DONE DEAL: Shaq to Cleveland for Sasha Pavlovic and Ben Wallace/ EDIT: Villanueva next???

Shaq should just come out in the press conference intro and tell Lebron to feed the big dog.
The Cavs now have 3 previous #1 overall draft picks.
Is this a first?
Originally Posted by dyyhard

Shaq should just come out in the press conference intro and tell Lebron to feed the big dog.

As Shaq once put it, you don't need the junk yard dog, he ain't going to protect the yard.
Im Sick of Shaq ring chasing.....
"He's a condom, jumping click to click"

And that Phoenix team was way more loaded in talent than clevelands team..... only benefit is that its half court offense and Lebron will draw more attentionthan any player on Phoenix, All thought Nash is a pass 1st PG..... Cleveland doesnt make the finals next year again..... Boston.

(and i hate Boston)
If the Cavs get Charlie Villanueva, they're gonna be tough. He wants to go there too... I heard him on his Twit piece, he's like now all the Cavs need is a 4...

If the Cavs get him + Grant Hill, then I say championship, providing they are healthy.

Getting Shaq alone like this isn't going to cut it, like some people in this thread believe. Hakeem, Robinson, Ewing. All had a season between the ages of36 and 38 where their production dropped a third from the production they had the previous season. This could be that year for Shaq and he could completelyfall off and average 10 points and 6 rebounds.
Originally Posted by DLo13

LBJ gonna hate being a #2 option.
i think tht the cavs are going to treat this like the miami heat situation in 06....
wade=lebron > main/ 1st option
shaq/heat 06=shaq/cavs 09-10 > 2nd option, will still be a force
jdub/posey/walker/payton/mourning = mo/west/boobie/wally/z /andy > role players

i starting to get worried now...
will LEBRON stay w/ shaq incleveland? dang!

do you think shaq just wants to extend his 'beef' with dwight? and show him 'how its done'?

^ Xtapolapacetl
did hakeem, david, pat have LEBRON??
If the Cavs get Villanueva, that's not filling a need defensively. Dude's gonna be a scoring threat inside or outside, but will there be too many shotsto go around.
I've read a lot of nonsense in this thread and its depressing. If any of you truly believe this ain't a good trade, I seriously have to question yourbasketball knowledge. Do yall actually watch basketball or just the highlights on sportscenter, I think the latter. I'll just say that and nothing else.Can't wait for the draft.
^no ones saying its a bad trade. i mean, they basically got rid of 2 bums for an old shaq.
what everyone is saying is that shaq isnt the answer to clevelands problems, unless they make another trade to fill that void at the 2.
Z will most likely come off the Bench but I could see the Cavs resting Shaq a lot. They didnt give up anyone who was key to them making the playoffs this yearso they could essentially rest Shaq every time they have a back to back and he would only play something like 60 games during the season. Leaving him fairlyhealthy for the playoffs. I dont think any is arguing that the Cavs will miss the playoffs even if Shaq doesnt play a minute in the regular season.

This is a very good trade for the Cavs. The only team tey really had trouble with is Orlando, LA and the Celtics this year. All of which are because Z cant gothe whole game guarding someone down low so they would have to come with doubles and all those teams have guys they can kick to and make shots. Now they wontdouble as much and guys can stay with their assignments. To beat the Cavs next year you are going to have to get out and run on them. Half court offensivegames are going to be tough to take from the Cavs the way they are set up now. And if they do anything substantial in the Draft 2night that may get eventougher.
Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by yungmatt

IF Cleveland is done dealing then this means nothing
Exactly what I was thinking. Unless Boston blows team chemistry up, which might happen if they do in fact trade Rondo/ Allen; I don't see an all around better team in the East than a healthy Celtics. The Cavs need a hell of a lot more than just Snaq to win a title.


you guys crack me up ... does anyone watch basketball or do yall just yell kobe at the screen every time he scores? the cavs were missing one thing in these playoffs and that was an interior presence ... z couldnt guard a soul and when his jumper was off he was non existent on the offensive end ... saying the cavs need "a lot" more is !!%##!+ ******ed ... they were 2 games away from the finals last year and d howard was able to roam all around on the defensive end cuz he didnt have to worry about any big men ...

if you actually understand basketball you would realize how much of a liability having a "perimiter" center with no post game is on a team like the cavaliers ... guards can stick their men up by the three point line instead of having to sag down and double ... d howard didnt have to do a thing on d except wait for someone to drive and try to block their shot ...

insert shaqapotomous and the whole game changes ... now, instead of the cavs guards driving and kicking for three every time, they have the chance to throw a lob to a big man ... d howard has to stay on his man a tad bit longer ... not to mention howards on ball defense is HORRIBLE and shaq will abuse his %#+ ... to say with this trade the cavs arent any closer to a ship is just stupid ...

shaq back in the east

you were probably one of those people that thought cleveland was going to sweep orlando
call it done, that the cavs are going to not win anything with shaq. sorry but he did mess up the suns chemistry
Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

The Cavs talked to the Hornets about Chandler before this deal was made?

yes if they couldn't get shaq they would have got chandler

and everyone knows this is a good trade for the cavs because they gave up NOTHING, they point everyone is making is that this move alone wont have them winninganything
Originally Posted by WstCoastGotti

Why is anyone criticizing this move for the Cavs??

They gave up NOTHING, and got a 3rd team all NBA Center who is training real hard this summer looking for a Chip. Obviously they need to add a wingman, and probably will. But this moves get them one step closer to a Chip and yall know it
personally, i'm not criticizing the trade. if anything, it was a good move simply because they got an All-Star center in exchange for 2scrubs. it's always a positive move when you get something for nothing.

i'm just trying to calm people down who are acting like this trade all of a sudden makes Cleveland the top dogs in the league. it was a good trade, butthey still have more moves they need to make.

and for people talking about Villanueva.. Milwaukee now has more than enough to resign him after the RJ trade. he's been implying for a while now that hewants to leave, but at the end of the day he won't have a choice because no one will be able to beat the Bucks out. the Cavs have a better shot at Sheed.
DOWNTOWN43 wrote:

i'm just trying to calm people down who are acting like this trade all of a sudden makes Cleveland the top dogs in the league. it was a good trade, but they still have more moves they need to make.

Exactly. Let's not forget all these same dudes flappin gums for 8 months all suddenly silenced like they was on the Death Star when Lukepulled thru.
Trade is

Still no answer for their subpar outside shooting. Z could at least spread the floor. Shaq won't do that, although he will be an upgrade in the middledefensively. He still old tho. Dwight is still on him 1 on 1 in them 'Offs. Positions 1,2 & 4 are still shaky. They're still susceptible to thepick & roll and drive & kicks.
Good trade for Cleveland. Not ready to proclaim them the champs yet but Shaq still has some left in his tank. He can still dominate games as we saw him do inPhoenix last year.
I think Shaq is going to play great for the Cavs. yes, I am a cavs fan, however shaq will be very motivated to winning with the team. He hates dwight howardand stan van gundy, everyone knows he wants another ring especially after kobe getting his 4th! It would be amazing to see shaq vs kobe in the finals, and tohave LeBron with shaq together in the finals? I just dont see how they could lose! So, im prediciting the cavs to win it all after a heartbreak playoff run andfor the king to remain in cleveland!
Originally Posted by lebanesesneakerfiend

I think Shaq is going to play great for the Cavs. yes, I am a cavs fan, however shaq will be very motivated to winning with the team. He hates dwight howard and stan van gundy, everyone knows he wants another ring especially after kobe getting his 4th! It would be amazing to see shaq vs kobe in the finals, and to have LeBron with shaq together in the finals? I just dont see how they could lose! So, im prediciting the cavs to win it all after a heartbreak playoff run and for the king to remain in cleveland!
It's fun to dream, huh?
Originally Posted by starbury03

Originally Posted by lebanesesneakerfiend

I think Shaq is going to play great for the Cavs. yes, I am a cavs fan, however shaq will be very motivated to winning with the team. He hates dwight howard and stan van gundy, everyone knows he wants another ring especially after kobe getting his 4th! It would be amazing to see shaq vs kobe in the finals, and to have LeBron with shaq together in the finals? I just dont see how they could lose! So, im prediciting the cavs to win it all after a heartbreak playoff run and for the king to remain in cleveland!
It's fun to dream, huh?

not a dream, a reality..
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