Does anyone else feel that they talk too fast/slow?

My family is Jamaican so I tend to speak quickly and I'm well adjusted to hearing people speak quickly. Here in Texas people slur words together a lot though, must be the double cups 
Bump. I read my op and feel the exact same after hearing a recording of myself. Damn near sounded like I was speaking another language. :smh:
Heard myself on a recording again and I'm like.... bruh. I'm certain it's anxiety. When I get excited, it's like my vocal cords tighten up making it hard to enunciate.

It also may be a little deeper than that. I don't want people to think I'm "too proper", or think that I feel like I'm "too good" :smh: I have a pretty deep distinct voice so if I'm speaking it's definitely noticeable, maybe I don't feel like that attention all the time. Kinda crazy because I LOVE when girls are very articulate.

When I'm in an interview or professional setting, I speak very clearly. But in a relaxed setting it's a mix a normal mixed with hella mumbling/boomheur :smh: Bruh I've got to get this together.

:lol: forgot I bumped this post 2 years ago Smh
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People say i mumble but i have a very deep voice so it takes alot of air to speak up. So i just write notes now :smh:
mentioned in this thread a few years ago (lol) that I mumble.

I also noticed over the past year or so that the last word of my sentence/statement, generally the most important part of my point, gets LOST, like I no longer remember the word I was about to use, or the correct term I am wanting to use, I cant come up with.

Pisses me off. :smh:
I'm guilty of speaking too fast in my younger days...tripping over my tongue, mind in my mouth, words tangled in my teeth...especially when excited or outlining an idea I haven't toyed with long enough to properly present.

I put a lot of pride on my fluency with the English language, so I placed a lot of conscious effort into improving the clarity of my diction over the last decade or so, working to bring the way I talk and write pretty much as close together as possible for obvious reasons.

I have to say Barack Obama had a shaping effect on my method...mostly follow politics for informational and entertainment value, but the man is an undisputably skilled orator on the level of what I imagine MLK or Lincoln was. you could do worse than to pattern your vocal patterns after his to an extent.

now while I...don't quite meander through sentences quite as--leisurely--as Barry O, I did take away...that a slower cadence at points of emphasis, might make my speech more well as give me time to more carefully choose the phrasing of my ideas.

talking to a lot of non-native speakers here in Mexico also helps...speaking at a deliberate pace with clear diction and a vocabulary light on colloquialisms is a fun mental challenge as well as good practice with everyday speech.

A technique that i learned is to speak while typing words in a keyboard, it will train your brain to speak slower.
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