Originally Posted by 23karlaknafel45

Sorry if im late to the party w/a pic of this tee...but I just picked this up and thought it was a hot tee....

Let me get this straight... we are supposed to work the large W into the name DYANE... which makes it... DWYANE... I never realized how messed up the spellingof his name was. I always thought it was DWAYNE. Whatever the case... the shirt is lame.
Originally Posted by jordanpheen

Yeah not liking the way they used the W for both names either

Tally mark me in on that as well.

My OCD would never allow me to have this shirt.
my boy has the same name and he spells it DUANE. never thought it was spelled dwayne until mr wade got to the NBA .
Originally Posted by dollabill1

Originally Posted by sthebest1984

That looks stupid...And is it me or does that shirt read Dyane Wade?

the 'w' in wade is used for both first and last name

That's what they want you to believe. I'm sure it passed through the design process, manufacturing, and QC without anyone taking notice. JB FAIL
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