Do anybody now a days want to be in a committed relationship anymore??

 You are 100 % spot on. The people giving you **** haven't traveled or experienced it to know otherwise.

MOST American girls have no concept of what respect even is in relationships.

Perfect example. I wake up at 6 am to go to work

American Ex: Rolls over "Have a good day at work" and knocks back out.

International Chick: Up at 5:45 prepping me breakfast and a nice warm cup of coffee. Goes back to sleep after I leave.
That's not disrespect, you just want to be pampered. 
:lol: I forget how pathetically misogynist and bitter dudes can be on NT. Shorty actually rolled out of bed and lovingly wished you have a great day? wild disrespectful, get up and make that coffee *****. I'll let Hellalincecum handle that though. Ya'll let your short stint with "International women" putting on the highlight reels fool you.
some dudes are damn right foolish man :lol: expecting a check to make you breakfast at 545 am and getting mad if she doesn't. man please :smh:
^Fresh off the boat Carribeans and South Americans >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any other type of woman.

Colombian women..... Aint **** they wont do for their man

I aint tahm bout looks. That's a whole different story

I dont know what you're talking about...

simping is at an alltime high... dudes cuffin left and right bruh

This. ****** is wifing cum receptacles like Blac China.
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Nobody trusts anybody. No one asks why. It's really sad. 

Me and my sister have had long conversations about this.

My perspective:
Can't get a girl because young girls enjoy their hot bodies when they are young and go around chasing "bad boys". During this time guys work on themselves and their careers as they have been told to. When people reach their late 20s and early 30s, girls biological clocks start ticking. Then they search for stable beta providers"nice guys". But those who were working on their careers dont want nothing to do with that. We become jaded from the ******** girls have pulled in the past. Dont trust no ****.

Her perspective:
Basically my perspective in reverse. More or less they get played by young guys who only want to smash. They fall for PUA tactics one too many times, therefore all men are the same.

One would be dope, but I'm not going out of my way to find one. If it happens, it happens.

Really can't see myself getting married tho

This is the attitude to have.

Ive been out of the dating game for roughly 2 years. I am 24 so the women around my age aren't trying to settle down. Some of the dreams of getting wifed up by men with paper, others want to enjoy the continuous male attention due to their prime years they are in currently. Some (a few in my experience) really want to settle down and skip the promiscuous phase. As men your stock will continue to rise just always keep that in your back pocket.

Another thing i noticed is that people have baggage. People start dating in middle school, on average ill say about 2 serious relationships and many of them end up on bad terms. People are losing themselves because they are giving parts of themselves to people that don't matter. People become jaded but i have no advice fellas. I am trying to avoid the yambs until my mind body and spirit is right.

Cannot stress this enough. I am living proof of this.
Pretty soon I'll be in the 6 figure range.
Took so long for me to figure out I was way above the ******* i used to stress about :smokin

Did this need it's own thread.

Some people like being tied down and some people are peacocks.. you gotta let em fly!

You saw the thread title, if you didnt like it, you can ignore it. Dont see the big deal.

I told a lot of dudes with relationship problems to stop dating american girls, but some listen and some don't. But those who took my advice seriously are much happier now. The typical american woman is overrated and don't offer much compare to the women from foreign countries. If you really want a committed and serious relationship, just consider this option. 
Another fact

If @shoefreakbaby could stop playin, then we'd both be committed and happy.

Does she still post here or did she get tired of all the misogyny.
Nah what kills me is when dudes act like women of other countries somehow are more "beautiful" than American women. They make it seem like there is a higher "attractive to unattractive ratio" in every other country. Since dude said girls from Guadalajara  "tend to be beautiful."

He said from his experience tho.
As a well traveled person I agree with you. There are few countries where the average person is more attractive than the average person in the states (or any other county). Assuming you like all races of women.

View media item 1435790

They have a completely different upbringing 95% of the time. Typically one where the man is the actual head of the household and they aren't the princess of the house who doesn't have to cook or clean, gets spoiled (latest phones, expensive make up, purses etc.), one where there is more open communication about sex, and one that has more value in family traditions.

I was messing with a Lithuanian chick.. Man I should've wifed.. and her parents were mad cool.
And the Jamaican girl i messed with would legit have me cooked food and cater to me when I would "come chill".
Actual filipina woman never once tried to flex with me. I hesitate to use the word submissive to describe her because it's not accurate, but definitely more willing to do things FOR  and WITH me.
These interactions make a man feel like the man.

American chicks attitude.. you try and make me happy because I have a *****, and i'll be faithful as long as you give me enough attention and I feel happy, and if you do something wrong i will not hesitate to get unreasonably mad and bad mouth you because I get blown up on the daily by 278 thirsty instagram followers and i can find someone else to do those things.... EVEN THOUGH I bring nothing to the table but fading good looks and barely enough personality to hang out with..

Anyone who disagrees with this needs to do some traveling and see the cultures first hand.

Seems to me like y'all basically described what amounts to being dissed by 3-4 black girls, you fall for the white chick that treats you right, then generalize both sides. Y'all can live though :lol:

Trust me I'll live :smokin
You are 100 % spot on. The people giving you **** haven't traveled or experienced it to know otherwise.

MOST American girls have no concept of what respect even is in relationships.

Perfect example. I wake up at 6 am to go to work

American Ex: Rolls over "Have a good day at work" and knocks back out.

International Chick: Up at 5:45 prepping me breakfast and a nice warm cup of coffee. Goes back to sleep after I leave.
My issue was with people saying MOST women from  _____ (insert location) look good. That is just false and an exaggeration.

But in terms of upbringing, I agree with yall 100%
^Basically the point I was trying to make. The upbringing part is the truth, but everything else was pretty much a sweeping generalization, one that picked up steam and has been the cool go-to sayings for years
LMAO yal dissected my comment and ran with it. I guess you gotta experience it to understand.

:lol: I forget how pathetically misogynist and bitter dudes can be on NT. Shorty actually rolled out of bed and lovingly wished you have a great day? wild disrespectful, get up and make that coffee *****. I'll let Hellalincecum handle that though. Ya'll let your short stint with "International women" putting on the highlight reels fool you.

Ha it was always a "why the f you wake me" attitude followed up with " have a good day, now I can go back to sleep" more than a sincere " Have a good day honey I love you". :lol:

The breakfast reference was just to contrast the difference in attitudes.
That's not disrespect, you just want to be pampered. 
Who repped this?  Let me put on my   before i go in.

Are women in relationships not pampered?

do we not bust open the wallet more than 70% of the time.

do we not frequently do menial favors for them to keep them happy

they don't get flowers and sweet things on the holidays?

we don't spend ungodly amounts of time trying to listen to their emotional issues that we could care less about, just to be supportive

when they want us to go to that dinner thing or party with their friends so they can pretty much show us off as some kind of trophy, don't we go?

Respect is treating others the way you want to be treated.
  • If a woman (particularly the younger ones) will drop you like a hot potato the second she realizes you want to go dutch on the meal. Yet she won't take the initiative to cook and feed you without being asked. (Out of laziness or because she doesn't know how. )  That's not respect.
  • If a woman expects you to not be texting or talking to other women.. but she still posts thirst traps on instagram... She might as well send the pics straight to tyrone's phone. That's not respect.
  • If a woman expects you to go to social happenings with her, such as i dunno her office christmas party... But she can't act right or gets fussy when she's supposed to be your arm candy at your fraternity alumni event. That's selfish and it's not respect.
  • Not even saying you live together, but if you frequently open your home to a woman and y'all were drinking and snacking, maybe you ate and used some dishes. She left a couple personal items here or there. she spends a lot of nights there but she will never offer to help clean up. That's not respect.
I could go on and on but you should get the point. Men do a lot for women. Society takes that stuff for granted because men don't need the emotional support that women need. If the man expects a couple things in service to everything he tries to hold down to make life more enjoyable for him and his woman, they say "oh what a misogynist"

but women expect all kinds of things.. eventually they even EXPECT a ring and entitlement to half your stuff. But does anyone see it as strange... nope, "oh she has a biological clock, oh and stats say she makes less money, and you get to urinate standing up" She deserves it.

Men deserve to be treated the way they treat their woman. If you aren't putting much effort in either because you're a mack or you got a cool chick, then fine. But chances are if you go through one year with an american woman, then you have pampered her somewhere along the way, or she wouldn't still be around. And there's a high probabilty that she thinks the privilege of yambs is effort enough... and it is..

until that foreign wakes you up like
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View media item 1435790

They have a completely different upbringing 95% of the time. Typically one where the man is the actual head of the household and they aren't the princess of the house who doesn't have to cook or clean, gets spoiled (latest phones, expensive make up, purses etc.), one where there is more open communication about sex, and one that has more value in family.

American chicks attitude.. you try and make me happy because I have a *****, and i'll be faithful as long as you give me enough attention and I feel happy, and if you do something wrong i will not hesitate to get unreasonably mad and bad mouth you because I get blown up on the daily by 278 thirsty instagram followers and i can find someone else to do those things.... EVEN THOUGH I bring nothing to the table but fading good looks and barely enough personality to hang out with..
There is a lot of truth in this.
:lol: I forget how pathetically misogynist and bitter dudes can be on NT. Shorty actually rolled out of bed and lovingly wished you have a great day? wild disrespectful, get up and make that coffee *****. I'll let Hellalincecum handle that though. Ya'll let your short stint with "International women" putting on the highlight reels fool you.

Dudes talmbout "American women don't act like yo mama man you need to get some stamps on that passport, explore"

I was wondering why we haven't heard helium cape flap in this thread. Here he is

Who repped this?  Let me put on my View media item 1437211  before i go in.

Are women in relationships not pampered?
do we not bust open the wallet more than 70% of the time.
do we not frequently do menial favors for them to keep them happy
they don't get flowers and sweet things on the holidays?
we don't spend ungodly amounts of time trying to listen to their emotional issues that we could care less about, just to be supportive
when they want us to go to that dinner thing or party with their friends so they can pretty much show us off as some kind of trophy, don't we go?

Respect is treating others the way you want to be treated.

  • If a woman (particularly the younger ones) will drop you like a hot potato the second she realizes you want to go dutch on the meal. Yet she won't take the initiative to cook and feed you without being asked. (Out of laziness or because she doesn't know how. )  That's not respect.
  • If a woman expects you to not be texting or talking to other women.. but she still posts thirst traps on instagram... She might as well send the pics straight to tyrone's phone. That's not respect.
  • If a woman expects you to go to social happenings with her, such as i dunno her office christmas party... But she can't act right or gets fussy when she's supposed to be your arm candy at your fraternity alumni event. That's selfish and it's not respect.
  • Not even saying you live together, but if you frequently open your home to a woman and y'all were drinking and snacking, maybe you ate and used some dishes. She left a couple personal items here or there. she spends a lot of nights there but she will never offer to help clean up. That's not respect.

I could go on and on but you should get the point. Men do a lot for women. Society takes that stuff for granted because men don't need the emotional support that women need. If the man expects a couple things in service to everything he tries to hold down to make life more enjoyable for him and his woman, they say "oh what a misogynist"
but women expect all kinds of things.. eventually they even EXPECT a ring and entitlement to half your stuff. But does anyone see it as strange... nope, "oh she has a biological clock, oh and stats say she makes less money, and you get to urinate standing up" She deserves it.
Men deserve to be treated the way they treat their woman. If you aren't putting much effort in either because you're a mack or you got a cool chick, then fine. But chances are if you go through one year with an american woman, then you have pampered her somewhere along the way, or she wouldn't still be around. And there's a high probabilty that she thinks the privilege of yambs is effort enough... and it is..

until that foreign wakes you up like
View media item 1437215

Mah *****! This post was >>>>>>>>>>
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Guys, you do not need to leave the damn country to find a decent woman... :lol:

:lol: This belief is heavy in the bitter beta community. Yall need to pay attention to who you're siding with. These dudes get their *** handed to them by American "Ms independents" and then curl up into a ball and run away thinking the foreign girls will feign over their rich American penis. Instead of looking at it as their lack of leadership. Not saying that's ya'll, of course my NTers are step above the rest and should enjoy all the world has to offer, but really paying attention to the history of dudes spewing this ******** on the internet.

Great women and thots are everywhere. No doubt the upbringing and values are different, but women are women man, ruled by emotions. Get this fantasy out your head that they're all beautiful, cook breakfast and give good head without expecting anything in return.

Had my first love and heart ripped to shreds before I even spit game at my first American female, all i'm saying is be realistic.
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they say that until all their friends are getting married and they end up the old dude at the club.
I can't speak for everybody (although I will say that there is most definitely an OBVIOUS culture of relationships being corny and that slinging dingaling and bustin' it open all over the place is peace) but one of these days I would like to be in one. Dealing with the wrong people can be mentally and emotionally draining (which is where I am now) and can make you say "f*** that" and give up but i'm not gonna toss out the possibility of something real happening for me because something didn't work out like I hoped it would with a young lady. I'll keep it moving,live and hopefully i'll collide with a beautiful sister that I can build with (mentally and physically).
Aka yes I want my lady to pack my little tinkerbell lunch box


Captain Save'em to the rescue
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This belief is heavy in the bitter beta community. Yall need to pay attention to who you're siding with. These dudes get their *** handed to them by American "Ms independents" and then curl up into a ball and run away thinking the foreign girls will feign over their rich American penis. Instead of looking at it as their lack of leadership. Not saying that's ya'll, of course my NTers are step above the rest and should enjoy all the world has to offer, but really paying attention to the history of dudes spewing this ******** on the internet.

Great women and thots are everywhere. No doubt the upbringing and values are different, but women are women man, ruled by emotions. Get this fantasy out your head that they're all beautiful, cook breakfast and give good head without expecting anything in return.

Had my first love and heart ripped to shreds before I even spit game at my first American female, all i'm saying is be realistic.
I haven't ever been dissed by some "ms. independent" to "spew" the stuff im saying. Ive never left the country to find a girl either.

thankfully las vegas is diverse because of all the tourism. and i was able to attend university with women from all over the world as well. I still mess with American girls. If for no other reason they are what I run into on the daily. You can't date exclusively any nationality or race, you gotta go with what comes.. 

All im saying is the last generation in America did a terrible job of raising kids period. (boys and girls) and relationships and family values suffer for it. I'm talking to you 40+ niketalkers. And it's not all their fault. They couldn't have known, TV, Music, and the internet would have the devastating effects it did.

a lot of us were raised by the media because our parents had to be at work and couldnt be there all the time. I've taken the sociology classes to back this up. The research is out there if you go look. It's true anyone can hurt you if you open up to a committed relationship. But there's nothing bitter or beta about bringing the male stocks back up in this booming feminist female market. In order to bring the stock back up, you need investors. 

What I will uphold until the close of this thread is that, US women are not putting all their chips in because they feel they don't have to.. don't get into a commitment with someone who ain't invested. Chicks from abroad are fully invested in the american dream.. from their finances to their men. Now if you value yourself as a penny stock then sure... yo chick doesn't need to cook for you, she doesn't need to get her massage game down, she doesn't need to be able to talk about current events, or business, or politics. But I value myself highly, share price is gonna be a little bit higher than teddys and mass.

Only reason i bothered to still defend my post is because I respect you in the NT community from what ive seen. and im sure a lot of others do too. i don't want them to see your post and dismiss the truth. which is yes all women are ruled by emotion.. it is the water under the boat. If the emotions go overboard the boat is gonna sink. But attitude is the wind behind the sails. (word to Elijah Diggins). Most modern women's attitudes can be stormy and have **** heading south with the quickness, then you find yourself with the 3rd, 4th,..... 9th chick that you have "cut off". If you want to enjoy a light breezy voyage, get your money right and get a chick that's raised right. From my experience MOST 1st and mayyybe 2nd generation foreigners are raised to show respect. They don't call Americans rude for nothing.
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