Do you have any unpopular opinions???VOL....2

There’s a thin line between rap and poetry. A lot of people’s favorite rappers are poets. Nothing wrong with that, I’m just saying if street or slam poetry would’ve blown up bigger, Chance the Rapper might be known as Chance the Poet.

Viola Davis = female Denzel. She just plays “Viola Davis” in everything.

These are ****ing disgusting, wish Frito didn't ruin a classic snack


How did it ruin it? Not like Regular Cheetohs no longer exist
The flu shot doesn’t work
Health care system are the biggest crooks
But it does. It takes about two weeks for your body to develop sufficient antibodies after the flu shot. You can still get sick during that window.

Furthermore, the influenza virus is always changing. Without getting to technical, the membrane, or outer covering of the virus changes annually.
In the Dallas Ft. Worth area, there are several strands floating around.

The people making the flushot tries to predict what strands will be most common each year, so they develop a shot that covers the most general strand out. The most common strand could be 33% or 45% or even 15%, etc. If you come into contact with the strand that the flu shot was designed for, then you'll be gucci, but if you come into contact with different strand, then youre outta luck.

I generally don't take the flu shot myself because I ******* hate needles, lol, but im obligated to take it because my school and hospital requires me. It's in the interest of the patients, they don't give a **** about me lmfao
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There’s a thin line between rap and poetry. A lot of people’s favorite rappers are poets. Nothing wrong with that, I’m just saying if street or slam poetry would’ve blown up bigger, Chance the Rapper might be known as Chance the Poet.

Viola Davis = female Denzel. She just plays “Viola Davis” in everything.
this is UNpopular opinions my dude
But it does. It takes about two weeks for your body to develop sufficient antibodies after the flu shot. You can still get sick during that window.

Furthermore, the influenza virus is always changing. Without getting to technical, the membrane, or outer covering of the virus changes annually.
In the Dallas Ft. Worth area, there are several strands floating around.

The people making the flushot tries to predict what strands will be most common each year, so they develop a shot that covers the most general strand out. The most common strand could be 33% or 45% or even 15%, etc. If you come into contact with the strand that the flu shot was designed for, then you'll be gucci, but if you come into contact with different strand, then youre outta luck.

I generally don't take the flu shot myself because I ****ing hate needles, lol, but im obligated to take it because my school and hospital requires me. It's in the interest of the patients, they don't give a **** about me lmfao

This years strand was only 10% effective
- There's no point in saving money, your friends and family will just ask to "borrow" it anyway
- Music was not better when you were younger, it was trash then too. You're just old
- Stop saying people can't drive where you live. No one can drive, anywhere, at all
- Never trust a white person who says Trump is the worst president in U.S history.
- Stop saying we black people were "kings and queens" in Africa, 99% of them were peasants, same as the 99% of medieval Europeans , and the 99% of pre-republic Chinese
That new trend of eating Cheetos with chop sticks is ridiculous but I also hate fatties that have the Cheeto fingers residue
One of those, "back in my day" things that don't even matter anymore

Are kids honestly missing out on not being taught cursive in 2018?
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