Do teens give respect to older guys who collect????

This is a timeless argument that nobody can finish. There are so many views to this and nobody would be able to convince EVERYONE to one side. It does seemlike the older enthusiasts are discriminating on every younger enthusiast simply because of their age. They had NOTHING to do with their age, so how can theybe put to blame. I mean, even those that never saw Penny Hardaway play, wear Foamposites as well. Its not necessarily all about the history behind the shoes,sometimes it is JUST the shoes. Does anyone think to consider about anything when it comes to buying Payless shoes? Nope. So why should it be any differenthere? Its just a price difference, not a life changing event. If you can't simply bare with this fact, then you need to do some reconsidering.

Honestly, age doesn't matter in this game, it is all about heart. As long as you love what you do, why stop?

The way that the Brand has somewhat "abandoned" the older collectors you are talking about, do you really think that the company is focusing on this?The company is doing this on purpose from my perspective. Take it for what it is...
Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

I like the fact that you saying teens use their parents money to buy kicks though. I'm 18 and have bought all my kicks with my own money. I've never asked my parents for money for kicks. I respect the older cats but best believe I do not owe "you" anything for the fact that you watched MJ play longer than me. Just because you were around longer doesn't entitle you to something anymore than someone else unless we are talking about retirement or Social Security
. I understand you are mad that a "young'n" called you a hypebeast but do not stereotype all youngsters. That is not cool. Give respect to earn respect.


I'm 18 And No Hypebeast I Buy Because Jordans Are What I Like.

...It Has Nothing To Do With Anyone Else's Decision To Buy.
Originally Posted by E Villian

I'm 21, not too long out of my teen years, but close enough.

I give respect when respect is due. I don't know anyone on here personally, everybody is a mere screen name. So no, I do not respect any of the older collecters on this site, or on the internet period. If I were to meet any of you in person, and sat down with a cup of tea while we discussed our collections, and politics on Jordan and the Jordan line, then yes, I would have MAD respect for you. But until that happens, you gets no love, from me anyway. Not tryna clown any of the OG's, just simply stating how I feel. If it weren't for you, we probably wouldn't be seeing the ****load of holy grails were are currently witnessing in 2008, and for that, and that only, you get my respect, for your passion to keep the line alive with old school memories.

My two cents, keep the change...

completely agree with this man. Just because you seen MJ play and you've been collecting longer than me doesn't mean I have to give you respect. Istill got DVDs of some of MJ's greatest games and I can still buy Jordans from the 80s and 90s. I really don't care if you got to witness MJ play liveor you were part of the Jordan releases back then. If I know you for real, then you can earn my respect.
it doesmt matter the age to me buddy...I respect anybody ....i dont care if people wear fake shoes..which does mess up the shoe game...but I know i am notwearing them...but Mad respect to those who have started since day one...
I'm 15, but I just buy what I like. I also try to find out about the history behind the shoes.
alot of these so-called "Old Heads" been talking real greasey about the young collectors. saying the youngsters are the reason the game is wack. andim here to tell yall, thats FALSE! the real reason the sneaker game is wack is THEM! the so-called OLD-HEADS.

thats right, i said it! ill be 25 this year, so im right in the middle. and im from the swagga capitol, so i remember the fresh dope dealers, and i had bigbrothers that used to shop for me. so i know what im talking about. back in the day, it was about the fly NEW stuff. people werent wearing the 4s when the 6swere out. that was corny. it was all about the NEW jordans. so collecting sneakers never made sense. if it was all about whats new, whats the point in savingur old sneakers? only geeks was doing that. thats why when the retros first came out, nobody was really buying them. so all you n****s talking bout, i got allmy sneakers from the 80s, so what? the real fly n****s through the old kicks away to make room for the NEW ones.

then nike designs started to suck. and around 98-99 the old stuff started looking better than the new stuff. and thats when people started reaching back forthe classics again. and the GEEKS that saved all their classics finally got their shine. OLD GEEKS bred YOUNG GEEKS, and now you have terms like "OGcollectors" lol whatever. these geeks have no authority to tell you whats fly and whats not. theyve never even been fly before. they star tack watching,comic book collecting, nerds! "OG"? lmao. youve been had. hoodwinked. bamboozled. run a muck. led a stray.

moral of the story is, buy the sneakers you like. not cause jordan was the greatest. not cause the fresh prince wore them. not cause they used to be popular.not cause they say "nike air" on the back. and CERTAINLY not cause a sneaker geek says theyre hot. buy them cause they look good. if not, then moveon. and the next time some old geek tells you "my jordans say NIKE AIR!" tell them "let it go OLD GEEK." and laugh.
young people juss buy jordans cauz the older guys buy them. to answer the question to the thread no they don't. retro's are for the older guys whocollect jordans to get the pairs that they once had and they don't have no more. kinda looks foolish to a young guy when a older guy is in line buying apair of jordans right? juss like when an older guy can't get the jordan he wants when a young guy comes and buys it right? why? the older guys r jusstrying to complete his collection of his jordan shoes he loves cause jordan gave him good memories when he was younger. the young guy is juss following thejordan hype.
damn I guess I have to respect my elders who are wearing Levis, I love me my Jordan Retros. At least yall Got you Jays for a fair price, us young'ns arespending bread to Keep the Jordan legacy alive even if it is 140plus. I also buy Jordan Shirts I'm all for Jordan. Really though if you got your heats onit dont matter what age you are.
Originally Posted by cycopth

young people juss buy jordans cauz the older guys buy them.
I stopped reading right there because that is BS...

Im 16 and I can care less what the older guys do...No offense to anybody, but if I dont know you personally, I dont care what you wear, what you have worn, orwhat you do... The only reason I buy things is because I want them, eff whatever everyone else gets...I dont care...Dont generalize people and say that they dothings JUST for one reason, because you have no idea...

O yea, I give respect if I get respect...With that statement, I give no respect..
Originally Posted by jordan4life09

Originally Posted by cycopth

young people juss buy jordans cauz the older guys buy them.
I stopped reading right there because that is BS...

Im 16 and I can care less what the older guys do...No offense to anybody, but if I dont know you personally, I dont care what you wear, what you have worn, or what you do... The only reason I buy things is because I want them, eff whatever everyone else gets...I dont care...Dont generalize people and say that they do things JUST for one reason, because you have no idea...

O yea, I give respect if I get respect...With that statement, I give no respect..

I didn't mean in that in a disrespectful way. But you're younger than alot of people I know. I got younger brothers older than you I know whatI'm talking about.
Originally Posted by bigsupa

All i have to say to you kids is this...those of us who are 30+ have seen Mike play, we bought his kicks when he was dominating the knicks, suns, lakers, blazers, celtics and hawks! we were there when he went to barcelona and rocked the olympic 7's. basically wa i am trying to say is this...we supported this habit of collecting his shoes cuz each shoe meant something special NOT because there was a release date and everyone wanted to get them. we layed the foundation to this game!!!

i'm sorry, i couldn't resist
Originally Posted by cycopth

Originally Posted by jordan4life09

Originally Posted by cycopth

young people juss buy jordans cauz the older guys buy them.
I stopped reading right there because that is BS...

Im 16 and I can care less what the older guys do...No offense to anybody, but if I dont know you personally, I dont care what you wear, what you have worn, or what you do... The only reason I buy things is because I want them, eff whatever everyone else gets...I dont care...Dont generalize people and say that they do things JUST for one reason, because you have no idea...

O yea, I give respect if I get respect...With that statement, I give no respect..

I didn't mean in that in a disrespectful way. But you're younger than alot of people I know. I got younger brothers older than you I know what I'm talking about.

Maybe YOUR younger brothers buy jordans because you do...That doesn't mean that all people under 20 do it JUST because people over 20 do it...I canguarentee 90% of the people I'm talking about don't care about what you guys do...

Just because your older doesn't mean you know what your talking about...Not saying that you don't, but being older doesn't mean you know...
Originally Posted by KampoutKid

Originally Posted by bigsupa

All i have to say to you kids is this...those of us who are 30+ have seen Mike play, we bought his kicks when he was dominating the knicks, suns, lakers, blazers, celtics and hawks! we were there when he went to barcelona and rocked the olympic 7's. basically wa i am trying to say is this...we supported this habit of collecting his shoes cuz each shoe meant something special NOT because there was a release date and everyone wanted to get them. we layed the foundation to this game!!!

i'm sorry, i couldn't resist

dang that cookie looks good right about now with a big ol cup of milk....
yeah but they're teens
and as such are a bunch of useless angsty and whiney little %!#@%

that's what teens are for!

regardless of jays
All this back and forth talk between the so-called "OG's" and the younger heads is ridiculous! Dudes with older shoes in their collection actinglike they are owed something for their own personal choice to buy Jordans at an early age.
. It's stupid!

What's next!? A young cat can't like an old school 75 Mustang much less contemplate buying one because some *ahem* "OG" vintage carafficionado thinks they haven't shown them any respect!? Gimme a break!

In case you haven't noticed it's 2008....and just a few years ago MJ left the court for a 3rd time. So the man's influence on the game and the"younger" crowd is still as fresh to the newer era of people as it was to the people growing up during Jordans young years.

In closing, JB is a company that realizes it's younger demographic obviously. Nothing in life stays the same forever, so of course the game isn't thesame as it was back in MJ's playing days. Nobody forces anybody to still buy this man's shoes...if you like them, you like them, and if you don'tyou don't...but don't act like somebody OWES you respect because they don't.
Im only 17 and iv'e been an MJ fan before i even cared about shoes and i saw him play and even went to a couple of his barons games cuz i live inBirmingham so I respect the fact that u collect an u dedicated an all but u not special dude
And i agree wit d aother ppl who said I BUY WHAT I BUY CUZ ITS WHATI,ME,MYSELF WANTS not some old dude tryin to hang on to his youth with shoes
im 22 and i remember seeing jordan play. Boxing and basketball was top notch. I think its crazy that someone has to be 30+ to "remember" jordanslegacy. I was and still am a basketball fanatic,

As far as respecting the elders, thats stupid in the sense of shoes and watching jordan play (I respect everyone as a person). You will NOT catch me letting a"elder" get in front of me while I wait in line for the XI/XII or VI/XVII pack.
No,treat you the same but they usually just ask advice on the kicks and released and what you think about them.
Theres always going to be the rich kids who parents buy them the latest trend in the blink of an eye. Who cares, I know I don't. Collecting kicks ispointless, if I wanted to see some "rare" "hard to find" pair of shoes I'd hit up an event. I don't see the point in buyin kicksyour not going to wear, your never going to see the, nor is anyone else goin to look into your closet. You can find info and pictures of any kicks you couldimagine online, dont see point in buying them "just to look"
u ever think that there are some teens like myself who give u respect. i wish i could have been alive when MJ playing, i wish i coulda been collecting j'sfrom when they first came out. I may be new to the game but i realize each shoes story is. Now i can't say that i know how u feel when they older cats sayeach jordan means something different to them but i do understand it. all i got to say is dont be so quick to judge.

and i wish my parents would buy me j's, but that's why i work at champs
-plus employee discount
i dont care how old you are, if you love sneakers as much as i do for the right reason then respect should be automatic
I'm gonna lay this out since I started this whole damn food fight....

I appreciate the young cats who camp out and drive this demand to get the kicks b4 anyone else...we shouldn't be on this mudslingin callin the 30+ crews abuch of old heads....

It is lil ignorant dudes like that that make us OG's tight.

Yes respect is earned not given...but remember who was out there on the grind from the beginning? We were....hey if an older cat wanna talk smack then you gotall right to dis him...

All we ask is that everyone knows that this is a supply/demand bzness. We demanded it for 9 yrs b4 da 1st retro even dropped.

Reapect to all....and I give young gunners credit for havin to put up with all kinds of crazy colorways. I guess das wa makes JB keep throwin out all this hypecuz they know some are vunerable
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