Do you want kids when you're older?

Had twins boys last year
I'd love kids. But I don't love the world I'll bring them into. Its bad out there. Hope I am blessed with them though and hopefully things chill out.
Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by blacklion23

Sometimes I regret having kids though. Only because of how messed up everything is. I'm scared to send them to school or get their immunization shots. Just as I experienced, you can become a totally different person when your away from your parents. I'm not going to get into the immunization shots part. I really don't trust that mess though. I'm afraid of the food they eat and and the water they drink. I'm afraid of the music they may hear one day and the things they may see tv. It's easy to say that good parenting can solve this but it's not always true. The pressures of the outside world can have huge impact on the person your child will eventually become. What's scary is sometimes you will never know. Your child comes home and you see the person that you feel you've raised properly, never knowing the person your child has become when they're not around you.

I have a 1 yr old daughter and i feel exactly where you are coming from...

Being a Dad is the best feeling in the world to me but this world is cold... 

I want at least one more child... I would like to try for a boy in a few years... 

Like Anton said I would like to adopt a child also if I could afford it financially...

I love kids....
i dont even have kids yet and i worry about things like this.  makes me unsure of if i really want any or not.  
i mean right now i say i never want kids but who knows what the future holds. i'm liable to change my mind a million times. i think if i had the choice i would probably adopt before wanting my own child. i don't necessarily want to bring a child into this world but raising a child who is already IN this world i can probably do. man i don't know.
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