Do you think Enlisting in the Military is noble?

Originally Posted by illuzionz23

Originally Posted by ElijahBrohammed

Depends on your reasoning. There are a lot of people who want to serve their country because its something they've always wanted to do while there are others who use the military as a crutch to escape whatever bad situation they are in.

I'm on DEP for the Navy shipping out November to boot camp, and I enlisted cause I felt like I was going nowhere at a fast pace.

Kind of regret it now and debating if I should back out, but at the same time I think having military experience on your resume will help out A LOT in the future? no?
whether you enlisted or stayed at home focusing on school. your always going to regret. I joined the army, kinda in your same situation. Sleeping in, going nowhere fast, going to a community college almost getting my associates degree , that life got boring. I wasn't showing my true potential i wanted. Military ISNT for everybody. Thats why roughly around 2% of America join.. at times I Do regret.. no lie.
I'm doing my thing taking some Free classes.. Making Good money, Living on my own.. anxious on deploying.. I don't care what others think if Your being noble on enlisting. Army is my job, not my life.
There isn't much noble in this world anyway. No need to act like people in the military are below you. You have to respect the commitment.

What is a noble profession? I can't think of more than a few to be honest.
There isn't much noble in this world anyway. No need to act like people in the military are below you. You have to respect the commitment.

What is a noble profession? I can't think of more than a few to be honest.
Is NT even mature enough for a question like this...***Looks at the majority of the responses*** So far the jury is out. With that said, the beauty of the all-volunteer Armed Forces model is that for the most part people who come in either want to do so, OR have limited options in life. The conscription/compulsory model which basically forces people to serve which can have a negative affect on overall morale and effectiveness. An exception to that is Israel, they follow a compulsory model, but their sense of pride and amazing esprit de corps overcomes the usual challenges found when citizens are required to serve.

Is it noble? Well that depends on the individual. Enlistment paves the way for the Non-Commissioned Officer which are the day to day hands on leaders of our military. Those are very commendable and honorable positions and the only way you can get there is by rising up through the ranks as a young soldier, Marine, Airman, or Sailor. The most cliche phrase often used is "Freedom isn't Free", well there is more than just a modicum of truth to that statement...there MUST be some form of sacrifice in order for us Americans to enjoy and benefit from the freedoms we have. Ironically those who "fight" for our freedom have the least amount of freedom when they are serving. They have to follow orders and be places they sometimes do not want to be or else be subject to a Uniform Code of Military Justice infraction which can be severe. So in my opinion, and I am not saying everyone should agree, yes it is very noble...whether they went in with that intention or not.
Is NT even mature enough for a question like this...***Looks at the majority of the responses*** So far the jury is out. With that said, the beauty of the all-volunteer Armed Forces model is that for the most part people who come in either want to do so, OR have limited options in life. The conscription/compulsory model which basically forces people to serve which can have a negative affect on overall morale and effectiveness. An exception to that is Israel, they follow a compulsory model, but their sense of pride and amazing esprit de corps overcomes the usual challenges found when citizens are required to serve.

Is it noble? Well that depends on the individual. Enlistment paves the way for the Non-Commissioned Officer which are the day to day hands on leaders of our military. Those are very commendable and honorable positions and the only way you can get there is by rising up through the ranks as a young soldier, Marine, Airman, or Sailor. The most cliche phrase often used is "Freedom isn't Free", well there is more than just a modicum of truth to that statement...there MUST be some form of sacrifice in order for us Americans to enjoy and benefit from the freedoms we have. Ironically those who "fight" for our freedom have the least amount of freedom when they are serving. They have to follow orders and be places they sometimes do not want to be or else be subject to a Uniform Code of Military Justice infraction which can be severe. So in my opinion, and I am not saying everyone should agree, yes it is very noble...whether they went in with that intention or not.
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Hell yeah.

Honestly, as liberal as I am, I recognize what people take for granted in this country and I know that NO ONE on this board would live ANYWHERE else. What we have is worthy of all the support we can give it.

I support anyones decision to preserve the lifestyle I have and to ensure its dominance in the world. Take a look at yourself, do you want to be number 2? Didn't think so...

What are you smoking?

I love the US but there are plenty of other countries that are comparable.

If we were talking about the 1950's or 1960's US then yeh, there was no comparison.
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Hell yeah.

Honestly, as liberal as I am, I recognize what people take for granted in this country and I know that NO ONE on this board would live ANYWHERE else. What we have is worthy of all the support we can give it.

I support anyones decision to preserve the lifestyle I have and to ensure its dominance in the world. Take a look at yourself, do you want to be number 2? Didn't think so...

What are you smoking?

I love the US but there are plenty of other countries that are comparable.

If we were talking about the 1950's or 1960's US then yeh, there was no comparison.
What's noble about being someone's pond used by people of higher power to benefit a certain few financially? You ain't saving us from the Nazi's fam
What's noble about being someone's pond used by people of higher power to benefit a certain few financially? You ain't saving us from the Nazi's fam
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by Chadleroy

where's that dude with the Jesus grey goose avy...some of ya'll are misinformed
Checking in, but I'm not in the mood to argue with children today.
That's my guy (||)...

Can I ask you other posters one question:

Would it be any more/less "noble" to you if someone enlisted BEFORE Sept. 11th vs. someone who enlisted AFTER Sept 11th?
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by Chadleroy

where's that dude with the Jesus grey goose avy...some of ya'll are misinformed
Checking in, but I'm not in the mood to argue with children today.
That's my guy (||)...

Can I ask you other posters one question:

Would it be any more/less "noble" to you if someone enlisted BEFORE Sept. 11th vs. someone who enlisted AFTER Sept 11th?
Originally Posted by Hankzilla

Originally Posted by smoke ya later

some of you are haters. I did 4 years because I wanted not because I had to.. I just didn't want to go to college

there is a thing called getting a job, that doesn't require college or military.  I chose military and didn't want college why is this confusing?  did you serve? guess not.
Originally Posted by Hankzilla

Originally Posted by smoke ya later

some of you are haters. I did 4 years because I wanted not because I had to.. I just didn't want to go to college

there is a thing called getting a job, that doesn't require college or military.  I chose military and didn't want college why is this confusing?  did you serve? guess not.
No. And anyone that joins for any reason other then self benefit is also a idiot. It is in no way shape or form noble to not know what your fighting for, to take commands blindly and have no idea what the true bigger picture is is just foolish. Those that do join because they think it's patriotic or they think they're defending their country are stuck in the wrong era. It meant something at some point, but now it is just another job. It should be taken as nothing more than that. 
No. And anyone that joins for any reason other then self benefit is also a idiot. It is in no way shape or form noble to not know what your fighting for, to take commands blindly and have no idea what the true bigger picture is is just foolish. Those that do join because they think it's patriotic or they think they're defending their country are stuck in the wrong era. It meant something at some point, but now it is just another job. It should be taken as nothing more than that. 
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