
"More than you can afford pal."


it's just as classy when you people ask how much money do you make . . .
Doesn't bother me at all, regardless if it's a friend or not.  But I only ask friends that question...

Sometimes I'm genuinely curious about something cool and will ask a stranger. Moreso where they got it/what brand it is than how much they paid though.

I don't mind the question at all...maybe they're just curious because they want it for themselves? I don't see why people get so butthurt over this.

Usually ask this when if I'm interested in buying it for myself.

When others ask, I don't mind, I just tell them
It depends on the person for me. for example with my Vette, my close ppl I told them how much I paid. Strangers I would just say " a lot"

LOl i dont see the big deal in telling people how much u paid. its obvious with you having a Vette they know u paid big cash for it..

Somebody ask just to kick small talk, some people ask to know where the hook ups are at so when they get money they can get a hookup,

Its like me when i bought a hummer, People asked me, i had no problem saying how much I paid. They know hummers arent cheap
and to see

But I hate it when people say where did you get that from? lol erghhhh
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mind your got damn business, if you want to know what the product is and where you can find it then by all means. if you want to know if you can afford it, that's for you to find out.

stop worrying about other people's pockets and how they spend their money.
I don't mind the question at all...maybe they're just curious because they want it for themselves? I don't see why people get so butthurt over this.

Whats wrong with asking about someone's age?
I usually lie and make up a # anyway. No need to get all sensitive and act like there's no villas to rent in Tuscany.
i wouldn't do it unless its a really good friend. its just like asking what someone pulls in yearly. not in good taste
It's rude to axe strangers how much something costs. You dudes sound ratchet axing random person A how much they make, how much that watch cost that random person B has on. Minus whale axe them what their social is, cause you're just curious too.
I don't mind the question personally, I never ask that question but in the event that I do its only to help someone possibly save $ on a purchase
material secrecy. never underestood the big deal over not discussing the value of things.
If it's a lame...They get the, "Forgot, it's been a while ago".

Friend: Don't mind one bit..

Stranger: Depends how they approach me :lol:
Depends on the item and who's asking. Some people are just plain nosy while others may want to know so when they make the same or similar purchase (example: car, house, etc.), they can get a good price.
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I just don't like when people assume a lot of money was spent on something that I bought, when that's not always the case.
I don't mind. 

I don't think its that serious.
I do hate when they feel intimidated and comment with "I could get like 2 of em"
I was talking to a coworker about this the other day. I hate that asking someones salary is taboo. The only person that this stigma benefits is the employer.
This is a question that should never be asked even if you intend to buy, even if the person asking is close to you.

If you intend to buy it, you're going to buy it no matter the price.
If you only want to buy it at a reasonable price it shows the item doesn't really matter to you.
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