Dont be mad, UPS is hiring...Whats so bad about a UPS job??

It's a miserable experience...I've had it. The work aint easy, and you end up workin 2 get enough money 2 come back 2 work.
I worked there right out of high school, it was horrible. You have to pay Union Dues, so that takes a huge chunk out of your check for the first couple months.You have to lift boxes all day in a hot sweaty warehouse with ex convicts, because that's the only job they can get. Your upper management are a bunch ofhigh school drop outs, who worked there way up the food chain to acquire supervisor positions. It's a horrible job, I worked there for 1 month and quit.
Dont be mad, UPS is hiring

Tried that, after the first check came retirement.
I got hired, but decided against it because the hours and pay were just terrible. $9/hr lifting heavy boxes at 3am in the morning was not something I wanted tobe doing five days a week. Plus the union due thing was crappy.
UPS is the worse job experience I ever had. Ill let you find out for yourself though what Brown can do for you.
Honestly, I love UPS, and I love my job, I am now a supervisor, the work is less, the pay is a whole lot more, and for a part time job, in my honest opinionyou couldn't really find a better paying job. Granted what it took for me to get into the supervisor position was a lot of hard work and determination,but, for me going to school in a new city I wasn't used to, getting a job at UPS and taking advantage of their tution reimbursement was a great decesionfor me. I've made many good friends through work, and it honestly pays off if you stick with it. But alot of people these days don't believe in hardwork, and feels like they should get paid for doing nothing. That's whats wrong with a lot of people who come in wanting to work at UPS. Honestly I feellike I'm going on and on, because NT as a whole doesn't like UPS, but, if you have any questions you can PM and I will try to answer them as soon aspossible.
I worked there for 7 years before I got fired. After being there for so long, the pay started getting good ( I was making more then part time supervisors) andanytime someone asked me where I worked and I said UPS, they gave me the ill headnod. They know the job is good and it comes with good benefits. Seniority iswhat's up. Damn I miss those consistent checks.
Its actually a good job, if you notice the people who are against it are the ones who never made it past 30 days. Work is tough, but you get used to it...uniondues are a *+@$+, but if you're in VA, which is a right to work state, you dont have to pay it. There are few part time gigs that are better.
im with you kig23James i am also a soup at ups
and at 1st it was hard but like tey say anything that comes easy aint worth having

how did u get fired if u dont mind me askin
its hard to get fired with the union behind you
either he didnt show up, or stole something. Im going with absence, since its unlikely he'd be stealing after 7 yrs. Actually the union could get youreinstated for that.
its just that they work you to death and the pay is low...........very low for the amount of work you do
I currently work there. Worst job i have ever had. Dont work there unless you absolutely have to.
i hate UPS. FedEx FTW. i work for FedEx and lift boxes and work smediumly hard. it's not so hard actually. it's just like a long workout that'sall. also the 13+/hr and full benefits helps too.
Originally Posted by stepinitup

im with you kig23James i am also a soup at ups
and at 1st it was hard but like tey say anything that comes easy aint worth having

how did u get fired if u dont mind me askin
its hard to get fired with the union behind you
long story short, I started working as a temp in the LP dept back when they were still allowed to hire temps. When they wanted to hire me, they gave mea choice to go Union or Non-union. Being the naive 19 year that I was, I chose non-union cuz of better pay and etc. Fast forward 6 or so years, some stuff cameup stolen in my department and they tried to blame me for it coming up missing. I told em go eff themselves and since I was non-union, they threw every excuseat me (coming in late, coming in drunk
, etc, etc) to fire me. I didnt care. Went on unemplyment and made $200 a week for a while. The money was goodwhile it lasted but i'm glad i landed on my feet.

btw turns out that some other girl in my dept got caught stealing the stuff and they could've reinstated me but chose not to. They caught her literally 3days after I got fired. Karma is a weird sometimes.

btw there's only two ways you can get fired emmediately at UPS. coming to work drunk or stealing. everything else is a long drawn out process if you gotthe union backing you. I knew one dude they were trying to fire for 3 years and he still has the job.
I def lasted more than 30 days. It was 6 months when I quit without any notice. Jumpman is dead on about UPS descrip. I seriously almost got in fights withsupervisors all the time. Power trippin like we slaves. They loved me there I ran my belt. Trust me I'm cut out for hard work I always was doin the floorliftin the oversizes and irregular shape items. I know about hard work. I've done UPS and Fed Ex. I can tell you the pros n cons of both. Don't listento KingJames no offense. Movin up in UPS aint even wortth it. Supervisors are stressed and the hours suck. You wanna be a UPS driver? You know how long themdudes work all day? Trust me eff UPS and that bs tution payback which is only on Night shift might I add. Its only good if you need insurance hence the uniondues. Only reason why I'd say work there. I wouldn't wanna move up in that garbage company. BTW movin up to supervisor pt time isn't hard at all ifur a student. Pay sucks there aint worth it. Don't listen to these dudes who say they makin money. 65k for belt supervisor all that BS you put up with andUpp management swears at you all day. Place is crazy as hell and hot or cold and dirty. Blow ur nose its dirt. Lil 15 min break. They got crazy turn over. UPSalways hirin.
It don't pay off nuttin. Jumpman make more than the dude talkin about he love his job I bet. The money aint even serious at UPS you def make more at fedex. Its the benefits and union that are the plus at UPS. 65k was for the main supervisor for the shift not certain color belt supervisor or w/e. And driverswork all damn day they make even less. You gotta put in time if you wanna be a driver. If you a college grad you better off workin somewhere way better thatthat garbage UPS environment.Sup. In the compnay aint worth it. These dudes sound like them Military recruiters who try n make it seem like the best thingever. I def know what's up at UPS. Don't believe the hype. What you do and put up with aint worth the pay. Yea you can say I'm mad. I don'twant the OP or my worse enemy to experience the hell of UPS. Let's not talk about how they handle boxes and all the damages I seen daily. FED EX ran much,much better.
it does pay off in the long run but also most people work there for the benefits the is no co pay for yourself and your family if you worked enough hours inmonth. The pay is good i have worked for ups for 3 years and counting and my brother has been there for almost 10 years and he brings home a rack a week thats4k a month. Like any place if you put your time into the company it will pay off.
Man, I only worked there for about 5wks myself and got so many stories about powertripping shift supervisors and coworkers, and 5 minute breaks. Whatever youdo, don't let them call you in on your day off. It's a slippery slope, but once they get you once, they will literally start calling you everyday. Mydude is night time OPs manger now, and even he gets called in damn near everyday to cover preshift work (real work, not manager work) at 3:30am and work maddoubleshifts. Son never says no. Once you progress to a point where you can go more delegating than actual work it's not so bad I assume, but getting thereis going to be a @%@%#.
Originally Posted by dc5guy

it does pay off in the long run but also most people work there for the benefits the is no co pay for yourself and your family if you worked enough hours in month. The pay is good i have worked for ups for 3 years and counting and my brother has been there for almost 10 years and he brings home a rack a week thats 4k a month. Like any place if you put your time into the company it will pay off.
Like I said UPS aint worth it. He been there 10 years makin 4k a month.......Lol after living expenses in life. NT UPS aint gettin you that M3 at all.That job sucks and you gotta put in time to make garbage pay I'm sorry but that's waste of 10 years if you think 4k a month is ok. He don't gotwife n kids? He could went to college and worked up makin way better than that. If he did go to college and make that for them he should job searched. Thatplace sucks, no offense but lol 10 years 4k a month. That before or after taxes? Smh
thats take home bro i would say thats not bad he does have a wife and kids and he has his own home not bad for someone who didn't go to college
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