Do you want kids when you're older?

Originally Posted by Dip

I wonder if I want to bring a new life into this world with the way things are...

fact, this is why I'm strongly considering adoption (typo)....if i get married im gonna have a kid of my own to appease the wife and my mom but i really wanna adopt some little third world children word to jolie.
Yea, I don't wanna have them young, but young enough that I could play ball with them as they come up.
Originally Posted by yankeesking92

I most definitely want to but when I am financially secure.
*fixed* for my situation + I, preferably, want to have a wife when the baby making happens. Me, 28 yrs old on Feb 10th, and my girl(28) are going on 4+ years of being together
. Hopefully we will be married in a few years. I would like to have at least 2 boy, one girl.
I NEVER want kids. I see so many of my friends and co-workers so exhausted and bitter about having kids
I'm happy being an uncle. Great thing is my girl feels the exact same way....for now
Originally Posted by breakin necks

ya would like to have 2 kids.. but not until im ready financially, kids are expensive

Same right here. To many dudes having kids and struggling to support them and their girl.
Definitely. Hopefully a girl before a boy, but as long as they're healthy it doesn't matter the order.
I don't.

The very idea of me dedicating 20 something years of my life into raising kids is beyond the limits of acceptability.

Besides, the world is #%$^&* up as it is.
I didnt think it was a big deal to have any kids when i was in my early 20s..But once I hit 28 it started to become something I really wanted..I have a little boy that just turned 3 and he is the absolute best thing I've ever done in my life..Im very proud to be his daddy
Originally Posted by Th3RealF0lkBlu3s

Definitely. Hopefully a girl before a boy, but as long as they're healthy it doesn't matter the order.
Why girl before boy? Common logic says the reverse.
Originally Posted by Brandon3000


not until I travel more maybe.

too many dudes having kids and doing nothing with their life but raising kids

and LoL to the dude above my post....
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by Th3RealF0lkBlu3s

Definitely. Hopefully a girl before a boy, but as long as they're healthy it doesn't matter the order.
Why girl before boy? Common logic says the reverse.
I feel that girls are better older siblings than boys. Nothing to back that up, just a personal conviction.
i want kids a few years from now. but of course i'd want to live life a little and see the world before settling down.
I'm 27 and I have 3 kids(5 year old girl and 2 year old twin boys). I was not ready for kids but I'm more than happy that they're here. My plan was to have kids by 25. Reason being I didn't want to be too old. My mom had me as a teen. I feel because my mother was so young our communication was better. There are some negatives that come with that though. At one point she was more of a friend than a mother. During my teens that was kind of problem here and there.

Sometimes I regret having kids though. Only because of how messed up everything is. I'm scared to send them to school or get their immunization shots. Just as I experienced, you can become a totally different person when your away from your parents. I'm not going to get into the immunization shots part. I really don't trust that mess though. I'm afraid of the food they eat and and the water they drink. I'm afraid of the music they may hear one day and the things they may see tv. It's easy to say that good parenting can solve this but it's not always true. The pressures of the outside world can have huge impact on the person your child will eventually become. What's scary is sometimes you will never know. Your child comes home and you see the person that you feel you've raised properly, never knowing the person your child has become when they're not around you.
Originally Posted by blacklion23

Sometimes I regret having kids though. Only because of how messed up everything is. I'm scared to send them to school or get their immunization shots. Just as I experienced, you can become a totally different person when your away from your parents. I'm not going to get into the immunization shots part. I really don't trust that mess though. I'm afraid of the food they eat and and the water they drink. I'm afraid of the music they may hear one day and the things they may see tv. It's easy to say that good parenting can solve this but it's not always true. The pressures of the outside world can have huge impact on the person your child will eventually become. What's scary is sometimes you will never know. Your child comes home and you see the person that you feel you've raised properly, never knowing the person your child has become when they're not around you.

I have a 1 yr old daughter and i feel exactly where you are coming from...

Being a Dad is the best feeling in the world to me but this world is cold... 

I want at least one more child... I would like to try for a boy in a few years... 

Like Anton said I would like to adopt a child also if I could afford it financially...

I love kids....
Yes I want a huge family after I'm married, maybe about 5-6 kids.
This won't be until another 5 years or so though
Now, no. But down the road, absolutely (I am 23).

1) Carry on the family name - I am the last male on my Dad's side of the family - therefore if I do not have any kids, our family name will be no more. Plus, I am named after my Grandpa and Dad and want to make my son the fourth.

2) Life would be so boring without any kids. Easier - yes. Cheaper - absolutely. But life would be so damn repetitive and mundane without any kids.

I would tentatively say I would like 3 kids at most, 2 at the least. At least one boy.
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