Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

you dont understand what im saying. once you get daedric, you dont need any other type of armor. you can level 70 to 100 IMPROVING anything you make

dont listen tho

make 3 hours worth of more daggers than you need to

then feel dumb when every forge or improvement you do afterwards for things youre actually gonna use doesnt gain you any xp...


and someone said the enchant boost like 20 pages ago when the dagger boost was first mentioned.

i got to level 50 today

You don't get Daedric at 70 Smithing however and to get to 100 from 70 by making and improving armor...you do know that Ebony isn't till 80 right?

Also, I'd think that higher Smithing means you can improve your armor more like in Enchanting where higher Enchanting means higher percentages of enchants so why would you improve your armor with lower Smithing? Note: I'm not sure if Smithing works the same way as Enchanting so don't quote me on that, I tried looking on the Skyrim wiki and it didn't say whether it does.

I'm not sure how it took you 2 hours to go from 80-100 Smithing cause surely that wasn't the amount of time you were just forging them. I went from 90-100 in the span on about 10 minutes and I didn't even have all the materials ready to go so I had to run and buy more as well.

I'm not trying to say you're wrong or start an argument...I'm just not understanding the point you're trying to make.
Anyone get stuck on the companion quests where the guy is in a boat and just keeps saying " you're not suppose to be here. " how do you fight him?
Originally Posted by Jhustle23

Anyone get stuck on the companion quests where the guy is in a boat and just keeps saying " you're not suppose to be here. " how do you fight him?

Is it the guy who says you have to pay him for trespassing? 
Originally Posted by RedBox

Originally Posted by Jhustle23

Anyone get stuck on the companion quests where the guy is in a boat and just keeps saying " you're not suppose to be here. " how do you fight him?

Is it the guy who says you have to pay him for trespassing? 

One of the companions says to go rough a guy up. I go to the boat where he is at and try talking to him and he says "you're not suppose to be here. ". The marker is above his head and all but I can't get him to have a dialogue with me. So I can't do any companion quests until I finish this one.
Yo Curb, I'm level 25 right now. Got my smithing up over lvl 80 finally. Got my ebony armor, currently doing the Thieves Guild missions to get the Nightingale armor.
To be completely honest, the end of the game isn't as hard as you may think. But just know when you get to the end you will be in 
 mode. I know I was at least. 

I plan on getting the Ebony Mail armor and using the Nightingale hood with it. 

Plan on getting another housecarl (a female) and throwing the nightingale armor on her (without the mask/hood) and having a sick duo to run around with. 
im saying its a waste of time after you can forge daedric to make a single iron dagger again

but do you thing, g

rock that nice dragon armor (LMAO)

and no, the levels from when you can unlock daedric to 100 dont improve your smithing talents at all.

im into enchant and potions to improve smithing anyway (which, next time i play though, im gonna do instead of grinding my smithing....it really make the game easier and took a really long time, for me, at least..)

i have a soul sucking daedric sword at 104 damage and double from my one handed being 100

so again, my point is its a waste of time to grind from WHATEVER LEVEL YOU CAN FORGE DAEDRIC to 100

lmao @ dudes like "BUT ITS NOT 70" like thats even remotely my point

look, do you, man, ive gotten like 5 different "thanks man" reponses in here

daedric is the best armor besides the unique ebony mail

so after you can make daedric its really pointless to grind to 100 just for dragon armor when youll end up improving the armor and weapons you have.....multiple times....more than likely with the aid of enchanted items and potions that increase smithing....

but again

do your thing, g

you went from 90 to 100 in 10 mins without the materials?


so you went from 0 to 100 in an hour and a half?

without the materials?



so you're on your second playthrough?

imma make a brenton my second time and take it madd slow....my first time i just wanted to see everything...i really wish they did alot more customization and classes of armor/weapons....its quite the dissapointment after grinding to level smithing.
Ok so I just bought this game because ALL of my friends .. seriously all of them (and no I don't have nerdy friends) are all into it.

I did want to know if I should buy Oblivion though? I always wanted to, but never got to buying it. I just forgot about it.
Originally Posted by VoidEmperor

joined the Dark Brotherhood today. I'm trying to do that trick where you can make armor/weapons with over 1mil stats.

I was thinking about doing this but I'm not really trying to hunt for all the stuff you need for the potions. But when them weapons/armor the game is pointless lol.
Originally Posted by KillTheHype

I did want to know if I should buy Oblivion though? I always wanted to, but never got to buying it. I just forgot about it.
My suggestion would be to not get Oblivion until you've done all you want in Skyrim. The Elders Scroll games take place on one continent and Skyrim/Oblivion/Morrowind are all games that take place in different parts of the general map.

My suggestion is, play through Skyrim, then backtrack through the other games seeing as to how you will explore each new country one at a time. It will sort of throw you off looking for all these towns and things when you're going to mixing all the locations up between games. 

And Curb, nah brodie I'm still only on my first play through. I plan on getting a new Housecarl through becoming the Thane of other towns and just seeing which one I like the best. 

I'm taking everything slowly though. I played through the main storyline just to get it out of the way, and now I'm really getting into this civil war between the Imperials and the Stormcloaks. My boy is a mage and he went the Winterhold College route and completed all of that before he got back on the main storyline and now he's doing that. 

I have another friend who is all over the place, playign really sloppy. He has too many objectives and he's jumping all over the place. I can't play like that, it'll #%$@ me up 
I play like your boy, Prime. Tons of quests all over the place $$*!'s over whelming
. Been trying to do a few of the side quests just to get stuff out the way, it's getting out of hand the amount of quests I have in my menu lmao.
Originally Posted by Capo617

I play like your boy, Prime. Tons of quests all over the place $$*!'s over whelming
. Been trying to do a few of the side quests just to get stuff out the way, it's getting out of hand the amount of quests I have in my menu lmao.
This. I got like 30+ but as soon as I dont feel like doing something or it gets a little hard I just start doing something else
Your post is finally clear after about 4 attempts but who hurt you? You're coming off extremely defensive and condescending overvalued a question. And yeah I got to 100 Smithing in 10 minutes without the materials but I paced myself from 0-90 before that. I use daedric now, dragon was just a test set but there's no point talking to you. You act like a child when questioned innocently. Lmao.
Originally Posted by Capo617

Originally Posted by VoidEmperor

joined the Dark Brotherhood today. I'm trying to do that trick where you can make armor/weapons with over 1mil stats.

I was thinking about doing this but I'm not really trying to hunt for all the stuff you need for the potions. But when them weapons/armor the game is pointless lol.
 yeah i gave up on this, don't feel like hunting for the items.
I play sloppy as well, I have a bunch of quest/questlines open and whenever I look up the guide for a quest and it takes an effort, I quit it. I've only finished the Companions story line and most of the Thieves Guild. I think the reason why I'm not interested in the College of Winterhold and Thieves Guild storylines is because my character is neither a mage or a rogue type character.
Originally Posted by BaltimoreGutta

Your post is finally clear after about 4 attempts but who hurt you? You're coming off extremely defensive and condescending overvalued a question. And yeah I got to 100 Smithing in 10 minutes without the materials but I paced myself from 0-90 before that. I use daedric now, dragon was just a test set but there's no point talking to you. You act like a child when questioned innocently. Lmao.

son, i articulated my point 5 times and you repeated yourself...

not just that, youre like the 4th different person to do so

it gets annoying and tiring trynna help cats out and i got dudes trynna argue pointless points with me

"daedric isnt 70" or "you wont get from 90 to 100 making one ebony set" etc.

ive done like 80+ quests i think.....i just do everything...lmao....the first three days i played most of my quests went like this "im looking for this item, its in a cave with hundreds of deadly enemies guarding it..." "oh, you mean this old thing" "wow, yeah, thanks"


i was running up in every dungeon and cave killing everything and picking everything up


i never picked a side in the civil war, but i already negotiated peace



question about fallout....what is the shooting/fighting system like? is it piffy? if its just meh, ill pass

i couldnt get past how awful the combat in mass effect was
Originally Posted by BaltimoreGutta

I play sloppy as well, I have a bunch of quest/questlines open and whenever I look up the guide for a quest and it takes an effort, I quit it. I've only finished the Companions story line and most of the Thieves Guild. I think the reason why I'm not interested in the College of Winterhold and Thieves Guild storylines is because my character is neither a mage or a rogue type character.

i like the college storyline cause it was kinda cool....try it out (i dont use magic at all either)

i did the thieves guild to pay off bounties and learn to sneak.....their storyline is pretty good too

my 2nd playthough im going directly for assassins guild......for various reasons....

mainly the skeleton key
I just grabbed Gears of War 3 so I haven't touched this game in a few days. When I start again, I'm going to try to finish some stopy lines. Thieves Guild isn't working for me and my 27.6k bounty in Markath or whatever the town is.
Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

whats the best race to start off with?
There is no "best" race. Its all bout how you want to play. Its all a matter of opinion. 
Originally Posted by PRIME

Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

whats the best race to start off with?
There is no "best" race. Its all bout how you want to play. Its all a matter of opinion. 
...but if you want to be all hardcore and stuff, pick the Breton because of their innate 25% magic reduction perk.
Feels weird being the Arch Mage of Winterhold. I don't even do magic really, I just like to stab people. I went through that quest too quick.
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