Denver decriminalizes 'magic mushrooms'

Can i trust a person on shrooms behind the wheel more than one who is black-out drunk?

First time I tried shrooms I tried to drive on shrooms to pick my boy up with the homie

Turned around after 2 minutes and went right back to the dorms, the roads were moving bruh. Im 100% capable of driving high, I just drive slow.

I refuse to drive on shrooms
Ecstacy>coke. Won't do either Any more. Well may be some e again in my life, years down the line. But that down the days after is horrid.

I’m good on e. Have you feeling invincible like you can do anything physically and mentally but be having your Johnson hard ready to go every 30 min and you ain’t sleeping for a day after or 2 after. Have your eyes all dry.
Psychedelics are good money.

It's been 4 - 5 years but I've done shrooms and LSD a handful of times each. Even had a heavy DMT session once.

If I could buy shrooms at the store I'd take a trip annually.
I’m good on e. Have you feeling invincible like you can do anything physically and mentally but be having your Johnson hard ready to go every 30 min and you ain’t sleeping for a day after or 2 after. Have your eyes all dry.
I feel you it's been years for me. Who knows when or if I will again.
Shrooms are a good time. Especially if you compliment it with some bud. One of my homie’s had a bad trip once, but it was off of gel tabs, and not shrooms.
Ive tried a lot of things and have had wild times but my bad trip was the worst experience of my life.

I had done them a couple times before but always with a group or couple people, but this time I tried them alone at my loft in Wilmington, the guys I got them from said they were the strongest they had ever taken but i kind of scoffed at them because I was more into that lifestyle then they were at the time, boy was I wrong. I decided to take an eighth because I figured I could handle it having taken more than that before but never done it alone. That ended up being my downfall. I had never had anxiety a day in my life really up until them but once they kicked in I had a full blown panic attack, my mind was thinking "what if this never stops?" and that really made things worse. I ended up knocking on my neighbors door and it looked like someone had dumped water all over me and I felt like I was having a heart attack. To make a long story short, I ended up waking up in the hospital handcuffed to the bed and my family was there. Never again :lol:
I haven't but I want too.

Going to Denver at the end of the month for a long weekend to visit my long lost sister.

I wonder #thinkingemoji
Did shrooms at least 1 a week for about 7 years during my club head days. Similar to acid which I also did frequently during that time. I'd still do em under the right circumstances so it sounds like a road trip is in order.
Scary thing is, it changed my mind drastically. The way thoughts moved through my head that night is the permanent way I think about things now. I don’t know if the chemical makeup crossed up some wires or opened up some unused part of my brain but it changed me 100%. Kinda scary. Man

Yeah see this is the sh*t that freaks me out. I'm way too sensitive to ANY substamce (weed, anti-depressants, benzos, muscle relaxers). I don't really do anything besides drink occasionally. It's the only thing that doesn't mess with my chemistry.

The thought of taking something recreationally and being forever altered is terrifying :lol:
I actually went to Joshua Tree to try shrooms for the first time (S/O to Entourage) and they didn’t do ****!

I was tight. :lol:


WHERE you take them and WHO you take them with is everything, I recommend taking them with someone who has done them before, preferably multiple times and that you trust.


Once you relax and realize you can't do anything but enjoy the ride you'll have a good time.
I've only had 1 bad experience with weed. When I tell people the story they swear it wasn't weed. They think it was salvia. I trusted the dude I smoked with and we were all on the same bong and he says it was weed. Craziest i$h ever though. It's like, you don't even know your brain/body can experience something like that. Kinda made me look at life a little different too.
I've only had 1 bad experience with weed. When I tell people the story they swear it wasn't weed. They think it was salvia. I trusted the dude I smoked with and we were all on the same bong and he says it was weed. Craziest i$h ever though. It's like, you don't even know your brain/body can experience something like that. Kinda made me look at life a little different too.

**** salvia that **** is like bath salts
I've only had 1 bad experience with weed. When I tell people the story they swear it wasn't weed. They think it was salvia. I trusted the dude I smoked with and we were all on the same bong and he says it was weed. Craziest i$h ever though. It's like, you don't even know your brain/body can experience something like that. Kinda made me look at life a little different too.

You were smoking sherm
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