Do You And Your Woman Have Issues About Your Lack Of "Religious Passion?"

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey


Dude why are you such an attention *$!%!???  Really, you need to see a therapist cause you have seem deep issues you need to work out.


Makes thread about religion
Nter gets mad for no reason
Presumptuous NTer questions your emotional stability, intelligence, and sanity (IRONY FTW).

Man I just call it as I see it...your constant post making shows how insecure in your beliefs you truly are...

I have a lot of "beliefs", which one am I insecure about? First I need a therapist, and now I'm insecure?
I'm insecure about myself because I question everything and don't see things in black and white? You my friend are making assumptions about me because you ARE biased and salty. End of story. If you feel as though open debate is a threat to your religion, stay out of the damn thread.
For the record, thank goodness for freedom of expression and speech in this country......I would literally be stoned to death for expressing any ideas that deviate from the norm in many Muslim countries. This is one thing I never ever take for granted. People get salty in this country if you question their beliefs but they don't act on it.
Yo DC, did you get this topic from Corey Holcomb?

He had a topic just like this on Monday
I'm not religious in any sense of the word. I don't see religion as a dealbreaker though. If a guys into it, then fine. Just don't push it on me or expect me to go to church with you.

Hypothetically I'd go with him on days I deem important, but I'm not going to go out of my way to acquiesce someone when I truly don't believe in it myself. #kanyeshrug
Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

My woman doesn't have any issues with it, but her mother does.

Oh well.
word me and the fam never saw eye to eye i felt . I hated going over there 
Some will say it doesn't matter but in reality it does. Obviously there are exceptions for every rule, but when it comes to religion, its best for both parties to be on the same page.

I'm an atheist and have had a lot of problems with my girl because she is a preachers daughter. My own family has problems accepting my beliefs so I don't even expect my girls peoples to accept me.
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