Donald Trump is running for president

You know the biggest names in the 2016 presidential campaign - Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton, and lately, Donald Trump. But it turns out the field of declared candidates is far larger than the 21 Democrats and Republicans whose candidacies get regular coverage in the media.

An independent named Deez Nuts, for example, filed a statement of candidacy with the Federal Election Commission Sunday. He joined more than 500 other people who have done the same.

The latest entry to the race is Steven Wayne Covington, who filed his statement of candidacy Monday, the 512th person to do so.

The 512 declared candidates include a nod more famous political figures: "Sara H. Paylin" is registered to run, as is "Brystol S. Palyn."

There is also at least one cat: Isaac Weiss, a 17-year-old high school student from Louisville, filed a statement of candidacy for his friend's cat "Limberbutt McCubbins." McCubbins was the 192nd entrant into the race.
How is someone independent, but basically has all the GOP talking points down to a tee?

Trump already has lowered his expectations in the debate, he said himself he's not a debater.

I'm assuming that was directed at me. I'm an independent because I hold both Democrat and Republican positions and I vote based on who is more in line with what I currently find important. Right now I'm big on the economy as is most of the country and I'm for whoever is going to keep the most money in my pockets. A lot of Republicans want to reform or eliminate some entitlements, I'm for it. Maybe that might lower my taxes. They may want to privatize social security. I'm cool with that. I shouldn't have to be paying for other people's SS anyway. They want to eliminate Obamacare. Great. I shouldn't have to pay for other peoples healthcare. So if any of those things happen, I'm hoping to end up with more money in my pocket.

But as far as my Democrat views I'm prochoice. I subscribe to the Freakonomics idea that the increase in abortions lead to a decrease in crime. Women have their rights and crime drops. Two birds one stone. I'm also not really big on war and nation building, but we're already in war(s) and in my view Republicans fight them better. But if we were in peace time and keeping the peace was my hot button issue I'd vote Dem. I also think the super rich should pay more in taxes but not to just finance new entitlements or social programs but to cut my taxes. A Democrat proposes that I'd vote for them. I also believe in Global Warming. But it's not at all an important issue to me, but if it was I'd vote Dem. As long as whatever the restrictions they enact doesn't cause the price of things I want to go up.

So yea that's why I'm an independent.

So once they program might cut your taxes, you're for it. Jeez :lol:
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I'm for whoever is going to keep the most money in my pockets.

Maybe that might lower my taxes.

I shouldn't have to be paying for other people's SS anyway.

I shouldn't have to pay for other peoples healthcare.

I'm hoping to end up with more money in my pocket.

not to just finance new entitlements or social programs but to cut my taxes.

doesn't cause the price of things I want to go up.

So yea that's why I'm an independent.

:smh: Wow talk about self centered and selfish.

Crazy how people have this mindset!
Man I'm 25 and live on my own in one of the most expensive areas in the country. So excuse me, for trying to flourish. Median income in NOVA is about 84k. So yea, I'm looking out for myself right now. I dunno, maybe when I finally get my own I'd be more willing to give back. But until then I'm trying to keep every dollar that I EARN. I see nothing wrong with that.
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It's all about who got the most marketing $$$.  Out of all these candidates Trump has spend the most or loss the most.. however you want to look at it.  Trump don't need the money tho so he speaks like a G.  Tomorrow he'll make everyone look like fools... everyone is prepping for him while Big Trump gonna start throwing out their social security numbers and have them scrambling.

Been saying since page 2... Clinton will win if we don't vote Trump.  Srsly Hilitary Duff as President?  Come on let's get srs now... she looks like McCain with hair.  Putin will make sure she's domesticated... Trump would build a wall around Russia.

Why the hell would anyone vote for Trump? Dude is a clown. Hillary>>>> him.
Looking forward to this debate tomorrow. Unfortunately, i predict that everyone will be dancing around each others questions. Jeb bush may be the only candidate that may actually have a solid game plan.
Why the hell would anyone vote for Trump? Dude is a clown. Hillary>>>> him.

And what sir, makes Trump a clown and Hillary so much better? I'd like to know.

I personally don't know how anyone can take this guy (trump) seriously. He has given us ZERO details on how exactly he intends on running this country. He's a good hype man for the republican party at best. He tells everyone exactly what they want to hear without a practical plan of action and everyone on the right is just eating it all up. Jeb bush on the other hand is someone the American people can take seriously. However if it were between Hillary & Trump, i'm going for Hillary in a heartbeat.
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Why the hell would anyone vote for Trump? Dude is a clown. Hillary>>>> him.
Trump isn't the most articulated person running for pres. but he's keeping it 100.  Right now he's leading the GOP polls.

I prefer my politicians to give it to me str8 than lie to me and then do a cait jenner on me for 4 years.. whatever that means.

Bush fam is all about money not politics... the lobbyist control the Bush fam.  Cruz is weak.  Paul and Christie have aren't getting the support.

Like I said... Sanders is gonna give Clinton a run but he doesn't have the support except for the young vote.  Hillary is soft... she's a soft women that looks McCain's brother. 
Trump isn't the most articulated person running for pres. but he's keeping it 100.  Right now he's leading the GOP polls.

I prefer my politicians to give it to me str8 than lie to me and then do a cait jenner on me for 4 years.. whatever that means.

Bush fam is all about money not politics... the lobbyist control the Bush fam.  Cruz is weak.  Paul and Christie have aren't getting the support.

Like I said... Sanders is gonna give Clinton a run but he doesn't have the support except for the young vote.  Hillary is soft... she's a soft women that looks McCain's brother. 

So a POW look alike? Bob Dole and Mc CANE ain‘t doing it. I can‘t see our president shaking and twitching against other global powerhouses.

How boutt he joke Biden?
And what sir, makes Trump a clown and Hillary so much better? I'd like to know.

His actions during this whole process is why I consider him a clown. He hasn't done or said anything worthwhile. Do you honestly believe he is fit to be President?
Regardless of what anyone thinks about Hillary, she is far more fit to be a President than him..
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in history a lot of females at the helm were linked to downfalls.

Trump 2016, lol

Wasnt there that spoof about Christopher Walken too.
His actions during this whole process is why I consider him a clown. He hasn't done or said anything worthwhile. Do you honestly believe he is fit to be President?
Regardless of what anyone thinks about Hillary, she is far more fit to be a President than him..

Ehh I don't a CEO and chief doesn't sound half bad to me. I liked Mitt Romney btw. I feel like someone from the private sector could possibly do a lot of good. Look it's so far away from any kind if primary voting, no one is really giving out any grand policy positions, that comes later. Right now it's about style, jockeying for position, and building a support network. And Trump is killing it in all categories. Be patient, the policy bullet points will come soon.
First debate is live on Fox News. Who will earn those hard earned dollars from the Koch Brothers?

 at Santorum not being on the debate

Bernie 2016
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