Dreams, why we have them ?

dimethyltryptamine, it opens your third eye when you slip into your subconscious in deep rem sleep
pineal gland ftw
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

I don't know but I wish they stop. I dream almost non-stop, they're not usually all that pleasant, and I'm tired.

Maybe they come from your avy

Good question OP. Guess we need entertainment in our sleep.
There is an explanation.

Basically, a majority of dreaming happens during the REM sleep stage. This stage is the closest to consciousness, and the brain has the most frequent activitywaves aside from being awake.

Dreams are the brain's way of processing information. Think of it like debugging a computer. The brain processes information, makes room for new memories,gets rid of old memories, and a number of reactions occur.

These reactions are what we interpret as dreams. Dreams are just a series of reactions that the brain tries to make sense of.

This is why when your dreams get super ridiculous, you often wake up. (E.G. Godzilla and Biggie start sparking up a blunt on the moon.)

I can answer any questions if y'all have them. Or at least attempt to.
Im sort of understanding your answer, but do what we interpret to be dreams based on your answer, do they just happen. Is there an explanation as to why wedream of certain things or people, are we able to control them.
Originally Posted by soltheman

There is an explanation.

Basically, a majority of dreaming happens during the REM sleep stage. This stage is the closest to consciousness, and the brain has the most frequent activity waves aside from being awake.

Dreams are the brain's way of processing information. Think of it like debugging a computer. The brain processes information, makes room for new memories, gets rid of old memories, and a number of reactions occur.

These reactions are what we interpret as dreams. Dreams are just a series of reactions that the brain tries to make sense of.

This is why when your dreams get super ridiculous, you often wake up. (E.G. Godzilla and Biggie start sparking up a blunt on the moon.)

I can answer any questions if y'all have them. Or at least attempt to.

I dont doubt this happen but i believe its more than that. I changed my mind about dreams when I had a psychic one.
Originally Posted by Will0827

Im sort of understanding your answer, but do what we interpret to be dreams based on your answer, do they just happen. Is there an explanation as to why we dream of certain things or people, are we able to control them.
There's a simple answer and a complex answer. Simple answer first.

A majority of the time, we don't usually control what we dream about. It's simply a random chain of reactions that happen in the brain, and the braintries to make them coherent (which is why things that are usually impossible in real life can occur in dream scenarios.) Dreams that occur under thesecircumstances often aren't remembered.

However, there is Lucid Dreaming. Lucid dreaming is essentially controlling what you dream about. Everyone has the capability to do it, and you've probablyhad one without knowing it. For example, one night you may have felt like you could do anything you wanted to. If you realize that you're dreamingwhile dreaming, you can do anything you want to in your dream. It's like being in a fantasy world. Simplythink about doing something, and you can do it. These dreams are remembered the most often. But only because we usually wake up during them.

More times than not, we dream of certain things or certain people because we've been reminded of them some how. Perhaps you saw their favourite sportsteam, or maybe a picture of them and it went unnoticed. Your brain will process this and that person/thing will show up in your dream.

Reoccuring dreams usually happen because we're constantly reminded of the contents of that dream, so they happen over and over again.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by soltheman

There is an explanation.

Basically, a majority of dreaming happens during the REM sleep stage. This stage is the closest to consciousness, and the brain has the most frequent activity waves aside from being awake.

Dreams are the brain's way of processing information. Think of it like debugging a computer. The brain processes information, makes room for new memories, gets rid of old memories, and a number of reactions occur.

These reactions are what we interpret as dreams. Dreams are just a series of reactions that the brain tries to make sense of.

This is why when your dreams get super ridiculous, you often wake up. (E.G. Godzilla and Biggie start sparking up a blunt on the moon.)

I can answer any questions if y'all have them. Or at least attempt to.

I dont doubt this happen but i believe its more than that. I changed my mind about dreams when I had a psychic one.
Yeah, all the stuff I know about dreams comes from my Psychology class. I've had dreams of the (accurate) future as well.

But beware. It might actually be a false memory, unless you wrote it down or something.

The brain sometimes creates false memories because of a similarity in the past and the present. So maybe you'll swear on having meatloaf last thursday, andyou really had McDonalds.

Not trying to discredit you, but it's happened before.
Originally Posted by soltheman

Originally Posted by Will0827

Im sort of understanding your answer, but do what we interpret to be dreams based on your answer, do they just happen. Is there an explanation as to why we dream of certain things or people, are we able to control them.
There's a simple answer and a complex answer. Simple answer first.

A majority of the time, we don't usually control what we dream about. It's simply a random chain of reactions that happen in the brain, and the brain tries to make them coherent (which is why things that are usually impossible in real life can occur in dream scenarios.) Dreams that occur under these circumstances often aren't remembered.

However, there is Lucid Dreaming. Lucid dreaming is essentially controlling what you dream about. Everyone has the capability to do it, and you've probably had one without knowing it. For example, one night you may have felt like you could do anything you wanted to. If you realize that you're dreaming while dreaming, you can do anything you want to in your dream. It's like being in a fantasy world. Simply think about doing something, and you can do it. These dreams are remembered the most often. But only because we usually wake up during them.

More times than not, we dream of certain things or certain people because we've been reminded of them some how. Perhaps you saw their favourite sports team, or maybe a picture of them and it went unnoticed. Your brain will process this and that person/thing will show up in your dream.

Reoccuring dreams usually happen because we're constantly reminded of the contents of that dream, so they happen over and over again.
The lucid dreaming has happened to me on more then one occasion, there's been several times where i've try to fly in my dreams and bam iwas flying DBZ style. Is the dream process taught generally in psychology classes, cause if it is then i am for sure taking it when i get to school. But wowthis dream stuff is crazy. Are there any books that i can get to further explain and learn more.
Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

How come when ever i have a dream im in a fight, I cant punch back? that *$$% pisses me off
When sleeping, the brain sends massive amounts of inhibition to your limbs, (obviously) inhibiting you to move them.

Since you can't move your arms in reality, you often won't be able to move them in your dreams.

The same concept applies to when you're attempting to run from someone/something, but can't because your feet feel like they're weighed down.
Originally Posted by Will0827

Originally Posted by soltheman

Originally Posted by Will0827

Im sort of understanding your answer, but do what we interpret to be dreams based on your answer, do they just happen. Is there an explanation as to why we dream of certain things or people, are we able to control them.
There's a simple answer and a complex answer. Simple answer first.

A majority of the time, we don't usually control what we dream about. It's simply a random chain of reactions that happen in the brain, and the brain tries to make them coherent (which is why things that are usually impossible in real life can occur in dream scenarios.) Dreams that occur under these circumstances often aren't remembered.

However, there is Lucid Dreaming. Lucid dreaming is essentially controlling what you dream about. Everyone has the capability to do it, and you've probably had one without knowing it. For example, one night you may have felt like you could do anything you wanted to. If you realize that you're dreaming while dreaming, you can do anything you want to in your dream. It's like being in a fantasy world. Simply think about doing something, and you can do it. These dreams are remembered the most often. But only because we usually wake up during them.

More times than not, we dream of certain things or certain people because we've been reminded of them some how. Perhaps you saw their favourite sports team, or maybe a picture of them and it went unnoticed. Your brain will process this and that person/thing will show up in your dream.

Reoccuring dreams usually happen because we're constantly reminded of the contents of that dream, so they happen over and over again.
The lucid dreaming has happened to me on more then one occasion, there's been several times where i've try to fly in my dreams and bam i was flying DBZ style. Is the dream process taught generally in psychology classes, cause if it is then i am for sure taking it when i get to school. But wow this dream stuff is crazy. Are there any books that i can get to further explain and learn more.
I don't know any books in particular that go over dreams, but if you can get an old psychology book somewhere (an outdated one will havebasically the same stuff, assuming it's from the 2000s,) you can read the section on dreams. It'll tell you most of this stuff and a bit more.


Glad to share knowledge with the NT brethren.
Have any of you ever died in a dream?

I had a friend who claimed to have died in a dream, but I've never experienced it.

I've come close plenty of times, but I wake up sweating my #+# off the instant before it happens.
Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

Have any of you ever died in a dream?

I had a friend who claimed to have died in a dream, but I've never experienced it.

I've come close plenty of times, but I wake up sweating my #+# off the instant before it happens.

This has happened to me several times, either come close to it or something that had me shook. There's times where i feel i can control when i want to wakeup and have it happen at any given time.
The worst is when I win something in a dream and I wake up looking under my pillow for it, no matter what it is.

I could win a car, the first thing I do when I wake up from the dream, is look under my pillow hoping its there.

I feel like a #*%%%%@ moron.
for some reason when i dream that im running, fighting or anything real physical i wake up more tired.

if i was running my legs feel tired/sore, if i was using my arms would feel the same way sore/tired.

does this happen to anyone else?
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