Does Tracy McGrady belong in the MVP discussion?

tmac did not play in the Warriors game when the streak started. so it is actually 20-0 with Tmac not 21
Do you guys remember when everybody was laughing at T-Mac because of his injuries? Two months ago, everybody was calling for his head, because he was"packing it in like he did in Orlando". You guys remember that? How fast times change, NT or not.

The MVP has to be playing at the extreme high level all year. Examples: Kobe Bryant, Chris Paul, Lebron James, Kevin Garnett. Those are the only players Iwould consider as MVP.

No disrespect from T-Mac in any way. Dude has been a straight out monster the past month. However, he has not played that way all season. He deserves credit,thats for darn sure. But MVP? No.
Originally Posted by BallinBoykz

Do you guys remember when everybody was laughing at T-Mac because of his injuries? Two months ago, everybody was calling for his head, because he was "packing it in like he did in Orlando". You guys remember that? How fast times change, NT or not.

The MVP has to be playing at the extreme high level all year. Examples: Kobe Bryant, Chris Paul, Lebron James, Kevin Garnett. Those are the only players I would consider as MVP.

No disrespect from T-Mac in any way. Dude has been a straight out monster the past month. However, he has not played that way all season. He deserves credit, thats for darn sure. But MVP? No.

Exactly. I remember everyone calling him T-Wack and people calling him a bum.

I thought that was so funny, and now people are calling him MVP? Some fans are so fickle
I think he belongs in the discussion but not the award. He should get the award if the Rockets lost only 1 or 2 more games in the season or something.
Originally Posted by BullsRepeat3Peat

The MVP has to be playing at the extreme high level all year. Examples: Kobe Bryant, Chris Paul, Lebron James, Kevin Garnett. Those are the only players I would consider as MVP.

i wouldn't put KG up there that high. boston would still be a top 3 team in the east without KG (as you saw by their record without KG). i think paulpierce has been their most MVP player--guards the best perimeter guy plus being their go-to guy. let's be real, pierce IS the go-to guy.
^ ya, but KG still might win it.

You know how the MVP voting is. The award will usually go to the best player on the best team
im very surprised that Lebron get that high in MVP discussion. must be NBA/ESPN hype and for getting to the NBA Finals. Dude's game is just horrible towatch and keep on missing jumpers and always behind in the 4th quarter.
No, the Rockets all around success and steak has been because of the team effort, not just T-Mac.
why do you Rockets fans keep saying "all without Yao"? because its not true. Yao was there for the majority of the streak. he only went down afterlike the 16th game

so really Tmac has been an "MVP candidate" for 5 games. while Kobe, Paul, and Lebron have been MVP candidates for over 60.
you want another Dirk from last year? they aint gettin past 1st round. they'll flame out - word to the Trailblazers.
Word, in the conversation, sure.

What the Rockets/T-Mac is doing is amazing, but he doesn't really have a chance.


The Rockets go undefeated the rest of the way/Rockets end up with the #1 seed.

If the Rockets end up with the #1 seed, give T-Mac the MVP and Adelman Coach of the Year, IMO.

I mean, they weren't even supposed to win their own division, let alone the #1 spot out West.

Because, let's be real. If anybody said the Rockets would end up the #1 seed before the season started, they'd either get
off this board.

And IF they get the #1 spot, T-Mac would deserve the bulk of the credit.
why do you Rockets fans keep saying "all without Yao"? because its not true. Yao was there for the majority of the streak. he only went down after like the 16th game

so really Tmac has been an "MVP candidate" for 5 games. while Kobe, Paul, and Lebron have been MVP candidates for over 60.

16?? Ummm no, maybe 12.
^ What does that have to do with the reg season? I must be missing something when I read that.
^Because in reg season hoops he'd never qualify for that accolade but maybe if he brought a 'ship to your team he'd get Finals MVP alaBillups
Rockets have been lucky against the top teams: Dallas without Dirk, Hornets without West, and Lakers (possibility of without Gasol), Celtics (possible without Ray Allen)
Whats your point? Rockets without Yao.

And the MVP is Chris Paul.
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