
dont understand why:

asking how much something cost is wack
asking how much you make is wack

i've never had a problem... i was at work, and my coworker proposed... i was like "damb brah. how much was the ring?"

my manager was like "ricky409!! you dont ask that!" i'm like whatever...

he laughed it off and didnt tell me... i guess i was wrong...

:frown: :frown:
Depends on the item. If it's high priced then I tell them I bought it a while ago and just tell them the brand of the item so they can look that up themselves. If it's not too expensive then I just tell them the retail price.

I hate when people ask me this question though. I feel like they're going to judge me for it regardless of whether item is higher or lower than they expected it to be.

so much truth to this.

When I wear something nice, I have a friend who ALWAYS asks me what brand it is and how much did it cost.

It's annoying cause once I tell him, he always tries to put me on the spot :smh:

Him in a loud voice "Oh why did you buy it, that's too expensive"

*points at the ugly polo he's wearing* "I bought this for $10 at Ross, it's South Pole"

bro who the **** wears South Pole tho

:stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface:
i don't really mind, especially if its something that you can easily find the price of online.

if its an item that the price varies, i guess i can see some people getting sensitive, but its not that big of a deal.
depends on what it is. if ti's a simple consumable or clearly less than a G, then no problem. but people asking about my house/watch/car, and it's clearly a faux pas. ***** trying to figure out how much i make/disposable income i have
Just say you got it for free.

Then when they ask how did you get it for free, just say "wouldn't you like to know?"

Then walk away.
if its my boys i usually telll them, after they ask me at least twice.
if i dont know you, then i tell em i got the hook up and keep it movin
I was talking to a coworker about this the other day. I hate that asking someones salary is taboo. The only person that this stigma benefits is the employer.

hmmm, talking salaries in the workplace just breeds bad energy (instead of focusing on yourself and your own performance and abilities, you focus on other people) . . . because let's say you found out you make more or less than your co-workers. would you respect more or respect less your co-workers that make more or less than you? maybe not able to take orders from co-workers that make less than you?
This is how me and my best friend met. He asked me how much I paid for my book bag during freshman year of college. :lol:
depends on what it is. if ti's a simple consumable or clearly less than a G, then no problem. but people asking about my house/watch/car, and it's clearly a faux pas. ***** trying to figure out how much i make/disposable income i have


i think this is more towards big purchase items
i think this is more towards big purchase items

yup ... if some body has a pair of kicks/piece of clothing/whatever I like, I'd have no problem saying "son those are dope how much they go for?" I'd never ask someone how much their house/whip etc. costs, though
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