Have you ever drank alcohol and drove?

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Never understood having legal limits if when you get pulled over and blow anything over 0.00 you'll get in trouble

You can blow 0.00 and still get arrested and charged with DUI.

They can say "well thanks for agreeing to the breathalyzer but I think you're on some sort of narcotic and I'm taking you in and taking your blood".

At which point you need a lawyer to get you off if you truly are innocent.

Its all on a cops discretion, if they're dead set on charging you with a DUI, it doesn't matter if you're sober as a priest, you can get caught up.

Whether or not it holds up depends on the result of your blood test or the legality of the stop in the first place.

Checkpoints circumvent the need for a legal stop. So nights like this night are huge for departments. More DUI arrests and subsequent convictions the more funding they get.

Is this true?
the risk reward isn't in your favor so why attempt it? is it worth losing your license, wasting a ton of cash and possibly costing your life and someone else's? don't be a selfish prick. don't drink and drive. if you're a little buzzed, just chill out for a lil bit till you're sober.
A lot of people's get behind the wheel after more drinks than they should. It's a fact of life.
No lie, I've done my fair of drinking and driving quite often...for years. From 18-23, we'd drive out...get drunk and tipsy then drive home. Remember countless nights of driving tipsy all the way to queens from brooklyn to grab food and then drive back. Definitely not proud of it at all. Can't believe we were so damn reckless at one point. Thankful that no one was ever hurt.
The most I've had was 2 beers and a shot in me, but, I always eat good and give myself some buffer time before I drive again.
With the Holiday season here when I drive around I've been bombarded with the "Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving" messages and a lot commercials like that.

If buzzed driving is drunk driving, then sober driving is buzzed driving. Think about it.

Anyway, as for the original question, I've had some rough drives home in my life, but I'm really good at maintaining. I was pulled over once after drinking, but I blew a .04. She let me off with a warning. Didn't even ticket me for speeding.
I have, not anymore after I got home one night not realizing I was home or how I got here 

kinda stopped drinking after that too.
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I'll just speak in general, dudes get HAMMERED where I'm from and ride around like its nothing. I'm talking smashed and smoke and drink the whole way home or wherever they soul desire.

From the old dudes to the young bucks.
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I ain't even gon lie Christmas I was dunzo and still made the 15 min drive home. Safe n sound tho, everybody says I drive better drunk cuz I drive reckless sober.
2015 I don't have to worry about that tho since I'm giving up drinking all together or trying too. I'm a occasional/holiday drinker anyway but I ain't like the way I felt the day after so I'm trynna give up anything besides the occasional beer or 2. Bye my beloved Hennessey :frown:
Used to be dumb *** hell drivin drunk ALL the time, i never liked driving high tho. Too much paranoia.

Me an my homeboys would even cruise around drinking.

So many times i was blackout drunk and dont even know how i got home. Woke up like wtf happened? How did i get here, go outaide my truck isnt wrecked.

**** that.

Both are stupid and selfish. I dont partake in that anymore and i rarley even drink now.

I was drunk one day and rolled thru a stop sign, immediately got lit up. What does my drunk *** do? Run from the cops in my vehicle in an area i had never been before. Eventually gave up, cop didnt even call back up and was chasin me for a good 5 minutes. Dude ended up givin me a ticket for no license on me and rolling thru the stop sign. God was lookin out for me.

A family friend died fr drunk driving. Her face wasnt even on her anymore.

My homeboys daughter got killed by a drunk driver. A truck ran straight thru the house and killed her while she was asleep.

My uncle was on a bike and a drunk driver ran over him and he died.

When i was 15 i had a homeboy that was in his car and a drunk driver was speeding and hit the car and my homeboy was killed instantly.

All of these drunk drivers lived.

Dont drink and drive, its not cool if your able to leave the party drunk and say 'i got this i do it all the time' and then its all good the next day. You womt always be lucky.
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Ive blown a .07 when I felt drunk as hell and I almost rolled my car over the side of a hill (the curb caught the last piece of my rim from doing so) when I was too drunk to drive. I don't drink and drive anymore but just recently lost a **** load of cash in vegas cause I was drunk and misplaced it. Too much alcohol is just bad news.

Its not worth it. I just SMH at myself but feel lucky to have not hurt anyone or ruined my record. Takes a few situations and years to learn your lesson though.
I was drunk one day and rolled thru a stop sign, immediately got lit up. What does my drunk *** do? Run from the cops in my vehicle in an area i had never been before. Eventually gave up, cop didnt even call back up and was chasin me for a good 5 minutes. Dude ended up givin me a ticket for no license on me and rolling thru the stop sign. God was lookin out for me.

Almost got popped for DUI, real eye opener. Been more responsible sense. Got hit by a drunk driver and totaled my brothers 2012 A5. New at the time. Lucky to walk away unharmed.
I don't drink.

I've drivin high before, **** is real chill.
You just ignore all possible dangers and wing it :lol:

Not good tho, don't do it
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I was actually designated driver last night. My boys wanted to get drunk and I normally dont like to drink like that so it works out
forget drunk drivers. what about the people that drive behind the wheel and they know they're tired and ultimately fall asleep at the wheel. killing or injuring someone
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