Drunk Driver Launches Car Over Toll Booth

i saw on the news, they said it was a woman driver. true story.

Originally Posted by iLL W1LLiam

I can't front I laughed hella hard

The driver

You can find Yasmine Villasana on Facebook. Just type in her name.
Posted On: Thursday, Jun. 3 2010 @ 12:53PM

On blast tho
next stunt driver for Hollywood.

read this article http://blogs.dallasobserver.com/unfairpark/2010/06/this_is_not_how_youre_supposed.php and at one point it said...
"DFW spokesman David Magana confirms: "The driver was, as you might guess, suspected of inebriation and investigated for such and arrested for such."
because of NT, i could have sworn it was going to say
"The driver was, as you might guess, a woman.
Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

wow ... we need tougher DUI laws ...

i'm curious to what you think they should go to? you would be surprised at the @%*% you have to deal with after getting a DUI...
Originally Posted by Crumbs

more irrefutable proof that females cant drive.

Son, she drove a car OVER a toll booth and lived. If that's not god damn good driving, I dont know what is.
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