Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14

its not that Xbox players are avoiding this thread... its that there simply isnt that many of em. 
Been on xbox since day one dudes just anti social lol. Me and realtycheck played a few times before. Shotta never answer my mail smh and the others idk lol. Anyway gt still the same johnboy716 hit me up anytime
Well Shotta, when it's your own guys saying that then it's not shots fired :lol:

I'm sure that most of you guys had hope for the Halo remaster but it's been buggy. It sucks that pretty much every game has fallen short of expectations across both consoles up to this point. We the consumers are the ones truly losing :smh:
Been on xbox since day one dudes just anti social lol. Me and realtycheck played a few times before. Shotta never answer my mail smh and the others idk lol. Anyway gt still the same johnboy716 hit me up anytime
Let's run the NF and weekly tomorrow. HMU man I am on after 5pm EST.
Well Shotta, when it's your own guys saying that then it's not shots fired :lol:

I'm sure that most of you guys had hope for the Halo remaster but it's been buggy. It sucks that pretty much every game has fallen short of expectations across both consoles up to this point. We the consumers are the ones truly losing :smh:

*rock clapping gif*
I definitely agree that it makes sense that they sold the IB when HM Crota was going to come out. It makes certain encounters a little easier if you don't have a Gjallarhorn but have a HoC.

The Gjallarhorn still probably has the lowest ownership % minus the Universal Remote and Hard Light. I don't know why ya'll are mad at Bungie though, it's their choice and they don't have to hand you a weapon anyway. Xur isn't meant for the type of players that we are here. They are meant for the casual who 1 in 4 weeks can afford 1-2 pieces from Xur. It's to make sure that they keep coming back and still have a chance at "Mystical" weapons and armor.

No offense to those that have one and to those that don't, but at this point, it doesn't make sense for them to sell a Gjallarhorn after seeing how powerful the weapon is. They would have to scale the ecounters and make them much harder if there was 100% ownership, or close to it. Then it would become a game where it's "do you have a Gjallarhorn?" If they said no they wouldn't even be considered, and if they had one well then maybe they are good enough.

Don't totally agree because, its wrong to assume there will ever be 100% ownership or anywhere near it (of any gun). Xur sold the icebreaker again when many people thought it would never happen, trust me, in due time that GGHorn will also be sold. With that being said, the ownership for the Icebreaker is still under 10%, if you look at how many Bungie reported was sold compared to active destiny players. With that being said, the number of ownership could also be smaller if you take into account that the average Destiny player has 2 characters, which leads to multiple Icebreakers per account.
Well Shotta, when it's your own guys saying that then it's not shots fired

I'm sure that most of you guys had hope for the Halo remaster but it's been buggy. It sucks that pretty much every game has fallen short of expectations across both consoles up to this point. We the consumers are the ones truly losing
Don't start on Halo man lol, some folks are really pissed about that flopping. I am upset about it also but not stressing it, just playing other games. I put in work in Destiny but not much to do other than try to get a gally. Been running mad Fifa recently and even tho it raises your stress levels it's fun LMAO.

I didn't even do the NF and weekly last week lol, just did the Raids and haven't touched Destiny since.
Don't totally agree because, its wrong to assume there will ever be 100% ownership or anywhere near it (of any gun). Xur sold the icebreaker again when many people thought it would never happen, trust me, in due time that GGHorn will also be sold. With that being said, the ownership for the Icebreaker is still under 10%, if you look at how many Bungie reported was sold compared to active destiny players. With that being said, the number of ownership could also be smaller if you take into account that the average Destiny player has 2 characters, which leads to multiple Icebreakers per account.
if the ghorn gets sold... there will be a rocket launcher thats better than it to replace it. something MORE coveted. bungie is not your friend. theyre not here to help you out lol. i expect the next ill rocket launcher to drop, then the ghorn gets sold a week later.
if the ghorn gets sold... there will be a rocket launcher thats better than it to replace it. something MORE coveted. bungie is not your friend. theyre not here to help you out lol. i expect the next ill rocket launcher to drop, then the ghorn gets sold a week later.


I just hope rexurbishing is different with HoW. I'll easily pay 15k glimmer + 5 exotic shards if all it does is give the weapon a new max level. I just don't want to relevel everything :x
if the ghorn gets sold... there will be a rocket launcher thats better than it to replace it. something MORE coveted. bungie is not your friend. theyre not here to help you out lol. i expect the next ill rocket launcher to drop, then the ghorn gets sold a week later.
I was just about to post, if they decide to sell that GGhorn eventually, it will mean 1 of 2 things....Either the next raid or encounter they are putting in the game will require a ton of firepower/damage OR there will be a new exotic coming in to the game that they feel as though will be replacing GGhorn as the top dog.
I was just about to post, if they decide to sell that GGhorn eventually, it will mean 1 of 2 things....Either the next raid or encounter they are putting in the game will require a ton of firepower/damage OR there will be a new exotic coming in to the game that they feel as though will be replacing GGhorn as the top dog.

I still wont have one by then smh
Don't give them any ideas like that......Or......are you giving us a heads up???

Is that why you been stock piling those turn-ins for the Cryptarch?



I just hope rexurbishing is different with HoW. I'll easily pay 15k glimmer + 5 exotic shards if all it does is give the weapon a new max level. I just don't want to relevel everything

I just hope rexurbishing is different with HoW. I'll easily pay 15k glimmer + 5 exotic shards if all it does is give the weapon a new max level. I just don't want to relevel everything :x

I just hope they realize when trading in a max leveled gun for upgrade the most obvious solution would be to allow us to only re-upgrade the last 4 bubbles which are the damage bubbles. Then for guns that aren't maxed Xur should hand them back as is.

I just hope rexurbishing is different with HoW. I'll easily pay 15k glimmer + 5 exotic shards if all it does is give the weapon a new max level. I just don't want to relevel everything
im pretty sure they said theyre gonna allow us to keep the perks weve unlocked on weapons, and just relevel the damage nodes themselves. I find that reasonable personally.
I have all the weapons from hard mode crota except for the scout and the nechro..... I honestly dont even feel like playing Crota anymore its such a boring raid.... Prolly just run my NF and weeklies tomorrow while im off and go back to BF4...... The repetition is getting too tedious at the moment and i dont see the need to level these guns up since the new dlc is pretty much coming next month........ 

My POV w/ 51.0 KD:

Gamesager's POV:

From the guys who brought you 2 swords 1 crota, we present to you..."Infinite Supers In PVP"


1: Make a party of 4 defender titans, and 2 hunters or warlocks.

2: Have the titans equip Crest of Alpha Lupi so the titans spawn 3 orbs per bubble shield, making it a total of 12 orbs (it takes approx. 7 orbs for a super)

3: Go in to Destiny PVP and wait for everyone to get their super

4: Group up and have the titans spawn their bubbles non stop (I recommend having armor, blessing, and weapons of light)

5: Have your hunters/warlocks grab orbs and kill any enemies around you.

6: Enjoy infinite supers

We realize this is kind of a scum bag strategy, but we're utilizing what the game gives us, and this will force bungie to fix their PVP.

How to fix:

Make it so orbs give you less and less energy towards your super the more you pick them up. What do you think?

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