Do you think Enlisting in the Military is noble?

You're contradicting yourself there Peteweezy. If I was in the girl scouts then you were rejected by them for not having enough fortitude playa.
Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Originally Posted by Peteweezy

I don't think it is but I say thanks to the dudes that do even though most of the ones I know do it for $$$ gain.  Nothing wrong with that
It pays off and feels good when you earn your @#$@ instead of having it handed to you.
I don't agree with this cause handed to you or earned feels the same in the end.  Now the person that didn't grind for it might lose it quicker (cause they don't value it as much) but if they don't where is the difference?

How would you know? Because you THINK?

It doesn't just stop at the benefits. You have to utilize those benefits correctly in order to reap them. Chances are if you were a slacker for your whole enlistment, that you won't even come close to using your benefits to complete school, get a career, buy a house, and support your family without living check to check. All because you don't take things seriously. I know dudes that are in their 40's and have done this. I also know dudes in their 40's that took advantage and are doing pretty well for themselves. The difference is in the type of person oyu are from the start.

Or you were too lazy or unimaginative to figure out a way to obtain all that without endangering your life. Theres a million ways to make money in america, stop making it seem like working hard and earning your money is respectable. Theres nothing cool abot working hard
. Im patrotic as hell and I love America, but going to military is a cop out for most folks, just the way it is. Id rather the youth do positive things to put america back on the map with innovation than by signing up to be a mindless pawn.

Yeah, because that's what America was built on. Laziness and finding the easy way out. According to you, going into the military is a cop out. Not being able to provide other valid ways in your previous statement just null your point. So you're telling me police officers and medical personnel are mindless pawns? They follow similar protocols that are based on military policy to accomplish their jobs.  If somebody robs your home, who are you going to call? Oh that's right, a mindless pawn of society cop.
Kids like you are EXACTLY what's wrong with America. I don't think people go into the military to "be cool". If they do, they're idiots along with the people that think that. You endanger your life every single day you step out of your hut to go to the store, work, or anywhere else. You can easily be killed walking down the street or driving in your car through some freak accident. Your chances of dying increase in some instances like going to combat but that shouldn't make you tremble and run away if you're a man. You're "patriotic" because other people have lived and died to provide you with your freedom, so you reap the benefits of others' sacrifices. You're probably the type that I was mentioning before, you'd run to the hills and hide if all hell broke loose around here. Walk up to a group of active personnel or veterans and tell them the words you're writing on NT and I bet you'd just keep walking after quickly thinking twice. If all of America thought like you, we'd be Afghanistan. 

No, policemen know the enemy. They know who they are protecting, they respond to calls. I call a cop i want his protection. Medics help people who are hurt, people who want to be helped. Iraqis never called the US for help. Dont even compare the military to them. At any moment you can quit being a cop if you dont agree with it. You have control. In the military you are a mindless pawn contracted by the govt. There has been no attack on our soil to justify any fight. There were way more than enough people in the military to protect us, instead they are spending valuable lives for other countries instead of ours. It is a cop out fo most people, many in this thread have proved that. You build nothing for america by signing up in infantry, even by me being lazy and not working ive setup a business for lcd screen suppliers made right here in new jersey to distribute their screens across the country by fixing computers used by americans. Now tell me how you have protected my rights? Ill pick up a gun myself if intruders came to our shores, as a matter of fact a draft can legally require me to. Say what you want, i dont owe you any more respect than the tax dollars my family paid to you. parts that were made in Asia. Way to go.

It's so sad yet funny that you don't know what you're talking about. If you got out from behind that commodore 64 that you're furiously trying to repair, you'd realize how dumb you sound.
Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Originally Posted by Peteweezy

I don't think it is but I say thanks to the dudes that do even though most of the ones I know do it for $$$ gain.  Nothing wrong with that
It pays off and feels good when you earn your @#$@ instead of having it handed to you.
I don't agree with this cause handed to you or earned feels the same in the end.  Now the person that didn't grind for it might lose it quicker (cause they don't value it as much) but if they don't where is the difference?

How would you know? Because you THINK?

It doesn't just stop at the benefits. You have to utilize those benefits correctly in order to reap them. Chances are if you were a slacker for your whole enlistment, that you won't even come close to using your benefits to complete school, get a career, buy a house, and support your family without living check to check. All because you don't take things seriously. I know dudes that are in their 40's and have done this. I also know dudes in their 40's that took advantage and are doing pretty well for themselves. The difference is in the type of person oyu are from the start.

Or you were too lazy or unimaginative to figure out a way to obtain all that without endangering your life. Theres a million ways to make money in america, stop making it seem like working hard and earning your money is respectable. Theres nothing cool abot working hard
. Im patrotic as hell and I love America, but going to military is a cop out for most folks, just the way it is. Id rather the youth do positive things to put america back on the map with innovation than by signing up to be a mindless pawn.

Yeah, because that's what America was built on. Laziness and finding the easy way out. According to you, going into the military is a cop out. Not being able to provide other valid ways in your previous statement just null your point. So you're telling me police officers and medical personnel are mindless pawns? They follow similar protocols that are based on military policy to accomplish their jobs.  If somebody robs your home, who are you going to call? Oh that's right, a mindless pawn of society cop.
Kids like you are EXACTLY what's wrong with America. I don't think people go into the military to "be cool". If they do, they're idiots along with the people that think that. You endanger your life every single day you step out of your hut to go to the store, work, or anywhere else. You can easily be killed walking down the street or driving in your car through some freak accident. Your chances of dying increase in some instances like going to combat but that shouldn't make you tremble and run away if you're a man. You're "patriotic" because other people have lived and died to provide you with your freedom, so you reap the benefits of others' sacrifices. You're probably the type that I was mentioning before, you'd run to the hills and hide if all hell broke loose around here. Walk up to a group of active personnel or veterans and tell them the words you're writing on NT and I bet you'd just keep walking after quickly thinking twice. If all of America thought like you, we'd be Afghanistan. 

No, policemen know the enemy. They know who they are protecting, they respond to calls. I call a cop i want his protection. Medics help people who are hurt, people who want to be helped. Iraqis never called the US for help. Dont even compare the military to them. At any moment you can quit being a cop if you dont agree with it. You have control. In the military you are a mindless pawn contracted by the govt. There has been no attack on our soil to justify any fight. There were way more than enough people in the military to protect us, instead they are spending valuable lives for other countries instead of ours. It is a cop out fo most people, many in this thread have proved that. You build nothing for america by signing up in infantry, even by me being lazy and not working ive setup a business for lcd screen suppliers made right here in new jersey to distribute their screens across the country by fixing computers used by americans. Now tell me how you have protected my rights? Ill pick up a gun myself if intruders came to our shores, as a matter of fact a draft can legally require me to. Say what you want, i dont owe you any more respect than the tax dollars my family paid to you. parts that were made in Asia. Way to go.

It's so sad yet funny that you don't know what you're talking about. If you got out from behind that commodore 64 that you're furiously trying to repair, you'd realize how dumb you sound.
Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Originally Posted by Peteweezy

I don't think it is but I say thanks to the dudes that do even though most of the ones I know do it for $$$ gain.  Nothing wrong with that
It pays off and feels good when you earn your @#$@ instead of having it handed to you.
I don't agree with this cause handed to you or earned feels the same in the end.  Now the person that didn't grind for it might lose it quicker (cause they don't value it as much) but if they don't where is the difference?

How would you know? Because you THINK?

It doesn't just stop at the benefits. You have to utilize those benefits correctly in order to reap them. Chances are if you were a slacker for your whole enlistment, that you won't even come close to using your benefits to complete school, get a career, buy a house, and support your family without living check to check. All because you don't take things seriously. I know dudes that are in their 40's and have done this. I also know dudes in their 40's that took advantage and are doing pretty well for themselves. The difference is in the type of person oyu are from the start.

Or you were too lazy or unimaginative to figure out a way to obtain all that without endangering your life. Theres a million ways to make money in america, stop making it seem like working hard and earning your money is respectable. Theres nothing cool abot working hard
. Im patrotic as hell and I love America, but going to military is a cop out for most folks, just the way it is. Id rather the youth do positive things to put america back on the map with innovation than by signing up to be a mindless pawn.
Very disrespectful
Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Originally Posted by Peteweezy

I don't think it is but I say thanks to the dudes that do even though most of the ones I know do it for $$$ gain.  Nothing wrong with that
It pays off and feels good when you earn your @#$@ instead of having it handed to you.
I don't agree with this cause handed to you or earned feels the same in the end.  Now the person that didn't grind for it might lose it quicker (cause they don't value it as much) but if they don't where is the difference?

How would you know? Because you THINK?

It doesn't just stop at the benefits. You have to utilize those benefits correctly in order to reap them. Chances are if you were a slacker for your whole enlistment, that you won't even come close to using your benefits to complete school, get a career, buy a house, and support your family without living check to check. All because you don't take things seriously. I know dudes that are in their 40's and have done this. I also know dudes in their 40's that took advantage and are doing pretty well for themselves. The difference is in the type of person oyu are from the start.

Or you were too lazy or unimaginative to figure out a way to obtain all that without endangering your life. Theres a million ways to make money in america, stop making it seem like working hard and earning your money is respectable. Theres nothing cool abot working hard
. Im patrotic as hell and I love America, but going to military is a cop out for most folks, just the way it is. Id rather the youth do positive things to put america back on the map with innovation than by signing up to be a mindless pawn.
Very disrespectful
Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Originally Posted by Peteweezy

I don't think it is but I say thanks to the dudes that do even though most of the ones I know do it for $$$ gain.  Nothing wrong with that
It pays off and feels good when you earn your @#$@ instead of having it handed to you.
I don't agree with this cause handed to you or earned feels the same in the end.  Now the person that didn't grind for it might lose it quicker (cause they don't value it as much) but if they don't where is the difference?

How would you know? Because you THINK?

It doesn't just stop at the benefits. You have to utilize those benefits correctly in order to reap them. Chances are if you were a slacker for your whole enlistment, that you won't even come close to using your benefits to complete school, get a career, buy a house, and support your family without living check to check. All because you don't take things seriously. I know dudes that are in their 40's and have done this. I also know dudes in their 40's that took advantage and are doing pretty well for themselves. The difference is in the type of person oyu are from the start.

Or you were too lazy or unimaginative to figure out a way to obtain all that without endangering your life. Theres a million ways to make money in america, stop making it seem like working hard and earning your money is respectable. Theres nothing cool abot working hard
. Im patrotic as hell and I love America, but going to military is a cop out for most folks, just the way it is. Id rather the youth do positive things to put america back on the map with innovation than by signing up to be a mindless pawn.
Very disrespectful
Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Originally Posted by Peteweezy

I don't think it is but I say thanks to the dudes that do even though most of the ones I know do it for $$$ gain.  Nothing wrong with that
It pays off and feels good when you earn your @#$@ instead of having it handed to you.
I don't agree with this cause handed to you or earned feels the same in the end.  Now the person that didn't grind for it might lose it quicker (cause they don't value it as much) but if they don't where is the difference?

How would you know? Because you THINK?

It doesn't just stop at the benefits. You have to utilize those benefits correctly in order to reap them. Chances are if you were a slacker for your whole enlistment, that you won't even come close to using your benefits to complete school, get a career, buy a house, and support your family without living check to check. All because you don't take things seriously. I know dudes that are in their 40's and have done this. I also know dudes in their 40's that took advantage and are doing pretty well for themselves. The difference is in the type of person oyu are from the start.

Or you were too lazy or unimaginative to figure out a way to obtain all that without endangering your life. Theres a million ways to make money in america, stop making it seem like working hard and earning your money is respectable. Theres nothing cool abot working hard
. Im patrotic as hell and I love America, but going to military is a cop out for most folks, just the way it is. Id rather the youth do positive things to put america back on the map with innovation than by signing up to be a mindless pawn.
Very disrespectful
Originally Posted by roc4life24

I see the brainwashing is almost complete. I pray  troops dont die but always been against every war we've been in or ever read about.

so basically i should enlist into the military to serve and "protect" the corporate interests because of bullying we do overseas to gain oil and land resources? of course we would have "threats" because grown
men will have a problem giving up their resources to the international bankers. they have their govt and their own set of issues, so forcing our form of govt on them (to gain the resources) will cause major conflicts.

of course the military needs civilian level positions filled but thats at the every operation level of any nation. What i was aiming at was the entire operation of pointless military spending and wars.

And no we voted in the president(s) to fight on our behalf we needed and based on truth. I assume we are fighting in Saudi Arabia because thats where the terrorists came from right?  the iraq/afghan is clearly a land grab by US considering we are building permanent bases in Iraq and leaving 50k advisors (troops) there.

I assume you know why the afghan is mad? because we pulled out of  promise after they beat the Russians.

by threat do you mean the pre war level mind games being played on Iran?

And no i am not going anywhere. I have a right to disagree with a govt recklessly fighting. those geographical lines on a map mean little to me.

  Typical response.  

Originally Posted by roc4life24

I see the brainwashing is almost complete. I pray  troops dont die but always been against every war we've been in or ever read about.

so basically i should enlist into the military to serve and "protect" the corporate interests because of bullying we do overseas to gain oil and land resources? of course we would have "threats" because grown
men will have a problem giving up their resources to the international bankers. they have their govt and their own set of issues, so forcing our form of govt on them (to gain the resources) will cause major conflicts.

of course the military needs civilian level positions filled but thats at the every operation level of any nation. What i was aiming at was the entire operation of pointless military spending and wars.

And no we voted in the president(s) to fight on our behalf we needed and based on truth. I assume we are fighting in Saudi Arabia because thats where the terrorists came from right?  the iraq/afghan is clearly a land grab by US considering we are building permanent bases in Iraq and leaving 50k advisors (troops) there.

I assume you know why the afghan is mad? because we pulled out of  promise after they beat the Russians.

by threat do you mean the pre war level mind games being played on Iran?

And no i am not going anywhere. I have a right to disagree with a govt recklessly fighting. those geographical lines on a map mean little to me.

  Typical response.  

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Originally Posted by Peteweezy

I don't think it is but I say thanks to the dudes that do even though most of the ones I know do it for $$$ gain.  Nothing wrong with that
It pays off and feels good when you earn your @#$@ instead of having it handed to you.
I don't agree with this cause handed to you or earned feels the same in the end.  Now the person that didn't grind for it might lose it quicker (cause they don't value it as much) but if they don't where is the difference?

How would you know? Because you THINK?

It doesn't just stop at the benefits. You have to utilize those benefits correctly in order to reap them. Chances are if you were a slacker for your whole enlistment, that you won't even come close to using your benefits to complete school, get a career, buy a house, and support your family without living check to check. All because you don't take things seriously. I know dudes that are in their 40's and have done this. I also know dudes in their 40's that took advantage and are doing pretty well for themselves. The difference is in the type of person oyu are from the start.

Or you were too lazy or unimaginative to figure out a way to obtain all that without endangering your life. Theres a million ways to make money in america, stop making it seem like working hard and earning your money is respectable. Theres nothing cool abot working hard
. Im patrotic as hell and I love America, but going to military is a cop out for most folks, just the way it is. Id rather the youth do positive things to put america back on the map with innovation than by signing up to be a mindless pawn.

Yeah, because that's what America was built on. Laziness and finding the easy way out. According to you, going into the military is a cop out. Not being able to provide other valid ways in your previous statement just null your point. So you're telling me police officers and medical personnel are mindless pawns? They follow similar protocols that are based on military policy to accomplish their jobs.  If somebody robs your home, who are you going to call? Oh that's right, a mindless pawn of society cop.
Kids like you are EXACTLY what's wrong with America. I don't think people go into the military to "be cool". If they do, they're idiots along with the people that think that. You endanger your life every single day you step out of your hut to go to the store, work, or anywhere else. You can easily be killed walking down the street or driving in your car through some freak accident. Your chances of dying increase in some instances like going to combat but that shouldn't make you tremble and run away if you're a man. You're "patriotic" because other people have lived and died to provide you with your freedom, so you reap the benefits of others' sacrifices. You're probably the type that I was mentioning before, you'd run to the hills and hide if all hell broke loose around here. Walk up to a group of active personnel or veterans and tell them the words you're writing on NT and I bet you'd just keep walking after quickly thinking twice. If all of America thought like you, we'd be Afghanistan. 

No, policemen know the enemy. They know who they are protecting, they respond to calls. I call a cop i want his protection. Medics help people who are hurt, people who want to be helped. Iraqis never called the US for help. Dont even compare the military to them. At any moment you can quit being a cop if you dont agree with it. You have control. In the military you are a mindless pawn contracted by the govt. There has been no attack on our soil to justify any fight. There were way more than enough people in the military to protect us, instead they are spending valuable lives for other countries instead of ours. It is a cop out fo most people, many in this thread have proved that. You build nothing for america by signing up in infantry, even by me being lazy and not working ive setup a business for lcd screen suppliers made right here in new jersey to distribute their screens across the country by fixing computers used by americans. Now tell me how you have protected my rights? Ill pick up a gun myself if intruders came to our shores, as a matter of fact a draft can legally require me to. Say what you want, i dont owe you any more respect than the tax dollars my family paid to you. parts that were made in Asia. Way to go.

It's so sad yet funny that you don't know what you're talking about. If you got out from behind that commodore 64 that you're furiously trying to repair, you'd realize how dumb you sound.

America is a service country. Let the chinese people for 3 cents an hr manufacture our screens, the srvice to repair and replace for people is done here. As for sole woman i repair laptops and macbook lcds, also iphones and ipads. Commodore 64? Haha you sound salty and not to mention pretty old. I also HAD a computer repair shop i was running but a car crashed right into the storefront so im thinking of leasing a new spot, perhaps also run ups store franchise in the same spot. Waitin on the insurance money
Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Originally Posted by Peteweezy

I don't think it is but I say thanks to the dudes that do even though most of the ones I know do it for $$$ gain.  Nothing wrong with that
It pays off and feels good when you earn your @#$@ instead of having it handed to you.
I don't agree with this cause handed to you or earned feels the same in the end.  Now the person that didn't grind for it might lose it quicker (cause they don't value it as much) but if they don't where is the difference?

How would you know? Because you THINK?

It doesn't just stop at the benefits. You have to utilize those benefits correctly in order to reap them. Chances are if you were a slacker for your whole enlistment, that you won't even come close to using your benefits to complete school, get a career, buy a house, and support your family without living check to check. All because you don't take things seriously. I know dudes that are in their 40's and have done this. I also know dudes in their 40's that took advantage and are doing pretty well for themselves. The difference is in the type of person oyu are from the start.

Or you were too lazy or unimaginative to figure out a way to obtain all that without endangering your life. Theres a million ways to make money in america, stop making it seem like working hard and earning your money is respectable. Theres nothing cool abot working hard
. Im patrotic as hell and I love America, but going to military is a cop out for most folks, just the way it is. Id rather the youth do positive things to put america back on the map with innovation than by signing up to be a mindless pawn.

Yeah, because that's what America was built on. Laziness and finding the easy way out. According to you, going into the military is a cop out. Not being able to provide other valid ways in your previous statement just null your point. So you're telling me police officers and medical personnel are mindless pawns? They follow similar protocols that are based on military policy to accomplish their jobs.  If somebody robs your home, who are you going to call? Oh that's right, a mindless pawn of society cop.
Kids like you are EXACTLY what's wrong with America. I don't think people go into the military to "be cool". If they do, they're idiots along with the people that think that. You endanger your life every single day you step out of your hut to go to the store, work, or anywhere else. You can easily be killed walking down the street or driving in your car through some freak accident. Your chances of dying increase in some instances like going to combat but that shouldn't make you tremble and run away if you're a man. You're "patriotic" because other people have lived and died to provide you with your freedom, so you reap the benefits of others' sacrifices. You're probably the type that I was mentioning before, you'd run to the hills and hide if all hell broke loose around here. Walk up to a group of active personnel or veterans and tell them the words you're writing on NT and I bet you'd just keep walking after quickly thinking twice. If all of America thought like you, we'd be Afghanistan. 

No, policemen know the enemy. They know who they are protecting, they respond to calls. I call a cop i want his protection. Medics help people who are hurt, people who want to be helped. Iraqis never called the US for help. Dont even compare the military to them. At any moment you can quit being a cop if you dont agree with it. You have control. In the military you are a mindless pawn contracted by the govt. There has been no attack on our soil to justify any fight. There were way more than enough people in the military to protect us, instead they are spending valuable lives for other countries instead of ours. It is a cop out fo most people, many in this thread have proved that. You build nothing for america by signing up in infantry, even by me being lazy and not working ive setup a business for lcd screen suppliers made right here in new jersey to distribute their screens across the country by fixing computers used by americans. Now tell me how you have protected my rights? Ill pick up a gun myself if intruders came to our shores, as a matter of fact a draft can legally require me to. Say what you want, i dont owe you any more respect than the tax dollars my family paid to you. parts that were made in Asia. Way to go.

It's so sad yet funny that you don't know what you're talking about. If you got out from behind that commodore 64 that you're furiously trying to repair, you'd realize how dumb you sound.

America is a service country. Let the chinese people for 3 cents an hr manufacture our screens, the srvice to repair and replace for people is done here. As for sole woman i repair laptops and macbook lcds, also iphones and ipads. Commodore 64? Haha you sound salty and not to mention pretty old. I also HAD a computer repair shop i was running but a car crashed right into the storefront so im thinking of leasing a new spot, perhaps also run ups store franchise in the same spot. Waitin on the insurance money
I don't think its noble, everyone has a choice, its like picking a school or profession. It would be kinda noble if the military was doing the draft again and someone decide to go so another family member could stay home. Just my opinion, goodluck to anyone who would sign up though doesn't sound like fun these days.
I don't think its noble, everyone has a choice, its like picking a school or profession. It would be kinda noble if the military was doing the draft again and someone decide to go so another family member could stay home. Just my opinion, goodluck to anyone who would sign up though doesn't sound like fun these days.
I don't think its noble, everyone has a choice, its like picking a school or profession. It would be kinda noble if the military was doing the draft again and someone decide to go so another family member could stay home. Just my opinion, goodluck to anyone who would sign up though doesn't sound like fun these days.
I don't think its noble, everyone has a choice, its like picking a school or profession. It would be kinda noble if the military was doing the draft again and someone decide to go so another family member could stay home. Just my opinion, goodluck to anyone who would sign up though doesn't sound like fun these days.
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