Dude Goes All-In on the *Second* Round Virgin VOL. Read it all you lazy bums

Originally Posted by BallinBoykz

Originally Posted by Ryanbbn1

i seriously have a bet with my friend who is a die-hard Tmac fan, that i made 2 years ago, that says mcgrady will never win a championship in his playing career. the bet is for a $1000. i cant wait to collect on that.

I hope you have a ring chaser clause in place.
tmac just doesnt care imo. it just seems like a championship is never a goal of his.
He used to be my favorite player, I lost all respect for him when he said he didn't always try on the Magic.

I'll never forgive him from causing that bum Steve Francis to come to the Magic

I hate seeing mac like this, you can tell he hurting man. He getting ripped on air, news, blogs, all the time.
Dude is trying sometimes and cant get it done, I donno what he doing out there now
Originally Posted by BallinBoykz

Originally Posted by Ryanbbn1

i seriously have a bet with my friend who is a die-hard Tmac fan, that i made 2 years ago, that says mcgrady will never win a championship in his playing career. the bet is for a $1000. i cant wait to collect on that.

I hope you have a ring chaser clause in place.

Seriously I wouldn't even worry about that. Tmac doesn't seem like the type that would even ring chase.
Originally Posted by TheRav4

Seriously I wouldn't even worry about that. Tmac doesn't seem like the type that would even ring chase.
Actually I see him latching on to Cleveland or SA after his contract is up. I would also have included New Orleans.. but
The funny thing to me about Tracy is that even with all the jumpers he takes he's still always hurt. I can only imagine if he played like Wade. Prolly bein a body cast. It's whatever, we are not winning a championship with him or Yao. Seems like when players come down here they take it easy. I know it'sa laid back city but damn...
Originally Posted by SHUGES

It seems as if the "in" thing to do on NT these days is bash T-Mac.

First of all, he's injured. In that clip you can CLEARLY see that he was hobbling trying to catch Moon. Even after the dunk, you could see T-Mac running gingerly back up court.

Second of all, I guess it's not a coincidence nor is it surprising that this thread was started by and is filled with Laker heads and/or Kobe fans. Some of you have never let go the fact that T-Mac at one point was above Kobe.

But whatever.

I'll be the first to admit T-Mac is nowhere near what he used to be. But to say that he quit and all that other bs is stupid and flat out wrong. That article is trash.
Still defending T-mac till this day. I don't blame you. If your a true die-hard fan of someone, of course you're going to defend him nomatter what. Even when all signs point to the obvious.

To me, he is hurting this team. It's not fair to Yao, Ron & crew to be busting their butts (even when injured like Ron is) playing with 110% while Tmacclearly looks like he doesn't attempt to put forth any effort. His legarthic play is evident in the few past games. It seems like he doesn't even wantto be on the court. He catches the ball on the wing and immediately looks to pass it and has the audacity to say that he "needs more shots". He'sshooting 28 percent and averaging 8.2 points over his last five games. His 15 points per game and 39.5 percent shooting for the season are career lows. Yet,asks for more shots...

Also, he said yesterday after the loss: "We are all out of sync"
Yao says yesterday after the loss: "You can't say, we need to make more shots. I need to point to myself. I need to do better, putting layups in thebasket"

Tmac plays poorly which is contagious and spreads to the team, he blames the entire team.
Yao plays poorly, he points to himself and blames himself.

Lamar Mcgrady. This guy.

I don't care if you Tmac never scores above 10 points ever again as long as the Rockets are winning and the chemistry is there.
But when his play, effort and atitude is affecting the play of his teammates and they start losing, the cancer has got to be isolated, pointed out and takencare of.

Oh about his injury...
He asked for the second game off on back2backs so he could recuperate and be ready for the next game. What's the excuse this time for the Toronto gamewhere he goes 2-9 for 4 points? That game wasn't part of a back2back.

If you need more evidence, or to tell people and defend Tmac, head on over here : http://bbs.clutchfans.net/forumdisplay.php?f=9

There was a freaking fast break, he pulled up and passed behind him to Alston....

This was THE play that absolutey made me (and probably all Rockets fans) go ballistics. Dude had a clear path to the baskest. ALL by himself.Decides to pass it BACK to Rafer, stops, receives the pass again, pulls up to brick the mid-range.

Injured or not, he had the angle and could've gotten in front of Jamario or at the very least grabbed him and wrapped him up
Another article from a different blogger from the Chron...

Link: http://www.chron.com/disp...ports/bk/bkn/6193178.html

Tracy McGrady is holding the Rockets hostage. Is that simple enough?

There's no easy answer to this problem. You may think there is, but there's not.

The Rockets already have suggested he take another chunk of time off. He declined, saying he wants to play through the pain in his left knee this time and will take off selected games.

So he's terrible in a loss at Toronto on Friday and didn't play Saturday night in Atlanta. Sometimes in, sometimes out.

Tricky problem for club

It's one thing to be limited by pain. It's another thing to sulk on the floor. There's no excuse for McGrady's behavior Friday.

There's a delicate balance in dealing with a superstar. I can only imagine what coach Rick Adelman and general manager Daryl Morey would say if they were pumped full of truth serum. Adelman previously asked McGrady to practice only when he could practice hard.

This offense is based on players cutting, moving, passing and getting comfortable with one another. If the No. 1 guy isn't out there, it's hard to make things go smoothly.

McGrady sets a tone, too. When he isn't into it, Ron Artest has moments when he simply gives up on the offense and does whatever he wants.

Bad influence on Artest

If things are clicking, if the ball is moving, he's unlikely to do this. On nights when McGrady is playing at half-speed, when things are going south, Artest is much more likely to go south, too.

This is the risk of bringing in Artest. He's an amazingly talented player, but he's, uh, different.

You probably think McGrady should be ordered off the floor for a while, that he's helping no one, particularly the Rockets. You're right about this.

It's not just that McGrady is playing the worst basketball of his career. He is. He's shooting 28 percent and averaging 8.2 points over his last five games. His 15 points per game and 39.5 percent shooting for the season are career lows.

Here's the tough part. The Rockets have enough talent to make the playoffs without him. They're 5-4 when he doesn't play and 16-10 when he does.

In previous years, they couldn't be successful without him. Thanks to Morey, the Rockets have depth: Aaron Brooks, Carl Landry, Luis Scola, etc.

Luther Head plays with more confidence when McGrady isn't around. In fact, they all do.

I asked a player why the Rockets looked so much more energetic without McGrady.

"You feel wanted," the player said.

He meant that when McGrady is on the floor, players naturally defer to him. McGrady doesn't demand this. In fact, he tells players to play their games and let him get his stuff in the flow of the game.

Essential to playoff run

That's not reality. He's Tracy McGrady, and they're not. They're always going to defer to him.

When he's out, their natural talents surface. There's better ball movement and a much smoother look to the offense.

Yet the Rockets must have McGrady playing at a high level to make any noise in the playoffs. That's the bottom line. At the moment, they can't win with him. During the playoffs, they can't win without him.

The Rockets keep hoping that if he continues to play, he'll eventually gain the strength and comfort he needs to be the real Tracy McGrady.

I don't know how hard he's working at rehab. I heard for a while he was working very hard. I'm not so sure now.

Would it be best for the Rockets if he took another stretch of games off? Sure, it would.

That's what your local high school coach would make a player do. That kind of thing isn't reality in the NBA.

NBA players have leverage. Players who, like McGrady, make $21 million have all the leverage.

The Rockets can't order him to do anything. They simply must hope he'll do the right thing.

The Rockets can't risk losing McGrady mentally, so they plod along, hoping he's capable of playing at a high level, trusting him to be honest about how his knee is feeling.

This is another nightmare for a franchise that is run by good, competent people, by people who don't deserve this.

No other sports franchise in this city is run as well as the Rockets. Leslie Alexander will spend to win. Morey is terrific. Adelman is a pro's pro.

This season began with justifiably high expectations. The Rockets could never have imagined McGrady would still be slowed by last summer's knee surgery.

The Rockets have tried everything. He tried to play through the pain. Then he played fewer minutes. Then he rested it. He definitely did work hard for a while.

Here's to his health

They've got a good record, but it's not nearly what they hoped it would be. They wanted to be mentioned in the same breath with the Lakers and Celtics.

Now they don't appear to be as good as Orlando, Cleveland and San Antonio.

Even worse have been those damning losses to the Wizards, Clippers, Pacers, etc. Those are games that good teams take care of.

Part of me says this team is in real trouble. Yet it's only Jan. 4, and there's plenty of time to get everyone on the same page.

It's all on McGrady. All the Rockets can do is listen to him, hope he's telling them the truth, and then pray he'll be at full speed within a few weeks.

If that happens, there will be time to get rolling for the playoffs. If it doesn't, well, there's always the NFL draft.

My dude T-Mac is always injured/emo in the regular season. Nothing new, here.

At the end of the day, the playoffs is where the Rockets need T-Mac to show up. And he has, every playoff series. Of course, as we know, it hasn'tequated to a second round appearance, but that's why they got Ron Artest. To help shoulder the load. Ron Artest, an emerging Aaron Brooks, a hopefullystill has some gas left in his tank Brent Barry, and a newly re-signed Dikembe Mutumbo should all help the cause down the stretch, to go along with Yao.

T-Mac is going to be a Rocket until 2010, for better or for worse. At which time, his $20M number comes off the books.

Ps - JVG always hyping up the Rockets

..Rockets gotta learn how to walk first before they run.
Tmac, please please start playing better by 2010 so we can ship your %$% out and get Dwade...
Watching that game it was obvious McGrady still has talent even with his physical decline. The big problem was that he didn't want to be there. I could seeby his half-hearted attempts that he knew he should be trying, it's just that he was completely out of it. He's completely tired of playing, the onlyway I see his defense getting better is if he's shooting hot andhas the ball a lot on the offensive end (to get his head into the game). I thought it wouldbe smart for the Rockets to dump him in the offseason (maybe they tried?) but now it's critical to get rid of him if he doesn't get his head into thegame. Artest is extremely wild on the offensive end but it's obvious that he's frustrated and wants to win.

The Rockets biggest priority should be getting rid of Rafer though, even when he's on fire he can't cover up his severe case of ADD. It's notsomething that he can ever improve it's just the way he is. When everyone was all over him during their streak last year he still couldn't cover up hisinconsistent defensive efforts and at times brainless play on offense. It's not that he's selfish, just too stupid to have the ball in his hands somuch.
He has no love for the game of basketball. Screw him and his dysfunctional eye.
franchise3 wrote:
My dude T-Mac is always injured/emo in the regular season. Nothing new, here.

At the end of the day, the playoffs is where the Rockets need T-Mac to show up. And he has, every playoff series.
That's the bottom line.

rocksfan25 wrote:
Watching that game it was obvious McGrady still has talent even with his physical decline. The big problem was that he didn't want to be there. I could see by his half-hearted attempts that he knew he should be trying, it's just that he was completely out of it. He's completely tired of playing, the only way I see his defense getting better is if he's shooting hot andhas the ball a lot on the offensive end (to get his head into the game). I thought it would be smart for the Rockets to dump him in the offseason (maybe they tried?) but now it's critical to get rid of him if he doesn't get his head into the game. Artest is extremely wild on the offensive end but it's obvious that he's frustrated and wants to win.

The Rockets biggest priority should be getting rid of Rafer though, even when he's on fire he can't cover up his severe case of ADD. It's not something that he can ever improve it's just the way he is. When everyone was all over him during their streak last year he still couldn't cover up his inconsistent defensive efforts and at times brainless play on offense. It's not that he's selfish, just too stupid to have the ball in his hands so much.

I loved this post because I agreed with everything in it:
- Tracy is playing like he's just tired of it all... mentally and physically.
- Rox should have traded him this past off-season. I remember floating a T-Mac for Josh Howard scenario and I also remember Laker fans even saying they'dtake him for the right deal.
- Rafer BEEN needed to go. Everything quoted by rocksfan25 is ON THE MONEY (except calling Skip stupid. I would've used "unreliable" or "notsmart enough" maybe).

Now durty, that article you posted by Richard Justice (who I personally think has something against T-Mac... Iremember seeing him on PTI rip McGrady for no apparent reason like "where did that come from?"), actually has 1 or 2 decent points. But I liked someof the comments by the readers even better:

I'm tired of all the speculation as to what doctors, Morey and Adelman are telling T-mac, and what T-mac chooses to do instead. I need more direct quotes.
For example, "The Rockets already have suggested he take another chunk of time off." Link? Quote? When did this happen? And where's the quote from Tracy stating that he chose to play over taking time off?
And apparently, we can't even mention players by name anymore! "I asked a player why the Rockets looked so much more energetic without McGrady.
'You feel wanted,' the player said. "
No reason I should believe that.
I'm unhappy with T-mac's performance thus far in the season just like the next Rox fan, but I'm not behind what the Chron is doing. You all want us to judge T-mac. That would be fine if more facts about the situation were presented. But we're just getting a bunch of 'he-said, she-said', instead of a concrete lay-out of what the situation is.
And this:

TRACY McGRADY IS NOT A DOCTOR! IT IS THE TEAM'S FAULT IF THEY ALLOW HIM TO DESTROY IT. Tracy McGrady should be resting/rehab for 2-3 weeks. If he feels 100%, so NO HEALTH EXCUSES, then he should play. IF THE ROCKETS SUGGEST HE TAKE TIME OUT TO HEAL, THEN THAT IS WHAT THE CLUB SHOULD MAKE HIM DO, despite what he says he wants. SAN ANTONIO HAS NO PROBLEMS SITTING DOWN THEIR STAR PLAYERS AND LETTING THEM HEAL TO BECOME 100%. If the Rockets did this early on, these problems would not persist.
And this:
Mr. Justice does nothing but stir up fans for his own job security. With times gettin so bad, he should be the first to go.

My thing is this... the media will do anything to smear an athlete. How is it that T-Mac has all of this negative press yet he's ranked 2nd among guards inall-star voting? And don't give me the China crap either. 962,000 people... almost a million people are still fans. That doesn't even count guys likemyself who haven't voted once yet. But somehow, T-Mac is starting to be painted as the "problem" in Houston.

Why is T-Mac getting blasted when the Rox org should be getting just as much criticism for trotting his broken ##* out there regardless of what Tracy says??

If Tracy is such a "problem" due to him half-assing it, then bench him or send him home. Simple as that. Why not blame the Rox for not having thenuts to sit him when he's OBVIOUSLY not 100%??
He did have around 2 weeks off. That proved nothing as he still came back being a bum.

I guess let him have as much time off as he needs?

He did go to the team doctors to assess his injury and have their opinions on what he should do. They told him in order to regain your strength, you need toplay through it. Mcgrady for whatever reason, goes to get other doctors opinion in which they tell him the same thing: play through it to regain strength.

Refusing to listen to a collection of doctors, he decides to take around 2 weeks off.

Thinking this would give him some physical and mental focus back, he still comes back to playing like a certified bum !@# role player in which he does moreharm to the team then good.

See something wrong with this picture?

Mcgrady is weak. Enough talent to be one of the best in the league but lacks other intangibles to carry forth and display that talent. At this point and stage,he's weak all-around. Especially mentally. His trade value probably is pretty much non-existent as of right now. Only thing he has valuable is his heftycontract will comes off the books in 2010.

So what now.

Trade? Sit? Bench? Marbury-treatment?
Mac is FAR from done. He's simply not a first or even second option anymore. He's in-between a second and third primary option offensively. Dude justneeds to finally get his body right and get in a brand new situation where he isn't depended on to be the franchise. He just doesn't fit with Yao.

Guys are going overboard in here
I'd GLADLY take him here in L.A.,maybe even for Odom/Luke or Odom/Vlad
at the usual mclazy nt gfs defending him. blah blah blah dude is hurtblah blah blah. does that really explain why he plays with no heart? i guess hes played hurt his entire career since dude has never shown any heart.
I want to see the fire in Tmac you see at the 0:40 mark.
Many people are laughing at what Reggie and JVG said early in the season.
But I won't lie last offseason when the Rox got Artest...I was thinking they could take out the west as well.
It's just a damn shame Tmac is acting like this right now.
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