Dressing Better Vol 2.0

I don't like you, jk. What size and color did you get? My size 10 in the brown always alternate between being in and out of stock.
Just live chatted with Nordstrom about those RW's, they are on backorder until 10/27 and should ship next week :pimp: You guys had me worried I wouldn't get my pair!
Project Upgrade: Tom Ford Edition

There's a reason Justin Timberlake, Jay Z, and Brad Pitt all turn to one man when it's time to suit up: Tom Ford has the art of elevated style down to a science. To truly put Tom's skills to the test, we found five regular Londoners and ran them through the Tom Ford movie-star-making machine. Then we persuaded Tom to let us publish all his secret formulas so that you can use them, too

When we introduced Tom Ford to the five regular British blokes on these pages, he immediately asked them one question: "Where do you see yourself in ten years?" Then he dressed each man for his future, right then and there.

One of Ford's biggest beefs with modern men is our insistence on "comfort" as a cop-out for not fulfilling our style potential.

"There's a different kind of comfort that comes from knowing that you are putting your best foot forward," Ford says. "It's called psychological comfort. Look at a picture of the Coney Island boardwalk in 1925. Men were in full-on three-piece suits, hats. They may have only had one suit. But they pressed it. They made it look as good as possible. People aspired up."

And if there's one thing Ford represents, it's aspiration. But what's a man to do if the clothes he sees here are out of reach—if he can't afford Ford? "There are less expensive versions of everything that we're proposing here," T.F. says. He means smart clothes that don't necessarily have his name sewn inside but do make you feel like you can kick *** and close deals. Just remember to shout-out Tom when you make your first million.








Off day today

Cardigan from Target

H&M shirt thanks to Serg in last year's SS

Ralph Lauren boots by AE of course
Project Upgrade: Tom Ford Edition
There's a reason Justin Timberlake, Jay Z, and Brad Pitt all turn to one man when it's time to suit up: Tom Ford has the art of elevated style down to a science. To truly put Tom's skills to the test, we found five regular Londoners and ran them through the Tom Ford movie-star-making machine. Then we persuaded Tom to let us publish all his secret formulas so that you can use them, too

When we introduced Tom Ford to the five regular British blokes on these pages, he immediately asked them one question: "Where do you see yourself in ten years?" Then he dressed each man for his future, right then and there.

One of Ford's biggest beefs with modern men is our insistence on "comfort" as a cop-out for not fulfilling our style potential.

"There's a different kind of comfort that comes from knowing that you are putting your best foot forward," Ford says. "It's called psychological comfort. Look at a picture of the Coney Island boardwalk in 1925. Men were in full-on three-piece suits, hats. They may have only had one suit. But they pressed it. They made it look as good as possible. People aspired up."

And if there's one thing Ford represents, it's aspiration. But what's a man to do if the clothes he sees here are out of reach—if he can't afford Ford? "There are less expensive versions of everything that we're proposing here," T.F. says. He means smart clothes that don't necessarily have his name sewn inside but do make you feel like you can kick *** and close deals. Just remember to shout-out Tom when you make your first million.








And then Tom was like, "Let me put you in a jacket that's way too tight and horrible glasses to complete the look."

Although the last one was a big improvement, he also made where the guy sees himself in 10 years a little too realistic by aging the hell out of him.

The rest look good.
Can't tell from the one picture on their site and I know nothing about the brand but it sounds familiar. Doesn't seem too bad though, no description on what materials used either. I'm guessing cotton?
:lol: ever since I found a coat in there for 3 bucks. I just don't feel right paying over 20 for anything from there, been hoping it'll continue to drop
I'm going to cancel my RW order. Not the color I want, they look more red than brown
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Hate to be so vague, but I've been looking for a casual black jacket. all I can find are wool jackets and It doesn't get too cold where I live (Bay Area). I'm looking to spend less than $100. Any suggestions? Thanks NT

I plan on going by JCP tomorrow, will probably pick this up


Finally :lol: How long you been eyeing this?

I like that. I wonder if they have other colors at the store...
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