Dreams, why we have them ?

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by soltheman

There is an explanation.

Basically, a majority of dreaming happens during the REM sleep stage. This stage is the closest to consciousness, and the brain has the most frequent activity waves aside from being awake.

Dreams are the brain's way of processing information. Think of it like debugging a computer. The brain processes information, makes room for new memories, gets rid of old memories, and a number of reactions occur.

These reactions are what we interpret as dreams. Dreams are just a series of reactions that the brain tries to make sense of.

This is why when your dreams get super ridiculous, you often wake up. (E.G. Godzilla and Biggie start sparking up a blunt on the moon.)

I can answer any questions if y'all have them. Or at least attempt to.

I dont doubt this happen but i believe its more than that. I changed my mind about dreams when I had a psychic one.
i had one of those too.. had me
My man Sol
(Lol at your gf application link. Smh

You got the info on deja vu?

I hate that but also like the fact that somehow I know that something that just happened has happened before.

Dreaming for the win.
That's another question about dreams that i has me going crazy, there are times i have a dream and its like a repeat of a previous dream. This whole dreambusiness trips me out but its cool when there good dreams.
Originally Posted by soltheman

Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

How come when ever i have a dream im in a fight, I cant punch back? that *$$% pisses me off
When sleeping, the brain sends massive amounts of inhibition to your limbs, (obviously) inhibiting you to move them.

Since you can't move your arms in reality, you often won't be able to move them in your dreams.

The same concept applies to when you're attempting to run from someone/something, but can't because your feet feel like they're weighed down.
What about Lucid dreaming? if i wanna run are my legs gonna start moving like crazy?
Originally Posted by DanzInRealLife

My man Sol
(Lol at your gf application link. Smh
You clicked it though?
But nah I don't know about deja vu. I assume that the redundancy of a previous event overlaps the current event, butidk. Also, posting on my nexus one.
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by soltheman

Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

How come when ever i have a dream im in a fight, I cant punch back? that *$$% pisses me off
When sleeping, the brain sends massive amounts of inhibition to your limbs, (obviously) inhibiting you to move them.

Since you can't move your arms in reality, you often won't be able to move them in your dreams.

The same concept applies to when you're attempting to run from someone/something, but can't because your feet feel like they're weighed down.
What about Lucid dreaming? if i wanna run are my legs gonna start moving like crazy?

Nah. Well, in most cases anyways. Whenever someone is in any stage of sleep, their brain is constantly sending their limbs inhibition.

Some peoples' brains don't send enough inhibition, so they'll flail while sleeping. Someone earlier in the thread said that their limbs feel tiredafter sleep, and that might be the reason why. Sleeptalkers (like myself) have a similar inhibition problem.
All this stuff is very interesting.

Controlling your dreams is something else. I've done it about two-three times and it's amazing what you can create.

Deja-Vu on the other hand... is something completely different or so i think.

When i was younger I used to have dreams of random places/people.
I've noticed that every now and then I see the places/people I used to dream about. Pretty creepy. I wish I can remember more of what I used to dreamabout.
Hey sol do you got an explanation to why i wake up when something spectacular is going to happen. I either wake up by myself or by something else (alarm,parents, etc...). Like it times it perfectly :/
Personally, I believe that dreams are as real as reality. This is why you cant die in your dream. If you die in your dream, you'll die in life. There'sno way your brain would be able to process death in a dream because obviously, nobody alive has ever experienced it to even fathom the thought.

When you dream, you experience everything as if it were real life. Know why? Because real life is only feedback that we get from our senses that our braininterprets as "reality". That's basically what happens in a dream except you dont have to rely on your senses to interpret "reality"for you. You can do it all with your brain. Am I making sense? Basically, there is not only one "reality".
If your interested in the science/psychology of dreams you should look up Freud.

I was reading the Interpretation of Dreams but I have a bad habit of not finishing books I pick up.
What about this?

Sometimes when I'm dreaming I would be walking and trip and in real life I would jump forward like I was falling causing me to wake up.
Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

What about this?

Sometimes when I'm dreaming I would be walking and trip and in real life I would jump forward like I was falling causing me to wake up.

Probably because you began to realize you were in a dream and couldnt stay in the dream phase, so you blurred the line and jumping while you're sleep wasyou living that moment right between being asleep and in a dream? Who knows...
Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

What about this?

Sometimes when I'm dreaming I would be walking and trip and in real life I would jump forward like I was falling causing me to wake up.

This exact same thing used to happen to me...
I'd be asleep, and I'll be walking or something, and when i trip, while falling, I'll jump in reaction to it. Like, my legs will kick back as if ireally were falling.
It would always happen right around the time I fell asleep though, so I guess I'd still have some sort of ability to move my legs?
Never really put much thought to it though.
Originally Posted by VARSITY kid

Hey sol do you got an explanation to why i wake up when something spectacular is going to happen. I either wake up by myself or by something else (alarm, parents, etc...). Like it times it perfectly :/
Define "spectacular." If it's getting into bed with Alicia Keys, it might be because your brain can't fathom it and you'llrealize you're dreaming, effectively waking you up. As for the outside distractions, that's just bad timing. Go to sleep earlier.

@ATLien Seeko

People can indeed die in their dreams. Most people report it being an "out of body" experience, where they can look down at their corpse from above.Obviously, these people don't die because they can report their dream of death.

And, your senses can effect your dreams pretty tremendously. People who are exposed to smell during their dreams will often remember it, people who feeltemperature changes will remember a significant temperature drop/raise. While we don't exactly rely on them, your senses can still be interpreted whilesleeping.

As far as your theory goes, most psychologists believe that there is only one reality, and aside from moving in your dreams, nothing else actually happens toyour body. You may experience pain, but nothing lasting will occur.

@B Smooth 202

Freud did enough cocaine to kill a small horse.
Why do I keep having dreams about tornados? I have had them about 5 times in the past year.....

Mind you, I have never been in one..
Originally Posted by kickzrforme

Why do I keep having dreams about tornados? I have had them about 5 times in the past year.....

Mind you, I have never been in one..
Probably from seeing them on TV, or in a movie. But there's not really any explanation besides the fact that your brain is aware of theirexistence, and will therefore simulate what it's like to be in one while you're dreaming.
Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

Have any of you ever died in a dream?

I had a friend who claimed to have died in a dream, but I've never experienced it.

I've come close plenty of times, but I wake up sweating my #+# off the instant before it happens.
I die in almost all of my dreams.
I had a dream where I was supposed to be having heart surgery (which I have already had in real life) and they kept trying to anesthetize me, and itwouldn't work, which makes me think it's impossible to fall asleep in a dream.
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