Do you think OJ Mayo will be better than Kobe?

Originally Posted by tupac003

This is stupid but like Xtapolapacetl said kobe fans have been comparing kobe to jordan for years.

OJ Mayo maybe better then Kobe but we don't really know that yet.

Who cares?

I like OJ Hope to see him in purple and gold in 2 to 3 years...
won't happen mang
Originally Posted by tupac003

This is stupid but like Xtapolapacetl said kobe fans have been comparing kobe to jordan for years.

OJ Mayo maybe better then Kobe but we don't really know that yet.

Who cares?

I like OJ Hope to see him in purple and gold in 2 to 3 years...

kobe has the talent and the work ethic to be like MJ and his game is close to MJ like in the way they play he just doesnt have the results

OJ can have all the work ethic he wants his talent is not a kobe talent and his game is not a kobe bryant type game.
Originally Posted by vctry20

Originally Posted by Chester McFloppy

Mayo is already better than Kobe and has less rape charges.

college girls are easy to guilt trip
why does Kobe cry during sex?

Spoiler [+]
because mace stings!
Originally Posted by JESUS IS A LAKER FAN

Originally Posted by allen3xis

And I am not at all a Kobe fan.

People need a reality check and understand OJ is still the 3rd best player in his own draft class.

Well, I AM a Kobe fan, and I am telling you right now brother --- I SEE IT. I saw it at USC. This guy...... this guy here? He HAS it.

I mean, he already plays both ends of the floor. All he really needs is that patented, unstoppable J...... and I saw him break the Warriors off with it the other night. OH MAN..... if he can just shoot over 42% this season..... that is some SERIOUS progress. Kobe's J was wack even during the 3-peat. If you guys wanted to compare Kobe to MJ (which is totally unfair to both players), then you can certainly compare OJ to Kobe. This can be done.
j rain got a new user name and is a mayo fan
Mayo is having a impressive rookie season.

It's too early to tell...

I mean, he already plays both ends of the floor. All he really needs is that patented, unstoppable J...... and I saw him break the Warriors off with it the other night. OH MAN..... if he can just shoot over 42% this season..... that is some SERIOUS progress. Kobe's J was wack even during the 3-peat. If you guys wanted to compare Kobe to MJ (which is totally unfair to both players), then you can certainly compare OJ to Kobe. This can be done.

We're talking about the Warriors here...we put C.J. Watson on O.J. Mayo...

...A kid drawing Kobe-comparisons vs. A D-League Player
oc early. will he be better. there's always a chance. he has a long LOOOOOOOOOOOONG way to go.. Kobe is that dude, i am a Lakers fan, and i am a HUGE Kobefan..
im lookin at this with an open mind.. he's got potential.. but damn.. we're comparin him to Kobe already.. slow ur roll young pup..
Entire career, no

He will should have a stretch in his career that makes you say "wow
" based on possibly having a more mature team around him (Aurthur,Conley, gay,Gasol)
Do you guys really think that an undersized PG/SG tweener is going to have a higher ceiling then a legit 2 (much less someone like Kobe)? Kobe had morepotential coming into his draft then Mayo did his.
Without reading every reply... I just want to welcome the serious Kobe Bryant fans to the world of "PLEASE STOP making crazy comparisons"

Because for years we serious Michael Jordan Fans have had to deal with the Kobe - Jordan threads... so have fun!

for the record Mayo has potential but dang it's his first year give it some time people...

Kobe sees it.... Kobe fans admit it. OJ has that same drive that Kobe and MJ had, and no one can deny that... OJ is beasting right now and he'll only getbetter. He's been dealing with the naysayers since what... the 8th grade. That's 6 plus years of proving the public wrong. Give him his due.
Ever wonder what would happen if Kobe Bryant and Joe Johnson had a baby? OJ Mayo. A little more flair than JJ and not quite as explosive as the Kobester.






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