.
I've never banned anyone who has disgreed with me....even if they were disrespectful...

I DO ban if people can't separate attack on issues with attacks on the person with said issues..

it's quite simple... follow the rules and you won't have to deal with me
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

that's the thing.
I've never banned anyone who has disgreed with me....even if they were disrespectful...

I DO ban if people can't separate attack on issues with attacks on the person with said issues..

it's quite simple... follow the rules and you won't have to deal with me
its koo...

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

you put any money on Obama? i know a lot of places were taking bets on it, but he was probably a huge favorite.

nahh...i just placed a bet on the NJ/Pho game last night.....i picked the under and somehow it went under....that game had to be rigged though....NJ onlyscored 9 points in the 4th lol
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