dogs are only okay.

so I'm taking a tour of a public services facility, sort of a distribution center for the disadvantaged or disabled...we're learning about a department that refurbishes wheelchairs and walkers for the mobility challenged, like rebuild the things one screw at a time for folks that would otherwise be without.

we're all busy being impressed with the people who have dedicated their efforts to help human beings live less ****** lives when some chick comes out of nowhere like "okay but what about if a dog needs a wheelchair?"

looked around the room and from guests to guide it was like:


after the silence, he ended her turn by calmly explaining "we focus on people here, chica."

priorities all askew.
Just wondering if anyone has blind dogs?

I've had my chihuahuas since 2006 and the mom is blind and one of the boys just lost his vision (he also has arthritis) it makes me sad seeing this man :frown:

My 7 year old shar-pei developed glaucoma that unfortunately over the course of about 3 years took her vision completely. She has been fully blind for about 2 years now but you'd never know unless you saw her run into something or try to pick up a toy that is no where near her. I considered having her wear one of those "halos" or blind dog harnesses, but she wasn't a fan so I scratched the idea.

I guess all in all, her life quality has not seemingly gone down, she seems to be as happy as ever and is still the same dog as when she could see.

While it is sad, I feel that as long as you have some patience, take the time to help them develop spatial awareness and figure out safe paths around the house/outside and dont move furniture frequently that the dog can and will adapt to their situation and still have a full and happy life.
Dogs seem to be clingy and I don’t do well with clingy. I like them w/n a certain timeframe though.
People get on us for being dog lovers..... but love their PHONES so much that they’ll record you instead of calling 911.....

Some people cherish those phones and SM over human interaction... but again are dog critics. I bet Nobody gone disagree......
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