DR. DRE GETTING $3 BILLION FOR BEATS!! Apple Deal Reportedly Close

That new iPhone bout to sound lovely

could see them making beats headphones standard issue when buying a new iPhone
Yeah this deal is more for the music streaming service, sure the headphones and audio technology regardless of they are perceived is also nice addition. Reason i say it's for the music service is because there were many rumors ever since talk of itunes radio came out many were saying it was supposed to be a spotify competitor and ended up being akin to pandora. And not long ago rumors came out that apple was going to expand on itunes radio and possibly make a full fledged spotify competitor. Beats brought Mog last year or in 2012 i believe which in many ways was superior to spotify and the other on demand music services. And beats is pretty much Mog reskinned. Possibly while apple was trying to get things going they couldn't a good deal from the labels so why not buy the company which has head people from the labels and music industry already and cut the entire process of having to deal with the labels. Also there was a rumor of itunes in some form or fashion making it's way to android. So this will help make that easier for apple to make that happen and get a huge amount of android users. Pretty smart on their end i would say. And since i was a Mog user since a couple of years which now im using beats since Mog service is getting shut down. It will only make the service better now that apple owns it. So whole thing is :pimp:
probably gonna see beats x apple iphone....

Black/red iphone 6? :nerd:

Maybe if they implemented the technology into the actual speakers.

That probably won't happen unless Apple went HTC's route and did their speakers like that though.
Apple never promotes anything in their store that isn't their own products and beats so I'm not surprised this is happening.
Headphones?.... That play music?.... Really?
Like, they make sound cclearer, ok. But they cant make you like a bad song.
Like nothing is revolutionary bout this product.. yet they gettin 3 bill tho?...

I respect the hustle forreal man. Im bout to start selling pre-chewed gum. See you cats later.
They're getting 3 Billion for the "cool" and perception of the brand.

Nike doesn't make the best quality sneakers but they have the most "cool" factor. Saying "cool" sounds corny but y'all know what I mean. Marketing pushed the value of Beats to 3 Billion.

Wonder how this will turn out for Apple though. Beats by Apple doesn't have the same ring to it.
Never owned a pair of beats never will. 
Still mad about detox not coming out
good for dre but dont see the point in apple doing this unless they trying to put this in their iphone... i have beats on my htc one and it isnt nothing special but i do enjoy my beats hd solo

For all yaw saying nothing special bout beats. There is really nothing special bout a iPhone but they still sell. Go figure
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Yeah this deal is more for the music streaming service, sure the headphones and audio technology regardless of they are perceived is also nice addition. Reason i say it's for the music service is because there were many rumors ever since talk of itunes radio came out many were saying it was supposed to be a spotify competitor and ended up being akin to pandora. And not long ago rumors came out that apple was going to expand on itunes radio and possibly make a full fledged spotify competitor. Beats brought Mog last year or in 2012 i believe which in many ways was superior to spotify and the other on demand music services. And beats is pretty much Mog reskinned. Possibly while apple was trying to get things going they couldn't a good deal from the labels so why not buy the company which has head people from the labels and music industry already and cut the entire process of having to deal with the labels. Also there was a rumor of itunes in some form or fashion making it's way to android. So this will help make that easier for apple to make that happen and get a huge amount of android users. Pretty smart on their end i would say. And since i was a Mog user since a couple of years which now im using beats since Mog service is getting shut down. It will only make the service better now that apple owns it. So whole thing is :pimp:
Completely overlooked Beats' streaming potential. Makes a lot of sense actually. Decent acquisition for AAPL. Will be curious to see if they eventually develop an intelligent pair of headphones or something more innovative.
Never owned a pair or crossed my mind to get one. Only time I wore those size headphones was doing hearing tests at work.
^ exactly why i dont own an iphone because its overrated.... android is great with pr0n and if the iphone was too id think of copping 1 but pass for now
Completely overlooked Beats' streaming potential. Makes a lot of sense actually. Decent acquisition for AAPL. Will be curious to see if they eventually develop an intelligent pair of headphones or something more innovative.


The music streaming service just started existing yesterday.

and the word on the street is they were struggling to get any users, they had like sub 100,000 subscribers.

doesn't make a ton of sense if it was for the streaming service.
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