Dine and Dash Vol. Who's done it??

I did it when I was young, it was stupid I know.

One time about 8 of my friends and I went to eat at this Chinese restaurant, we bought a bunch of food. Probably up to $90. You could tell that the people who work there were kinda suspicious of us but didn't say anything. So I forgot how but 6 of my other friends already ran out of the restaurant but the workers didn't see so it was only my friend and myself. We stalled for about 15 minutes, we put like $5 in the check book my friend goes to the door and says to me " hey is that (friends name)" I proceed to walk to the door then we bolted
I probably done this about 3 times when I was younger, all in chinatown
yeah when i was younger and stupid. dudes werent even stealthy either, just got up and ran tryna leave the last person at the table.
Originally Posted by NikeAirsNCrispyTees

NT drives BMWs, Benzes, and drinks Patron and Don Perignon all night, but can't put up for the bill?

Something's not right.

You forgot that NT'ers pull 9 and over dimes.
Pimpin ain't easy.
When I was 16 I did. I was sort of forced into it.

Went to Pizza Hut with like 8 people during a half day of school. Ate our pizza and 6 of my "boys" at the time were like, "we don't have money." And I wasn't about to pick up a 6 person tab. The other 2 dudes were in a different car so they went up to go pay. While they were paying, we all slowly got up one by one and ran as soon as they went to through the exit door.

It was funny while I was in the moment but then I was heated after because our waitress was cool. Needless to say every time I went out with those dudes I always split my checks.

-The Juice
Never done it but I would never say never.

I would never do it to a server who treated me with respect and courtesy, and even then I've had some crappy service and didn't think to.

Only time I'm doing it is if the waiter or staff has been outrageously disrespectful to the point that I couldn't stand to pay them money.
One and done, but it was at a Denny's

Service was whack, and my boy wanted to do it so we just all tagged along...but this was back in HS though.
Nomadic... i once saw some girls do it at pho hung...
... acting pho cost that much... service always wack though... especially if you dont look viet or white
Did it senior prom night... had to have been like 7 of us... one of my homeboys didnt have a date so he was at ihop with us solo...

We finish and everybody just dipped and left him wit the WHOLE tab... i still havent paid dude back. Never planned on it
I did it once when I was about 17. It was me and my boy, he was little 
 at the time. We went to a Chinese buffet, and we got like 3 plates each, and didn't feel like paying because we didn't get our moneys worth. So we both got up and slowly walked towards the exit, and when it was in sight, we bolted towards the door. It was a little wet outside so we I kinda slipped, but didn't fall. 
 Got in to car an sped off! Nothing I am shamed of, I always wanted to try it. Never really went back, I doubt the would even remember me, but don't wanna take any chances. 
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