Do You And Your Woman Have Issues About Your Lack Of "Religious Passion?"

Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

Originally Posted by Nawth21

Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]If she wants to go to church and take part in all of those festivities, cool.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Me? I'm not doing it. I believe in a God, but that's where it stops.[/color]

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

i think if you don't agree with each other on religion and services and whatnot, then you dont belong together
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]It's not that serious. [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] (unless you're Muslim or one of those religious nuts)[/color]

1)Oh it can be that serious.  My family back ground is Christian, umm. Lutheran.  My grandma isn't fanatical or anything, but she'll tell me I'm going to hell for not accepting Jesus as my savior.  Thanks grandma.  But it's true, religion can be a dealbreaker in a relationship.  She is not saying you both have to be of the SAME religion - just that you agree with each other.  Religion is just one of those things, sort of like the abortion issue.  People are pretty steadfast in their belief system and if two belief systems can't peacefully co exist within the relationship then it might not work out. 
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]1) You're telling me about YOU and YOUR GRANDMA, I doubt the two of you are in a relationship.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Second thing, (like I always say).. If you let someone have some say in who you end up with (especially over things like religion, race etc), then I feel sorry for you (just my opinion). And to me, it really isn't that serious, but maybe because religion as a whole is a big joke to me. *Kanye shrug*[/color]

There is a relationship between my grandmother and I.  It's just not an intimate one.  
ok enough smart !%* comments

No one is letting someone have a say in who they end up with, except themselves.  It is a personal choice.  Everyone has personal preferences and deal breakers even when it comes to dating.  You HAVE to have them when it comes to deciding who you're going to spend the rest of your life with. Would you date just anyone?   To you (and me) religion is a no big deal, a joke, etc.  Try dating someone who feels the exact opposite.  Chances are it is going to cause a lot of conflict in the relationshio.  Conflict that results in negativity isn't good for the relationship regardless of where that conflict arises from, be it religion, race, cultural activities, lifestyle differences, etc. 

And it's not that differences exist - it's if the two people let the issue negatively impact the relationship. 
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

i think if you don't agree with each other on religion and services and whatnot, then you dont belong together

Youre right. And it should be illegal to marry outside of ones race.


why must people go to extremes.

i'm saying if you're going to spend a large chunk of your life with someone you should do it with someone who is on the same page as you ideologically and philosophically or spiritually... being with someone isnt cookie cutter, "i'm italian and catholic so we belong together"... a relationship is comprised of people who are on the same mental plane

i personally don't know what i believe .. i feel there is a higher force in this universe that we wont know until after death..and i don't believe in religion at all, so how i look dating someone who is a devout christian? how can an atheist and a catholic have a family together and raise kids?

basically, you can't have (or its really hard to have) a unified family if your beliefs and values are discordant
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

i think if you don't agree with each other on religion and services and whatnot, then you dont belong together

Youre right. And it should be illegal to marry outside of ones race.


why must people go to extremes.

i'm saying if you're going to spend a large chunk of your life with someone you should do it with someone who is on the same page as you ideologically and philosophically or spiritually... being with someone isnt cookie cutter, "i'm italian and catholic so we belong together"... a relationship is comprised of people who are on the same mental plane

i personally don't know what i believe .. i feel there is a higher force in this universe that we wont know until after death..and i don't believe in religion at all, so how i look dating someone who is a devout christian? how can an atheist and a catholic have a family together and raise kids?

basically, you can't have (or its really hard to have) a unified family if your beliefs and values are discordant

What if you meet the "perfect" dude, listens to Nas and the whole nine, but he just so happens to be a devout catholic who DOES NOT try to bring his religion aroound you...would you give him a shot? 

I just think its sad that religious beliefs or lack there of can get in the way of any relationships in REALITY.
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

i think if you don't agree with each other on religion and services and whatnot, then you dont belong together

Youre right. And it should be illegal to marry outside of ones race.


why must people go to extremes.

i'm saying if you're going to spend a large chunk of your life with someone you should do it with someone who is on the same page as you ideologically and philosophically or spiritually... being with someone isnt cookie cutter, "i'm italian and catholic so we belong together"... a relationship is comprised of people who are on the same mental plane

i personally don't know what i believe .. i feel there is a higher force in this universe that we wont know until after death..and i don't believe in religion at all, so how i look dating someone who is a devout christian? how can an atheist and a catholic have a family together and raise kids?

basically, you can't have (or its really hard to have) a unified family if your beliefs and values are discordant

What if you meet the "perfect" dude, listens to Nas and the whole nine, but he just so happens to be a devout catholic who DOES NOT try to bring his religion aroound you...would you give him a shot? 

I just think its sad that religious beliefs or lack there of can get in the way of any relationships in REALITY.
You say reality like religious beliefs are fairy tale. You act as if you know for sure with this stuff man. You nor I, know whats truly beyond this life.

But I understand that's your opinion though. What I can't stand is when a person of religious beliefs gives their opinion, they're forcing their beliefs on people. Its bull. That's why I don't even touch these threads for real anymore. Dudes come in with straight blasphemy, get lol'z and props. Somebody comes in speaking on their spirituality gets
and "see this is why I don't like religious people" or "the world would be better without religion and God".
Originally Posted by Diego

What if you meet the "perfect" dude, listens to Nas and the whole nine, but he just so happens to be a devout catholic who DOES NOT try to bring his religion aroound you...would you give him a shot? 

I just think its sad that religious beliefs or lack there of can get in the way of any relationships in REALITY.

1. the whole nine would include being spiritually inclined as i am... "listening to nas"
would just be icing on the cake, really...

2. ok lets take this hypothetical situation anyhow .. i cant say what i will and will not do because im not in the particular situation...but if a person doesnt see the world and universe in the same light as i do, its kind of hard to see myself with that person.

3. let me do me, and you do you. thanks.
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by Diego

What if you meet the "perfect" dude, listens to Nas and the whole nine, but he just so happens to be a devout catholic who DOES NOT try to bring his religion aroound you...would you give him a shot? 

I just think its sad that religious beliefs or lack there of can get in the way of any relationships in REALITY.

1. the whole nine would include being spiritually inclined as i am... "listening to nas"
would just be icing on the cake, really...

2. ok lets take this hypothetical situation anyhow .. i cant say what i will and will not do because im not in the particular situation...but if a person doesnt see the world and universe in the same light as i do, its kind of hard to see myself with that person.

3. let me do me, and you do you. thanks.

4. let me do you. thanks.
I am pretty much an atheist, so I have no use for religion. But if my girl is religious that is her thing, as long as she has some sort of rationale to it. And not just a blind follower.
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

i think if you don't agree with each other on religion and services and whatnot, then you dont belong together


And it is that serious. People really value their spirituality. You can't just say "its not a big deal". Life is a lot easier if you find someone who shares your beliefs. You're on the same page as for how how to raise your kids which is a major plus with starting a family.

gotta agree here.  It is THAT serious, and for those that say its not... you just may not have been in a serious relationship before.

My girl's dad is a pastor and her family is deeply religious (Southern Baptists).  When I sat down and talked to her pop bout getting married, one of the first, if not THE first question he asked me was about my faith.  Having been born and raised a Catholic (and in turn disillusioned with the teachings of Catholicism) I was open to exploring other Christian denominations, and being with my girl has exposed me to it.  I will say that I am still a work in progress, and it is quite the sticking point between me and my girl (especially during NFL season).  It's still a work in progress, but we have found a way to find a middle ground that works for both of us.  That being said, I am 100% convinced that my girl would not be marrying me if I was not a Christian.
if your not related than you don't belong together.
Originally Posted by Breakyaneck3000

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

i think if you don't agree with each other on religion and services and whatnot, then you dont belong together


And it is that serious. People really value their spirituality. You can't just say "its not a big deal". Life is a lot easier if you find someone who shares your beliefs. You're on the same page as for how how to raise your kids which is a major plus with starting a family.

gotta agree here.  It is THAT serious, and for those that say its not... you just may not have been in a serious relationship before.

My girl's dad is a pastor and her family is deeply religious (Southern Baptists).  When I sat down and talked to her pop bout getting married, one of the first, if not THE first question he asked me was about my faith.  Having been born and raised a Catholic (and in turn disillusioned with the teachings of Catholicism) I was open to exploring other Christian denominations, and being with my girl has exposed me to it.  I will say that I am still a work in progress, and it is quite the sticking point between me and my girl (especially during NFL season).  It's still a work in progress, but we have found a way to find a middle ground that works for both of us.  That being said, I am 100% convinced that my girl would not be marrying me if I was not a Christian.
if your not related than you don't belong together.


i dont get down with incest if that is what you are implying.
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

I will say that I am still a work in progress, and it is quite the sticking point between me and my girl (especially during NFL season).
So what usually happens during NFL time?

I know you want to stay home. Are there any earleir services you can go to?

I hate sitting in church all day. HATE it. I would rather go early and get it out of the way than to be there from 10:30 - 2ish
I've been with a Protestant girl for 3 years. I'm not a believer at all. Religion has always been a problem, and now, we ain't together anymore. If you plan on doing your life with her, I wish you good luck. Should the kids go to church? should you go with them? If you die before her, she will think forever that you're in hell... It's just not working. there is so many problem...

Believe me, you can't make your life with a really religious girl, if you're not as much as her.
i would def. say religion is important...

i believe in God...i don't go to church every sunday and my mom hates but i really don't care...only time i go is when i go home cuz my parents make me (i don't know how...i just cant say no to them)

it would be important to me that my partner has some type of relationship with God also...they really don't even have to be Christian...i'm open to all religions honestly...

if we had kids i'd figure it out then but at this time i'm not opposed to exposing my kids to many religions cuz i would like them to be able to make their own choices on what they believe...
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey


Dude why are you such an attention *$!%!???  Really, you need to see a therapist cause you have seem deep issues you need to work out.
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey


Dude why are you such an attention *$!%!???  Really, you need to see a therapist cause you have seem deep issues you need to work out.


Makes thread about religion
Nter gets mad for no reason
Presumptuous NTer questions your emotional stability, intelligence, and sanity (IRONY FTW).


Anyhow I won't let a woman's religious beliefs stop me from getting at long as she's not closed-minded and extremist in her views. I really wanna marry a Jewish woman
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey


Dude why are you such an attention *$!%!???  Really, you need to see a therapist cause you have seem deep issues you need to work out.


Makes thread about religion
Nter gets mad for no reason
Presumptuous NTer questions your emotional stability, intelligence, and sanity (IRONY FTW).


Man I just call it as I see it...your constant post making shows how insecure in your beliefs you truly are...
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