Do you think Enlisting in the Military is noble?

I don't think so anymore. Being noble just seems to be one of those concepts that has been watered down in society. Similar to the whole idea of being chivalrous.
Originally Posted by roc4life24

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

i don't see how enlisting would benifit me so to me it isn't noble

nothing noble about killing innocent people based on falsified documents to start war for money/oil.
Every major battle could have been prevented; the lies they feed to the american people is shameful
Originally Posted by roc4life24

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

i don't see how enlisting would benifit me so to me it isn't noble

nothing noble about killing innocent people based on falsified documents to start war for money/oil.
Every major battle could have been prevented; the lies they feed to the american people is shameful
Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Most of you kids sound scared and don't really know what you're talking about. Myself, I did my stint in the Marines for 4 years and got out honorably. I got about 40K for school, free medical, and get a home loan from the VA with no interest and no down payment up front. It laid the foundation for my life, not just financially but morally and physically too. I gladly volunteered and I would never take back those years. I'll do it again and again. I'm up for some good work. It pays off and feels good when you earn your @#$@ instead of having it handed to you. Plus, now I can work smarter and not harder.

You're not a man until you can stand on your own two feet.

There's nothing wrong with not joining if you don't want to either. It's a personal choice but, people who speak badly about the military are ignorant, which breeds fear, and that breeds utter stupidity. It's like being an ungrateful child with no sense. If people like myself didn't exist, all of you wouldn't be sitting on NT right now freely typing away. You'd probably be making license plates for a hitler-type dictator in a factory somewhere in Amerideutch.

Countries need soldiers because wars will ALWAYS exist no matter what. It is naturally in human nature to be violent. The smallest organisms are violet. It's in us. The indians were freely and peacefully living in Native America when the pilgrims came and plumaged there existence. Mexico's Mayans were fine until the Spaniards came in herds with their silver weapons and black slaves. There's been so many civilizations in history that didn't have organized armies that were obliterated because of it. So some of you saying that "no soldiers = no wars" don't know what you're talking about. I'd hate to be under your leadership. If you're feeling the sting from what I just typed, then you're exactly who I'm talking to. Learn something.
          true words. I'm serving in Estonin military, we can't be so confident as you americans, because russia is our neighbor and we all know what happened with georgia. But i will always respect other country soldiers who are serving their country and yes i believe that is NOBLE.
          Your allies in NATO.
Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Most of you kids sound scared and don't really know what you're talking about. Myself, I did my stint in the Marines for 4 years and got out honorably. I got about 40K for school, free medical, and get a home loan from the VA with no interest and no down payment up front. It laid the foundation for my life, not just financially but morally and physically too. I gladly volunteered and I would never take back those years. I'll do it again and again. I'm up for some good work. It pays off and feels good when you earn your @#$@ instead of having it handed to you. Plus, now I can work smarter and not harder.

You're not a man until you can stand on your own two feet.

There's nothing wrong with not joining if you don't want to either. It's a personal choice but, people who speak badly about the military are ignorant, which breeds fear, and that breeds utter stupidity. It's like being an ungrateful child with no sense. If people like myself didn't exist, all of you wouldn't be sitting on NT right now freely typing away. You'd probably be making license plates for a hitler-type dictator in a factory somewhere in Amerideutch.

Countries need soldiers because wars will ALWAYS exist no matter what. It is naturally in human nature to be violent. The smallest organisms are violet. It's in us. The indians were freely and peacefully living in Native America when the pilgrims came and plumaged there existence. Mexico's Mayans were fine until the Spaniards came in herds with their silver weapons and black slaves. There's been so many civilizations in history that didn't have organized armies that were obliterated because of it. So some of you saying that "no soldiers = no wars" don't know what you're talking about. I'd hate to be under your leadership. If you're feeling the sting from what I just typed, then you're exactly who I'm talking to. Learn something.
          true words. I'm serving in Estonin military, we can't be so confident as you americans, because russia is our neighbor and we all know what happened with georgia. But i will always respect other country soldiers who are serving their country and yes i believe that is NOBLE.
          Your allies in NATO.
 No, I was in the military for four years .      It's just business at the end of the day and there's good to that as well as bad .
 No, I was in the military for four years .      It's just business at the end of the day and there's good to that as well as bad .
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Is NT even mature enough for a question like this...
NO.  There is a 930 page thread about Dressing Better for crying out loud. 
  That by itself should indicate the type of mind-frame that's in here.  Most has never even been out of this country and clueless about the real world.  They care only about themselves, and what America can do for them and not what they can do for the betterment of this country.  That's just the mindset of this younger generation and it is what it is. Plus you have to put into consideration the amount of kids in this generation that were born with immigrant parents.  You can't expect kids to be patriotic when their parents were not even born here. 

[/td] [td] [/td] [td] Dressing better (1,2,3,928,929,930)


non sequitur

I'm all for mature discussion but that has NOTHING to do with this topic or even imply as much as you're suggesting.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Is NT even mature enough for a question like this...
NO.  There is a 930 page thread about Dressing Better for crying out loud. 
  That by itself should indicate the type of mind-frame that's in here.  Most has never even been out of this country and clueless about the real world.  They care only about themselves, and what America can do for them and not what they can do for the betterment of this country.  That's just the mindset of this younger generation and it is what it is. Plus you have to put into consideration the amount of kids in this generation that were born with immigrant parents.  You can't expect kids to be patriotic when their parents were not even born here. 

[/td] [td] [/td] [td] Dressing better (1,2,3,928,929,930)


non sequitur

I'm all for mature discussion but that has NOTHING to do with this topic or even imply as much as you're suggesting.
I don't think it is but I say thanks to the dudes that do even though most of the ones I know do it for $$$ gain.  Nothing wrong with that
It pays off and feels good when you earn your @#$@ instead of having it handed to you.
I don't agree with this cause handed to you or earned feels the same in the end.  Now the person that didn't grind for it might lose it quicker (cause they don't value it as much) but if they don't where is the difference?
I don't think it is but I say thanks to the dudes that do even though most of the ones I know do it for $$$ gain.  Nothing wrong with that
It pays off and feels good when you earn your @#$@ instead of having it handed to you.
I don't agree with this cause handed to you or earned feels the same in the end.  Now the person that didn't grind for it might lose it quicker (cause they don't value it as much) but if they don't where is the difference?
This is very subjective. It all depends on your reasoning behind joining. If you actually believe in your heart that America has purity, and you are serving the country for a good, greater purpose then of course it would be "noble" to YOU. But in reality, it's moronic. The military is often used as a scapegoat, and that would be the only way i'd use it too.
It's always been my back up plan, if I ran out of funding for school, or funds in general..I would join. I'm pretty interested in joining anyway. I know I would do well in all aspects. I'm also pretty sure I would receive a fairly high test score/good job. I would only enlist as an officer though. I would do anything but the Army and have to be psychotic to do that.
This is very subjective. It all depends on your reasoning behind joining. If you actually believe in your heart that America has purity, and you are serving the country for a good, greater purpose then of course it would be "noble" to YOU. But in reality, it's moronic. The military is often used as a scapegoat, and that would be the only way i'd use it too.
It's always been my back up plan, if I ran out of funding for school, or funds in general..I would join. I'm pretty interested in joining anyway. I know I would do well in all aspects. I'm also pretty sure I would receive a fairly high test score/good job. I would only enlist as an officer though. I would do anything but the Army and have to be psychotic to do that.
Originally Posted by roc4life24

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Is NT even mature enough for a question like this...
  They care only about themselves, and what America can do for them and not what they can do for the betterment of this country. 

[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
how does signing up  for a military mean you are for the betterment of this country? i would like to see America do good things,but tell me how does unjust wars accomplish that goal?

basically what your saying is that to "repay" the lifestyle benefits here in America i must kill innocent people elsewhere with no just cause...oh okay
Enlisting means you volunteer to protect and serve this Nation.  Whether people join for the right reasons or not, our country requires a military force so that we spoiled civilians can continue with our everyday lives without giving a second thought that there are millions of people from other nations that want nothing but the destruction of the US.   They do the things we don't want to do because we're too busy with Madden 2011 or waiting in line for a Jordan release.  They go on long deployments and sacrifice their jobs, hobbies, love lives, etc... so that we can watch the NFL and not have to worry about a bomb going off in our local Starbucks.  So if you don't call that type of volunteer service a betterment of our Nation, then I don't know what to tell you.

Also you're making it sound like every single American that enlisted is a killing machine.  I know Doctors that are in the military and guess what they do?   My boy is a field medic and he has a told me stories of saving Iraqis injured in a bomb blast.  Or my other boy who is a Navy Chaplain and have counseled countless Marines, and their families.  Anything noble about the service they perform?

 @ "unjust" cause.  Whether it's right or wrong, our govt who were elected by the people of America chose this direction and have chosen this direction for the past 9+ years.  Plus if it's so unjust why are you still here in America?  Put on your limited edition Che Guevara t-shirt, leave the country and renounce your US Citizenship.  There is a place for you in Canada.  I don't understand why people say stupid #%#! like these wars are unjust but still continue to live here.  Don't you have a spine?  Take a stand like some of my activist friends and leave the country.  Why continue to live/work here and pay Federal income taxes that funds these bullets for these "unjust" wars. 

Get a clue the threat to our country is real.  Obama is prove of this. Dude a few years ago was on the streets of Chicago with the Anti-War crowd talking about bringing troops home in 12 months. 
Now as President, he has requested billions and have sent more boots/armor/weapons and is building more bases in Afghanistan.  Why? Common sense would indicate that maybe he now has Joint Chief of Staff intel reports and knows the danger is real?  Hmmmm.

So basically what I am saying is to "repay" the benefits of living here in America, we should support these men and women who are willing to sacrifice their lives so that the American way of life can continue.  I am betting you %*%#*, complain and cry about all these "unjust" wars but havn't written one letter much less know who your local Congressional Representative is huh?  Here's the first step my man...

Also remember Nov elections are around the corner. Volunteer and campaign for a Politician that shares your views.  Good Luck.
Originally Posted by roc4life24

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Is NT even mature enough for a question like this...
  They care only about themselves, and what America can do for them and not what they can do for the betterment of this country. 

[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
how does signing up  for a military mean you are for the betterment of this country? i would like to see America do good things,but tell me how does unjust wars accomplish that goal?

basically what your saying is that to "repay" the lifestyle benefits here in America i must kill innocent people elsewhere with no just cause...oh okay
Enlisting means you volunteer to protect and serve this Nation.  Whether people join for the right reasons or not, our country requires a military force so that we spoiled civilians can continue with our everyday lives without giving a second thought that there are millions of people from other nations that want nothing but the destruction of the US.   They do the things we don't want to do because we're too busy with Madden 2011 or waiting in line for a Jordan release.  They go on long deployments and sacrifice their jobs, hobbies, love lives, etc... so that we can watch the NFL and not have to worry about a bomb going off in our local Starbucks.  So if you don't call that type of volunteer service a betterment of our Nation, then I don't know what to tell you.

Also you're making it sound like every single American that enlisted is a killing machine.  I know Doctors that are in the military and guess what they do?   My boy is a field medic and he has a told me stories of saving Iraqis injured in a bomb blast.  Or my other boy who is a Navy Chaplain and have counseled countless Marines, and their families.  Anything noble about the service they perform?

 @ "unjust" cause.  Whether it's right or wrong, our govt who were elected by the people of America chose this direction and have chosen this direction for the past 9+ years.  Plus if it's so unjust why are you still here in America?  Put on your limited edition Che Guevara t-shirt, leave the country and renounce your US Citizenship.  There is a place for you in Canada.  I don't understand why people say stupid #%#! like these wars are unjust but still continue to live here.  Don't you have a spine?  Take a stand like some of my activist friends and leave the country.  Why continue to live/work here and pay Federal income taxes that funds these bullets for these "unjust" wars. 

Get a clue the threat to our country is real.  Obama is prove of this. Dude a few years ago was on the streets of Chicago with the Anti-War crowd talking about bringing troops home in 12 months. 
Now as President, he has requested billions and have sent more boots/armor/weapons and is building more bases in Afghanistan.  Why? Common sense would indicate that maybe he now has Joint Chief of Staff intel reports and knows the danger is real?  Hmmmm.

So basically what I am saying is to "repay" the benefits of living here in America, we should support these men and women who are willing to sacrifice their lives so that the American way of life can continue.  I am betting you %*%#*, complain and cry about all these "unjust" wars but havn't written one letter much less know who your local Congressional Representative is huh?  Here's the first step my man...

Also remember Nov elections are around the corner. Volunteer and campaign for a Politician that shares your views.  Good Luck.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by roc4life24

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Is NT even mature enough for a question like this...
  They care only about themselves, and what America can do for them and not what they can do for the betterment of this country. 

[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
how does signing up  for a military mean you are for the betterment of this country? i would like to see America do good things,but tell me how does unjust wars accomplish that goal?

basically what your saying is that to "repay" the lifestyle benefits here in America i must kill innocent people elsewhere with no just cause...oh okay
Enlisting means you volunteer to protect and serve this Nation.  Whether people join for the right reasons or not, our country requires a military force so that we spoiled civilians can continue with our everyday lives without giving a second thought that there are millions of people from other nations that want nothing but the destruction of the US.   They do the things we don't want to do because we're too busy with Madden 2011 or waiting in line for a Jordan release.  They go on long deployments and sacrifice their jobs, hobbies, love lives, etc... so that we can watch the NFL and not have to worry about a bomb going off in our local Starbucks.  So if you don't call that type of volunteer service a betterment of our Nation, then I don't know what to tell you.

Also you're making it sound like every single American that enlisted is a killing machine.  I know Doctors that are in the military and guess what they do?   My boy is a field medic and he has a told me stories of saving Iraqis injured in a bomb blast.  Or my other boy who is a Navy Chaplain and have counseled countless Marines, and their families.  Anything noble about the service they perform?

 @ "unjust" cause.  Whether it's right or wrong, our govt who were elected by the people of America chose this direction and have chosen this direction for the past 9+ years.  Plus if it's so unjust why are you still here in America?  Put on your limited edition Che Guevara t-shirt, leave the country and renounce your US Citizenship.  There is a place for you in Canada.  I don't understand why people say stupid #%#! like these wars are unjust but still continue to live here.  Don't you have a spine?  Take a stand like some of my activist friends and leave the country.  Why continue to live/work here and pay Federal income taxes that funds these bullets for these "unjust" wars. 

Get a clue the threat to our country is real.  Obama is prove of this. Dude a few years ago was on the streets of Chicago with the Anti-War crowd talking about bringing troops home in 12 months. 
Now as President, he has requested billions and have sent more boots/armor/weapons and is building more bases in Afghanistan.  Why? Common sense would indicate that maybe he now has Joint Chief of Staff intel reports and knows the danger is real?  Hmmmm.

So basically what I am saying is to "repay" the benefits of living here in America, we should support these men and women who are willing to sacrifice their lives so that the American way of life can continue.  I am betting you %*%#*, complain and cry about all these "unjust" wars but havn't written one letter much less know who your local Congressional Representative is huh?  Here's the first step my man...

Also remember Nov elections are around the corner. Volunteer and campaign for a Politician that shares your views.  Good Luck.

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by roc4life24

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Is NT even mature enough for a question like this...
  They care only about themselves, and what America can do for them and not what they can do for the betterment of this country. 

[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
how does signing up  for a military mean you are for the betterment of this country? i would like to see America do good things,but tell me how does unjust wars accomplish that goal?

basically what your saying is that to "repay" the lifestyle benefits here in America i must kill innocent people elsewhere with no just cause...oh okay
Enlisting means you volunteer to protect and serve this Nation.  Whether people join for the right reasons or not, our country requires a military force so that we spoiled civilians can continue with our everyday lives without giving a second thought that there are millions of people from other nations that want nothing but the destruction of the US.   They do the things we don't want to do because we're too busy with Madden 2011 or waiting in line for a Jordan release.  They go on long deployments and sacrifice their jobs, hobbies, love lives, etc... so that we can watch the NFL and not have to worry about a bomb going off in our local Starbucks.  So if you don't call that type of volunteer service a betterment of our Nation, then I don't know what to tell you.

Also you're making it sound like every single American that enlisted is a killing machine.  I know Doctors that are in the military and guess what they do?   My boy is a field medic and he has a told me stories of saving Iraqis injured in a bomb blast.  Or my other boy who is a Navy Chaplain and have counseled countless Marines, and their families.  Anything noble about the service they perform?

 @ "unjust" cause.  Whether it's right or wrong, our govt who were elected by the people of America chose this direction and have chosen this direction for the past 9+ years.  Plus if it's so unjust why are you still here in America?  Put on your limited edition Che Guevara t-shirt, leave the country and renounce your US Citizenship.  There is a place for you in Canada.  I don't understand why people say stupid #%#! like these wars are unjust but still continue to live here.  Don't you have a spine?  Take a stand like some of my activist friends and leave the country.  Why continue to live/work here and pay Federal income taxes that funds these bullets for these "unjust" wars. 

Get a clue the threat to our country is real.  Obama is prove of this. Dude a few years ago was on the streets of Chicago with the Anti-War crowd talking about bringing troops home in 12 months. 
Now as President, he has requested billions and have sent more boots/armor/weapons and is building more bases in Afghanistan.  Why? Common sense would indicate that maybe he now has Joint Chief of Staff intel reports and knows the danger is real?  Hmmmm.

So basically what I am saying is to "repay" the benefits of living here in America, we should support these men and women who are willing to sacrifice their lives so that the American way of life can continue.  I am betting you %*%#*, complain and cry about all these "unjust" wars but havn't written one letter much less know who your local Congressional Representative is huh?  Here's the first step my man...

Also remember Nov elections are around the corner. Volunteer and campaign for a Politician that shares your views.  Good Luck.

Screw the patriotic talk bs. When was the last time America got into a war because they need to defend their country freedom ? Beside the sneaky attack on Pearl Harbor. We never actually fought a war on our soil. Not to mention our military are a bunch of () that never get their hand dirty first. We use foreigner to our advantage in battle. We use unfair high tech weapon to clear out the battle before engage in hand to hand combat because we so scare about losing lives. Our government is a lie and frequently feeding bs to the public. We're the biggest bully sob in this world. Going around giving order to lesser countries like we're some sort of @#%@. No wonder everyone hate America and would bomb us if given the chance. Oh and by the way, someone post that video of US Marine throwing harmless puppies off the cliff and video of Marines toying with defenseless kids and women
Screw the patriotic talk bs. When was the last time America got into a war because they need to defend their country freedom ? Beside the sneaky attack on Pearl Harbor. We never actually fought a war on our soil. Not to mention our military are a bunch of () that never get their hand dirty first. We use foreigner to our advantage in battle. We use unfair high tech weapon to clear out the battle before engage in hand to hand combat because we so scare about losing lives. Our government is a lie and frequently feeding bs to the public. We're the biggest bully sob in this world. Going around giving order to lesser countries like we're some sort of @#%@. No wonder everyone hate America and would bomb us if given the chance. Oh and by the way, someone post that video of US Marine throwing harmless puppies off the cliff and video of Marines toying with defenseless kids and women
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