Do you speak like where you're from?

so my fellow NYers, do ya'll never use the word ya'll to describe a group of people? I mean saying "you all" is just wayyyyy too much effort.

If I'm asking my friends what they're doing I usually say "what ya'll ****** got up for tonight?"

It's sometimes "you's" to represent a group of 2 or more people..
Did it a third time, finally got me right.

but yeah a lot of this is really subjective/situational.
Results gave me Tucson/Phoenix/Glendale

That's about as accurate as it can get :lol: I wasn't aware we have an accent in Arizona
Results gave me Tucson/Phoenix/Glendale

That's about as accurate as it can get :lol: I wasn't aware we have an accent in Arizona

Agreed, I live in Tempe for college and I don't notice any type of regional accent. It's definitely not southern.

Best I can describe the way Arizonians speak is "plain, default or generic".

There really is no distinct sound. A lot of Californians and Texans out here and there is a distinct contrast.

EDIT: with the exception of black folks and mexicans. black folks out here all refer to each other as kinfolk even if they're not related and mexicans be on that "foo" speak (so ****ing annoying).
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Results gave me Tucson/Phoenix/Glendale

That's about as accurate as it can get :lol: I wasn't aware we have an accent in Arizona

Agreed, I live in Tempe for college and I don't notice any type of regional accent. It's definitely not southern.

Best I can describe the way Arizonians speak is "plain, default or generic".

There really is no distinct sound. A lot of Californians and Texans out here and there is a distinct contrast.

EDIT: with the exception of black folks and mexicans. black folks out here all refer to each other as kinfolk even if they're not related and mexicans be on that "foo" speak (so ****ing annoying).
:lol: when your about 6% of the population of the state, every black dude you see is your kinfolk or brother. That's how we grew up here

And I agree with the generic accent. We might be one of the few places in the country that has no discernable accent
:lol: when your about 6% of the population of the state, every black dude you see is your kinfolk or brother. That's how we grew up here

And I agree with the generic accent. We might be one of the few places in the country that has no discernable accent

Nah I get that :lol:, that doesn't irk me, just confuses me sometimes (don't know who is really related to who) . But mexican folks referring to everyone as "foo" irks me. Which is odd because everyone gets referred to as "son" in NY.....

My gf is mexican and when she says "foo" I wanna stick a fork in my ear and turn it.
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I got Richmond, DC and Boston. I'm from NJ and live in ATL but I go out of my way to talk funny so I'm all ****** up on this. Now that I think about it after watching the Wire I say my "oo" sound word like them cause I think it sounds funny. joooce, froooot, gloooo.
Btw drive thru liquor store? What is this sorcery? Sounds great.

They're here all over in AZ. Back in NY the only spot i know of that sold alcohol through the drive-thru was the dairy barns in Long Island.

Though I don't know if they sold liquor, pretty sure only beer.

But yeah most liquor spots in AZ have a drive-thru (except for the really big ones like Bev-Mo) sell just about anything from Patron to that Henrock. Swishers, phillies, white owls etc.

It's convenient but bodegas >.
I really can't hear a NYC or BK accent when I speak but some ppl tell me they can tell I'm from the East coast or NYC when I talk or that I outright have an accent. I don't think I use a whole lot of key words. The nyc yall is different from the southern y'all so I notice that but not much else.

The **** is a water bubbler? :lol:

How the **** do you rhyme crayon with man??? :lol:

:rofl: @ any of yall calling soda dope.

I ended up sith NY, Jersey City, and Yonkers cuz I pronounce cot and caught different and cuz long sandwiches are heroes.
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Son i literally cannot pronounce the term crayon to rhyme with man in my head. Cran?

Gotta visit OH and AZ :pimp:
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