eBAY auctions won...don't post live links

Originally Posted by dizzledyl

 Coulda got a better deal if shipping wasn't $99.99
well, no, probably not.  if the shipping was lower, the bids would've gone higher....... the point of the high shipping is to keep the bid amounts lower which, in turn, keeps the final value fee that the seller has to pay lower.  plus, one bid guarantees a certain amount of money for the shoes ($99 - shipping cost + fees), allowing the seller to start the bidding lower, which also affects the cost of the listing. 
Originally Posted by denverairforce

wow, $150? you raped somebody's bank account on that one! haha.

I guess if a pair in the store retails at like 125 or so it wasn't that bad of a deal for him, haha. Canadian express shipping costs like 35 anyway. Either way, I was happy since they cost me only 20 bootles.
Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

Originally Posted by Stuntman Mike

you can use the gel on the midsoles and un-yellow them. 

school me amigo
I believe there is a tooth whitening gel you can use on them to whiten the midsoles.  Someone bought a pair of mine a few months back (they had yellowing) and after he used it on them all I can say is 
 it made a huge difference.  If you look on....I hate to even say it....ISS...They'll point you in the right direction
no need to go to ISS for the info, it's Plus White Speed Whitening Gel and you apply a layer to the soles, leave it overnight, clean it off the next day, and repeat. keep doing that until you get results. can take a week or two, depending on the severity of the yellowing.
Originally Posted by denverairforce

no need to go to ISS for the info, it's Plus White Speed Whitening Gel and you apply a layer to the soles, leave it overnight, clean it off the next day, and repeat. keep doing that until you get results. can take a week or two, depending on the severity of the yellowing.
Good lookin out, I knew it was some kind of whitening gel.  I just figured to check there since those kids are heavily into sb's over there
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Originally Posted by denverairforce

no need to go to ISS for the info, it's Plus White Speed Whitening Gel and you apply a layer to the soles, leave it overnight, clean it off the next day, and repeat. keep doing that until you get results. can take a week or two, depending on the severity of the yellowing.
Good lookin out, I knew it was some kind of whitening gel.  I just figured to check there since those kids are heavily into sb's over there
Word! Thanks denverAF!
Originally Posted by denverairforce

no need to go to ISS for the info, it's Plus White Speed Whitening Gel and you apply a layer to the soles, leave it overnight, clean it off the next day, and repeat. keep doing that until you get results. can take a week or two, depending on the severity of the yellowing.

Thanks bro, i'll pick some up tomorrow and get to it
Originally Posted by Twenty Four Seven

Some cat went to a bid war with me after me and seller had agreed to a 250 shipped BIN, so had to BIN for his price just to end the auction. Glad seller was a man of his word, because it was at 251.... but I fasho got these for 250 shipped!

so his auction goes up to almost $500 shipped and he just decides to screw the winner and let you get them for half that?  somehow I have a hard time believing anybody is THAT honest. 
Originally Posted by denverairforce

Originally Posted by Twenty Four Seven

Some cat went to a bid war with me after me and seller had agreed to a 250 shipped BIN, so had to BIN for his price just to end the auction. Glad seller was a man of his word, because it was at 251.... but I fasho got these for 250 shipped!

so his auction goes up to almost $500 shipped and he just decides to screw the winner and let you get them for half that?  somehow I have a hard time believing anybody is THAT honest. 

Bid only went to 251; BIN was 360 plus the 230 shipping, I had to BIN just to end the auction. Lol, just because you wouldn't have kept it solid and been a man of your word doesn't mean this guy didn't. And if you think I paid 590 for ONE pair of shoes, you're out of it. If you need proof, check the time the last bid was made and what time the "These shoes have been sold, do not bid" post at the bottom of auction was posted. All in all I could care less if you believe me, I'm the onewith the snakeskins for 250.
I gotcha, all good, sorry to sweat ya, but people be perpetratin' in here. although, I still think you overpaid at $250. just my opinion, of course. so trying to flaunt to me that you got some ugly shoes for $250 is not going to make me jealous or anything, lol.


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