Does Tracy McGrady belong in the MVP discussion?

he referred to himself as "not an all-star" player and he's just "one of the guys" last night.
That's cause both of these are true. He didn't say that he "wasn't an all-star player", he said that other players were moredeserving than him to be all-stars THIS year, which is true.. Of course he has the talent to be an all-star.

And last night's game is a perfect example of why he shouldn't be in the MVP discussion and why the Rockets are a team that play together. He was atbest the third best player for the Rockets last night, and even that might be a stretch. And the Rockets still got the W. MVP is an individual award, andindividually, there are AT LEAST five more guys that without a doubt deserve MVP more than McGrady. And then a bunch that you could discuss that are moredeserving.
If the MVP is an individual award, knock down Kobe down a few spots.

Dude has been balling no doubt, but where would the Lakers be without the emergence of The Machine, Farmar? Vlad, Fisher and the addition of Pau?

CP3 is above Kobe if the MVP is an individual award, and Lebron is above everybody.

Lebron is the clear cut MVP, if we're talking about individual award.
It is completely beyond me, history, and logic why McGrady would not be mentioned in the MVP race.

The best player on a #1 seeded team wins it just about every year, and oh look, his team is #1 in the West.

Don't talk to me about numbers. Especially if you're voting for Lebron. His numbers are meaningless. He has no help on that team whatsoever. Look athow many losses his team has and remember he's in the Eastern Conference. If you want to bring up stats, we might as well throw Al Jefferson in the MVPpicture. Dude is only about 22 and 12 on 50% shooting. That's better than Shaq in 03-05...Who cares about how bad his team's record is...People cantalk about how Lebron can take over games all they want, but obviously he fell short 29 times. The Cavs are 15 games out of first place in their Conference!The Rockets? They're in first place in their's, and it's a much harder one.

Nash won it before when he averaged 15 and 11. He even beat out Kobe the next year when Kobe averaged 35 ppg, while doing 18 and 10. The award is about winninggames.

The MVP is about winners so it will go to the best player on the team that pulls ahead of the pack in the West or Kevin Garnett. So we're talking T-mac,Kobe, CP3, Duncan, or Garnett.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

he referred to himself as "not an all-star" player and he's just "one of the guys" last night.
That's cause both of these are true. He didn't say that he "wasn't an all-star player", he said that other players were more deserving than him to be all-stars THIS year, which is true.. Of course he has the talent to be an all-star.

And last night's game is a perfect example of why he shouldn't be in the MVP discussion and why the Rockets are a team that play together. He was at best the third best player for the Rockets last night, and even that might be a stretch. And the Rockets still got the W. MVP is an individual award, and individually, there are AT LEAST five more guys that without a doubt deserve MVP more than McGrady. And then a bunch that you could discuss that are more deserving.

that's the FIRST game tmac has struggled since yao ming went out. ONE GAME. like i said, he played TWO 48-MINUTE FULL GAME TWICE in the past week. dudecouldn't even beat mbenga off the dribble. you saw how tired kobe was when he played the whole game v. the rox in the last 4-5 minutes. tmac did that TWICEin one week.

can a dude have a bad game? and the lakers STILL doubled him and left alston and others open.
no, he doesn't.

the rockets are winning because the rest of his team was stepping up.

he single handedly does not determine a win or 20 pt. loss.
It is true that the Rockets are winning because of an overall team effort.

But I could make the same arguement for Kobe.

What's the difference between this year's team and last year's team?

They basically have the same players. It's just everybody started to step up. Whether it was Sasha, Farmar, Bynum, etc.

So if you wanna knock T-Mac for being in the discussions because his team is playing team ball, I say knock down Kobe a few notches as well, because his teamis playing team ball, too.
Originally Posted by doyung9

no, he doesn't.

the rockets are winning because the rest of his team was stepping up.

he single handedly does not determine a win or 20 pt. loss.

if you want to be a great team, usually no one player dominates every game or else you don't have a team, get it?

if that's the case, lebron's team would be the best in the L since he's the best player
Lebron. His numbers are meaningless.

If you want to bring up stats, we might as well throw Al Jefferson in the MVP picture. Dude is only about 22 and 12 on 50% shooting.
His numbers are not even close to LeBron's, and his team's record is much worse.

The award is about winning games.
It's about one guy who stands out and single handedly helping his team win games. And even when he struggles offensively, the Rockets find away.
that's the FIRST game tmac has struggled since yao ming went out. ONE GAME.
Feb 26 against the Wizards, actually the first game the Rockets were without Yao and they really had to adjust. Anyway, McGrady went 4-15 from thefield, scored 11 points and the Rockets still demolished the Wizards through a team effort. And you may say Washington is a bad team, but they beat New Orleansthe night before that game, and again four days after. Tracy McGrady may be a big part of the Rockets winning streak, but he is not VITAL.
22-game winning streak is *!+#%* incredible...HE HAS TO BE IN THE MVP DISCUSSION....But thats it..Outside of this 22-game winning streak, T-Mac miss about 14games and his team was 17-13. So just off the strength of this winning streak, he should be in the discussion. Wait a minute, I just realize that the Rocketsare 38-13 when T-Mac plays
. O !#@+, I actually made this post to prove that T-Mac should only be mentioned in the MVP. But I think by accident, I just prove how this cross-eye$$%$ is actually a legitimate MVP candidate.
I don't believe it would be fair to what Kobe and CP3 have done all season with their respective squads to snub them because the Rockets TEAM is hot right now.
Yo, NTers get on my nerves with their stupidity.

How is it just RIGHT NOW? They have the best record in the WEST. You can't use RIGHT NOW as an're gonna punish him when it comes to MVPvoting because his team has gone through 27% of their schedule without losing?

How is that just RIGHT NOW? They have the best record in the west, and every team plays the same number of 65-66 games into the season, no team inthe west has played better than the Rockets. Forget the first 22 games, forget the last 22 games, and forget the 22 games in the middle.

After 66 games, T-Mac has led the Rockets to the best record in the west. It is as simple as that.

If Kobe and CP3 have "done it all season," why aren't their teams in first place? I'm not knocking those guys at all. I love CP3 and I wouldlove to see him win MVP. I hate Kobe Bryant and I hate Lakers' fans, and I hate the idea that they think he has been robbed of the MVP in the past when hewas never the "MOST VALUABLE PLAYER" in the league at any point of his career. However, this is his best opportunity to win it, so I won'tcomplain if he wins it this year.

However, don't think the T-Mac is "behind" those guys in that race. Steve Nash should have won it last year over Dirk. He didn't. Why?Because the Mavs had the best record. The same idiots who thought Kobe should have won it last year are the same ones who are saying T-Mac shouldn't win itthis year? Why is that? So Kobe deserves it with a #7 seed, but T-Mac doesn't with a #1 seed? @#!+ outta here.

As of right now, T-Mac/CP3/Kobe are the 3 front-runners, and that's assuming the award comes out of the West. And if you want to put them in order, firstis CP3, 2nd is T-Mac, and 3rd is Kobe.
Originally Posted by 22 Deuces 22

I don't believe it would be fair to what Kobe and CP3 have done all season with their respective squads to snub them because the Rockets TEAM is hot right now.
Yo, NTers get on my nerves with their stupidity.

How is it just RIGHT NOW? They have the best record in the WEST. You can't use RIGHT NOW as an're gonna punish him when it comes to MVP voting because his team has gone through 27% of their schedule without losing?

How is that just RIGHT NOW? They have the best record in the west, and every team plays the same number of 65-66 games into the season, no team in the west has played better than the Rockets. Forget the first 22 games, forget the last 22 games, and forget the 22 games in the middle.

After 66 games, T-Mac has led the Rockets to the best record in the west. It is as simple as that.

If Kobe and CP3 have "done it all season," why aren't their teams in first place? I'm not knocking those guys at all. I love CP3 and I would love to see him win MVP. I hate Kobe Bryant and I hate Lakers' fans, and I hate the idea that they think he has been robbed of the MVP in the best when he was never the "MOST VALUABLE PLAYER" in the league at any point of his career. However, this is his best opportunity to win it, so I won't complain if he wins it this year.

However, don't think the T-Mac is "behind" those guys in that race. Steve Nash should have won it last year over Dirk. He didn't. Why? Because the Mavs had the best record. The same idiots who thought Kobe should have won it last year are the same ones who are saying T-Mac shouldn't win it this year? Why is that? So Kobe deserves it with a #7 seed, but T-Mac doesn't with a #1 seed? @*@% outta here.

As of right now, T-Mac/CP3/Kobe are the 3 front-runners, and that's assuming the award comes out of the West. And if you want to put them in order, first is CP3, 2nd is T-Mac, and 3rd is Kobe.

exactly! but i've come to learn that you can't expect much out of some of these so called fans. some of them are stans and half of them don'tknow #!% when it comes to bball.
best individual season - lebron

MVP - usually goes to best player on best team. i hope the lakers can stay afloat b/c kobe does deserve an MVP in his resume. he's too good not to haveone.
Originally Posted by nyk buc

best individual season - lebron

MVP - usually goes to best player on best team. i hope the lakers can stay afloat b/c kobe does deserve an MVP in his resume. he's too good not to have one.
If the Lakers win the Pacific, Kobe will win it.
Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

Team is lucky i wont give them props untill they beat a good healthy team! they beat dallas (no Dirk) New Orleans (no West) and the lakers (no Gasol) means nothing to me. And how can the 2nd best player on his team be an MVP they only won 13 without yao!
First off, this is THE stupidest argument someone can make. You DO know that Houston has been without THEIR supposed "best" playerduring those games too right?

It is true that the Rockets are winning because of an overall team effort.

But I could make the same arguement for Kobe.

What's the difference between this year's team and last year's team?

They basically have the same players. It's just everybody started to step up. Whether it was Sasha, Farmar, Bynum, etc.

So if you wanna knock T-Mac for being in the discussions because his team is playing team ball, I say knock down Kobe a few notches as well, because his team is playing team ball, too.
Secondly, i agree with everything Franchise3 said. Not to knock kobe because as of now, i STILL believe he's the MVP this year. However, ify'all gonna knock Tmac because his team is playing well, the same could apply to kobe. His guys stepped it up too. I can't believe we actually havepeople who think its' some kinda "coincidence" that Houston's record is as good as it is when Tmac is on the floor. If you guys watch Rocketgames, you KNOW he provides easier opportunities for his teammates. He's been doing that for the last couple years, cept the only difference is this year,they're actually MAKING their shots.
Originally Posted by rocboys

gko2408 wrote:Houston are currently tied with L.A. for the top spot in the West following their 89-80 win over the Bobcats. Their next game is Sunday against Kobe and the Lakers. If they beat the Lakers, does McGrady become the favorite to win the MVP?
- 2nd longest winning streak in NBA history
- Top record in the West
- All without Yao


Rockets have been lucky against the top teams: Dallas without Dirk, Hornets without West, and Lakers (possibility of without Gasol), Celtics (possible without Ray Allen)

well said, however..

about the Lakers without Pau, that's a pile of crap if somebody says that that wasn't a legitimate win, that's ridiculous. KOBE BRYANT is onthat team, they locked him down on defense. the lakers lost and theres nothing to it.

Mcgrady should be in the MVP disscussion though. he has brought his team to a much better situation in the western conference. i forget where they were inthe playoff bracket before the streak, but there rolling and they just gotta do what they do,
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

lol@dudes sayin kobe. 11 for 33.

T-mac and the Rockets are the nba right now. We da BEST
well T-mac wasn't so hot either but yes, We da BEST! (for right now, hope they can handle the Celtics) and please stop with this "Rockets havebeen lucky with Dirk, David West, Pau Gasol, and possibly Ray Allen out. Keep in mind, the Rockets have had their star player out also. Does Yao Ming ring abell?
Originally Posted by Sick Ik 23

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

lol@dudes sayin kobe. 11 for 33.

T-mac and the Rockets are the nba right now. We da BEST
well T-mac wasn't so hot either but yes, We da BEST! (for right now, hope they can handle the Celtics) and please stop with this "Rockets have been lucky with Dirk, David West, Pau Gasol, and possibly Ray Allen out. Keep in mind, the Rockets have had their star player out also. Does Yao Ming ring a bell?

houston can win without one of their stars. other teams are struggling and making excuses. man, i can't wait for one damn season where both arehealthy, goddamnit.
Originally Posted by nyk buc

Originally Posted by Sick Ik 23

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

lol@dudes sayin kobe. 11 for 33.

T-mac and the Rockets are the nba right now. We da BEST
well T-mac wasn't so hot either but yes, We da BEST! (for right now, hope they can handle the Celtics) and please stop with this "Rockets have been lucky with Dirk, David West, Pau Gasol, and possibly Ray Allen out. Keep in mind, the Rockets have had their star player out also. Does Yao Ming ring a bell?

houston can win without one of their stars. other teams are struggling and making excuses. man, i can't wait for one damn season where both are healthy, goddamnit.


Next year is gonna be NASTY.
i dunno if he should...

everyone on that team has been playing well since yao left.

i know if yao was still there he'd be MVP.
tmac def. took himself out of the discussion w/ 2 straight bad games, horrible performances. he doesn't deserve it anyways.
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