Do you have any unpopular opinions???VOL....2

That black dude that be doing all that extra motion when shifts gears in his car.....that **** was funny ONE time. Literally, ONE time. By the time the reel loop, it was played out.
Don't even know what that is but that's anything that might be funny now. Unfortunately that will be their content now.
the amount of obese people tells me all i need to know about the decision making mentality and strength of character we have today.

id be a terrible politician/president. id ignore every social issues and focus on vehicle deaths, infrastructure, obesity, and world hunger. we out here killing 9M people a year cuz no food. To have a obesity pandemic side by side with that hurts me. I’d measure my success purely on how those 4 factors changed in my 8 years.

How do you think a politician that focused on those things would be viewed?
Y’all still loving pizza like it’s the 6th grade idk **** is just ok. Mad overrated

Pizza is just OK to me. Very seldom have it.

More of a wonder but I wonder if in a world where political parties DIDN'T exist if people would then speak their honest truth about certain policies/topics.

I feel some people tend to simply go with whatever their team is supposed to say/believe but I wonder if they honestly side with their team on that specific topic.

This isn't targeted toward any topic in particular and this can be said not only for political parties but for people siding with things they don't believe in simply because their friends/families/culture/region feels a certain way.
terribly. very terribly.
id be a terrible politician/president. id ignore every social issues and focus on vehicle deaths, infrastructure, obesity, and world hunger.
"The progress that you have made in our country regarding feeding the homeless and tackling obesity have been impressive these last 4 years, along with your efforts in addressing hunger on a global scale. When will you begin to care about minority oppression in our country? Also many have noticed your lack of concern for school shootings. Is it true that you don't care about kids and minority oppression?*"

And THAT... is exactly why I have said many times exactly what you said: I would make an absolutely horrible politician. Hell, I'm a horrible staff member on here.

*Please know that I don't believe the harsh, unfair implications in those questions at ALL.

"The progress that you have made in our country regarding feeding the homeless and tackling obesity have been impressive these last 4 years, along with your efforts in addressing hunger on a global scale. When will you begin to care about minority oppression in our country? Also many have noticed your lack of concern for school shootings. Is it true that you don't care about kids and minority oppression?*"

And THAT... is exactly why I have said many times exactly what you said: I would make an absolutely horrible politician. Hell, I'm a horrible staff member on here.

*Please know that I don't believe the harsh, unfair implications in those questions at ALL.

yep exactly^ there’s no path to caring about long term goals anymore these days. the immediate in your face hot button stuff always takes precedence for politicians because if they don’t discuss them they’ll lose their job. unfortunate.
Gas powered leaf blower bans are stupid. All the rest of the gas powered lawn equipment is fine but gp leaf blowers are environmentally unfriendly. FOH What really happened was Karen's wfh zoom call didn't go well and now she's passing the blame making the working mans work harder.
Our country produces a surplus of it so its shoved down our throats. What other food is labeled as government blank? Most things they throw it on taste just as good without it

*runs, ducks, and hides for cover
Oh, if you're argument is on the low quality of cheese products, particularly American cheese, I'm right with you.
But the Italian in me cannot comprehend the 4 words "I don't like cheese"
Liminal spaces are more relaxing than creepy.
So is food.
So what drugs do we need to live? No vitamins dont count. With that being said, losing weight is harder than gaining weight so:

a fat person who lost the weight>>> a non fat person who made gains >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>a non-fat person who has done neither.
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