Do you wear your seat belt?

My car flipped over onto its roof and rolled over twice on the side of
The highway. Woke up in my backseat with the jaws of life ripping my
Roof open. If i had been strapped in I would have been crushed, no doubt about it.

Also, if your hit a pole fast enough, it's best to not have a seatbelt. In that case it's better to fly out than to get wrapped around the pole.

I always wear my seat belt unless I'm in a classic car.
Do you drive around nowadays with your seat belt off?

No because my new car beeps at me when I dont.

Im not going to lie. I didnt wear my seatbelt after my accident in my next two cars. Parents never made me wear it growing up and it was just a bad habit that i never kicked.

Im liable to put the front strap behind my back at any given time too :smh:
I always wear a seat belt as a driver or a passenger in a friend's car.

However, in a taxi I never have the seat belt on, even though sometimes the taxi driver drives like he doesn't give a damn. Maybe I should now.
It's weird but I do the exact same thing. If driving or a passenger I buckle up no matter where I'm sitting.

When I'm in a cab though I never put it on when I'm in the backseat and only do it sometimes when I'm riding shotgun
My ex used to hate wearing a seatbelt and would refuse to where one while we were in the car.

The few times she would drive me somewhere she would dare me to not wear it and I was like, nah I'm good 

She was psycho. No way was I gonna risk anything.
Shoulda hit her with this


My only accident...I was involved in a hit and run around midnight. I was coming off a ramp from the free way and sitting at the red light (no traffic). Next thing I know, an old Dodge Ram rear ends me (had to be going about 40mph). If I didn't have my seat belt on, I'm pretty sure my head would've cracked on the steering wheel or I would've went through the windshield.
Yup. Sometimes for short distances, I don't want to, but my car has the most annoying beeping sound.
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Never thought it was cool not to

Working in the hospital only solidified my decision
I always wear mine. Give cops one less reason to bother me.

My grandpa hates seat belts. He hates them so much he will go great lengths to not wear one. He recently bought himself a convertible, so the car dings whenever seat belt isn't fastened. Well he got the bright idea to fasten the seat belt behind him, pull the seat belt partially over his shoulder, and use a bungee cord to cover the rest
Wear them while I'm driving or if I'm the passenger always but never if I'm in the backseat
I've not worn my seatbelt if we are cramming people in the backseat. Most of the time I don't feel safe not wearing it.
Yes I do. Was a passenger in a minor accident where I wasn't wearing my seatbelt. Almost went into the windshield. Learned my lesson :lol:

My only accident...I was involved in a hit and run around midnight. I was coming off a ramp from the free way and sitting at the red light (no traffic). Next thing I know, an old Dodge Ram rear ends me (had to be going about 40mph). If I didn't have my seat belt on, I'm pretty sure my head would've cracked on the steering wheel or I would've went through the windshield.
Glad u made it brah :smokin

When someone gets in the whip and refuse to wear a seatbelt i do one hard brake check and they reach for the seatbelt faster than a fat kid tryna get the last slice of pizza
I've never had to deal with people not putting on their seatbelt, but if I ever do that car simply would not move until they did. If they don't like it they can get out and walk.
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