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Does anyone workout by themselves?

I used to workout with my roomate, but it was taking way too much time. Our workouts were taking like 90-105 minutes. Too much time spent adjusting weights andfiguring out what we were gunna do next. It just gets old after a while and I wasn't satisfied with how we were coming along.

My roomate is kind of a d-bag at the gym, always tries to do more weight than he can and expects me to help on every rep after 2, never having the bar touchhis chest. Then he would call me out for doing less weight or not being able to get to 10 on my last set. I'd just brush it off, inside being like atleastI do the whole motion.

Personally, i like to go to the gym dolo and just go hard for like 45- an hour., maybe an hour and a quarter at the longest. I like the isolation of it, makesme want to be more social when I'm not there.

Now we just have one chest day we go together so we can spot eachother. It works much better now.
Most of the time I'm working out with a friend or two, but I personally like working out by myself more.

I'm in the gym for about an hour or so when I'm alone, quick. No distractions is key.
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