Do teens give respect to older guys who collect????

mr delorean wrote:
bigboiep wrote:
we all cop shoes fo a livin ....

no one has a job anymore?


yea we do...putting $$ in JB and Gentry's pocket.

reading all these posts i realize that the kids and some of you in the mid 20's really hate us oldercats. well you know...ignorance is bliss...and those of you just proved my point. don't hate me cuz i got nike air on my joints...don;t hate me cuz i wasthere from the beginning. hate me cuz ew understand both aspects of "AIR JORDAN" the man and the shoes are great!!!POINT BLANK!!!

some of you younger cats have more than i do...i fully respect your game. it is not about quantity it's aboutquality!!! you can have 500 pairs of straight caca does that make you hot?? NOOOOOOOO!!!!!

we share the same love for the air jordans 1-23 so why not show it? call me an oldie, old head or an OG aka old makes nodifference now. I know who i am and what i am all about....

This is just steriotyping. I am under 30 and in no way a hypebeast. I buy shoes because I like them. I agree, there are more hypebeast under the age of 30, butto say everyone under 30 are hypebeast, no nothing about MJ, and shouldn't be collecting is disrespectful.

Offense taken.
I have carefully Read this post trying to understand what was going on ??!! by the way I'm an OLDIE

I'm from France and have been colection Jordans since the 90's, I still remember my First J's that I still have today, Jordan 5's White/FireRed,
I paid at the time (1500 French Francs) around 250$ which was at the time unbeleivable for a pair of shoes ! and trust me living in Paris,
I had to run fast to avoid out of the subway to avoid fights :smile:and that's how it all started for me.
Then was this final against MAGIC and Michael disapointement not to have won the title this year !

Now for the topic, I beleive that the OLDIE have a slightly different vue of jordan shoes and thats fine, everybody's different.
I beleive that not all the elder people colectioning J's necessarly deserve the respect of the youngers. What is sure is that we (the older) have the image
of a Jordan shoe with on the back ''NIKE AIR'' thats the first main point, I mean I bought few Retro's but its not the same, I feel itskind of a fake shoe Made in China, not you ?
The youngster probably dont feel the same way and as some of you mentioned even though they had OG's in their infant size, its not the same as us, myjordan V that I bought in the 90's
still fit me perfectly today ! Most of us didnt like Jordan for his shoes or the fashion at the time he started, we first liked him because he was achievingwhat no one did before him, HAVE HIS OWN SHOE ! BREACK ALL THE RECORDS, WINNING THE SLAM DUNK CONTEST WITH THE III's, MAKING ALL STAR SHOE EDITIONS, it wassimply genious from Jordan and NIKE.

And today Jordan is becoming more a commercial/fashion brand that has no point of existing for us Older colectioner except increasing the price of Our OGJORDANS colection

But the only way to keep this going and maybe see a jordan 45 (as mentioned by Michael J.) is for the youngster to take over the LOVE that we had/have forJordan !
So respect to the youngsters, keep colectioning !
Originally Posted by 410FRESH



This post shouldnt even exist because this is a pointless topic. Just because you are younger doesnt mean you dont have the same love of jordan or jb. I dontneed to give respect to older people because they sterotype me, that wouldnt make sense. Everybody deserves respect for doing their own thing.
IMO teens now-a-days don't give respect to NOBODY! LOL

But seriously, the funniest thing about this thread is that MOST of you 30+ collectors feel so empowered and entitled (and impressed with yourselves), becausenow you have the income to get whatever Js you want (within your personal budget, of course), how when and whyever you please. And clown all the kids forhaving to ask mommy and daddy for the money. KNOWING FULL WELL that you were once that little teen bopping for J, and begging the folks for the kicks of yourdreams, THE EXACT SAME WAY. Only difference is, you were fiending for infrareds, they are beasting for Spiz-ikes.

Now I know one of you is going to come with the "I had a paper route when I was 2, so I could afford Jordans when I was 13" story. I know, I know,some of you really did get on your elementary school grind back in the day, but most of you had benefactors who contributed to your charity. All I'm sayingis, don't get down on the youngsters, if they had a time machine and could go back to a time BEFORE THEY WERE BORN, they'd get infrareds with nike airon the back just like we all would.

The only people I respect in this "game" or "culture" (or whatever it is being called this week) are the folks that I get a chance todiscuss it with (in here, or wherever that discussion takes place). Young, old, male, female, complicated and plain. It's all love Folks...
jordan brand is prolly trying to appeal to the younger market, and the so called younger shoeheads are buying the stuff that they couldnt buy when they wereyounger...but i can understand why some of the older shoe heads would get mad because yes there are those people who just go out to buy because everyone elseis but they could give a darn less about the shoe itself....but if the older shoeheads think about it, some of them if not most of them have the older jordansthat still have nike air on them!!! its not like there is not enough jays to go around...if jays mean something to you, save up for them and buy someoriginals....with the quality of the retroes these days im surprised anyone buys them anymore, quite frankly its way too much money to buy a product that hasmore demand than quality, shoes that squeak and tabs that yellow....people still pay for this but that doesnt mean everyone has to do it....everyone isentitled to what they want and their own opinion...just some food for thought no flames and no hate please....
I respect anyone who is really into jays. I respect dudes who don't have a %@$! load of them but love the ones they have. I respect the dudes who stackrows of jays (have al ot) as long as they got them because they dig the sneakers. Anyone who reps Jordan sneakers in a fresh way I respect. I don't thinkit should be a question of how old you are just don't be dumb about what you do.
I'm 25 and I respect everyone's passion and all, but personally I could care less what the next man does with their money or how they maintain theirhobby unless it effects my money or wellbeing.

Most older heads I know have sold most of there stuff and don't even buy Jordans anymore unless it's either an OG colorway (Fire Red 3's, CarmineVI, etc..) or something worthwild (Black XX2's and XX3's).

It all boils down to what matters in your life at the time. When you're a teenager all that matters is being cool, looking cool and sex. When you're inyour mid 20's all that matters is having money, high end fashion, bills, planning for your future and sex. When I turn 30, the last of my worries will bewhat some young man or woman wears on their feet or what website they spend their time obsessing over it.

Let them live they're lives. Stop living theirs.
Im only 19, i watched mike play all my life thanks to pops who started the trend when i was a baby. the question could go either way, i respect no one oreveryone. and no i cant wear my og vi's since i was only a baby but ive always had the love for the shoes. but why should i "respect" the oldercollectors? what have they ever done for me? they didnt pave the way for me, i did that on my own, just like you old heads paved your own way. but i do havemuch respect for humble collectors no matter their age. the people i dont respect are the old heads who complain that teens dont respect them. since when didteens respect anything or anyone? lol wear your shoes people!
this is the way i see it...similar to how a lot of you feel...i got love and respect for anybody that loves J's...for the RIGHT reasons! i hate
when i see a dude wearin some kicks that they know NOTHING about...they don't know the legacy, story behind the kicks, or what the kicks were inspired from(Cards, Ferrari etc.).and they're just rockin em cus they're "hot" or my least favorite comment "You know how much i can get for thesein the future when i sell em?"
only 19 as well...and have seen him play plenty of times in person as well as on tv. but regardless, my father put jordans on my feet not some old sneakerhead. and as far as respect goes, you have to earn it.
u cant earn respect just for coppin some jordans. but i still respect the older collectors collections and passion for their Js
yeah id say the age cut off is like 26 or 27. previous to that you really cant feel anything like i felt for Js. Why? cus you missed all the importantparts of J's. the 3-4-5 and if you weren't around for that why you collecting J's?
yeah this is a dumb post.
i figure most true J collectors are probably 25 and up. i really dont see why a teenager would collect J's but if you want to more power to you.
Originally Posted by Sneakerboy13

Originally Posted by E Villian

Originally Posted by Horowibd

I respect any sneakerhead. I probably respect the older guys more because they were part of the generation that started the sneaker culture we have today.
Noooo.... The sneaker culture we have TODAY was started by OUR generation, the "young generation". Most of the shoes bought in todays sneaker culture are retro models. Old heads weren't rockin old retro sneaks when they were comin up in the game. Retro game started comin up in the 90's.
E Villian, wow.. Im embarrased for how stupid you sound.

Everything you said is completely rediculous. Old heads werent rockin the retro sneaks, as they were too busy rocking the og's.

You probably pissed your pants for the fire red 3 release, huh?
Spell "ridiculous" right then holla at me

OOPS! Yup, I was wrong, read and responded way too quick. *Applause to everyone who "put me in my place"* My main point was that I didn't believethat the sneaker culture we have TODAY is a reflection of the older collectors.

And na son, my Fire Red III's are beaters, I play in the mud on a rainy day in those. The heat on my feet are rarely Jordans. Na, didn't piss in mypants, but I take it you did. That's the first thing that came to your mind while tryin to clown me? Fire Red III's? Please - those are mad overrated,I'll even go as far as saying they're wack (sorry, unless Jordan played in your personal pair, then him having played in that shoe doesn't make it"hot"). I had Cements with Nike Air on the back, I had OG Grapes, Powder Blue 9's that have YET to be retroed, (just to name a few), alot of OGheat in my shoe career. But you're so right, and so was everybody else. OG's were still comin out during the 90's. So uh, wouldn't that make mea OG also? Because I saw the man play, I remember when Malone gave Rodman that work, the infamous crossover (my favorite), Barkley throwing fits, I remembertelling my mother that I wanted Jordans, my Bulls pj's, I even told her to cut my hair bald like Mike. And I'm 20. I remember when hype was generatedby word of mouth. I remember the days before NT. I have memories just as OG's do. While they might be later in Jordan's career, memories are memories.

So I pose a new question - If you were young, but rockin OG's, and remember the significance of what you were wearing, does that make you an OG? Unless youwere born in the new millenium, then technically you would be an OG. Some food for thought...
It's all opinion, I could care less how old someone is that collects or rocks Jordan's. I know my reason for doing it and it isn't due to hype atall. Old or young, do what you want, OG's get respect for being in the game longer and knowing more and being around longer. But who cares if someone wearsJ's just to wear them or because of what MJ did on the court and all that other stuff. All opinion.
Crooks brought shoes to the hoods attention! Im 25, and growing up in the 90's everybody knew how important MJ was. Most important to blacks, because ofthe times. In the 90's shoes were a status symbol. If you had on a clean pair of shoes, you were the man. plain and simple. Being young then and going toschool with some Attack Forces on that looked like jordans but wasn't, didnt get you any respect. If you didnt have NIKE on your shoes you were made funof. That is 1 reason why "NIKE AIR" is so important on some these shoes. The first pair of shoes that broke my neck were Olive IX's in the 5thgrade (it was the odd color). But IMO you have to have had shoes affect your life like that to become aware of how important shoes are. I feel a lot of youngcats are just jumping on the wagon. Im sure some of the older collecters have gone through similar situations. But I do agree that people did throw away someshoes to make room for the new ones. I donated a lot of heat to a church when I was young cause my mom told me "You don't need to keep all themshoes."
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